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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Training Opportunities

TBICoE offers training opportunities and resources along the care continuum of TBI management from prevention to recovery for military and civilian health care providers. These trainings and educational materials support TBICoE's clinical recommendations and tools, are free, and some offer continuing education credit.

Network dissemination coordinators are available to provide in-person or virtual training on our clinical tools. Email TBICoE's dissemination team to schedule.

Online Training on Joint Knowledge Online

Progressive Return to Activity Provider Training — DHA-US1226

TBICoE has developed and launched the Progressive Return to Activity Provider Training on DOD’s training platform, Joint Knowledge Online. This training is a convenient, detailed course that breaks down key concepts of the PRA clinical recommendation. It includes periodic knowledge checks, interactive content, and a case study to test the learner’s understanding of the content. There's a one-hour continuing education credit attached through DHA’s Continuing Education Program Office. (CAC authentication required.) Other self-guided training resources for the PRA are available below that don't require CAC authentication.

DHA-US1226 Progressive Return to Activity Training

Management of Headache Following Concussion — Updated Course Coming Soon

Need training now? Email the TBICoE dissemination team to schedule a virtual training.

Cognitive Rehabilitation for Service Members and Veterans Following Mild to Moderate TBI

This virtual training provides guidance on the clinical recommendation and associated web tool through a collaboration between TBICoE and the Veterans Health Administration Employee Education System, VHA Train. Continuing education units are offered for occupational therapists, speech language pathologists*, and psychologists. DOD providers must set up a VHA TRAIN account to take the training.

*Participants interested in ASHA credit may print a general certificate of participation at the end of the course and submit directly to their ASHA/CE broker for credit.

Go to the training on VHA TRAIN

Self-Guided Educational Materials

TBICoE provides complementary educational materials for some of our clinical recommendations and tools on the treatment of mild TBI.

The following videos make up the PRA self-guided video training series and are designed to support primary care providers' ability to manage concussion/traumatic brain injury. Download the easy-to-use Progressive Return to Activity clinical suite on the provider resources page.

For additional provider education information, email your request to the dissemination team.

Instructor-Led Virtual Training

Acute Concussion Care Pathway: MACE 2 & PRA Training

This is a combined MACE 2 and PRA clinical recommendation virtual training. These clinical tools align with the DHA-PI 6490.04, titled "Required Clinical Tools and Procedures for the Assessment and Clinical Management of mTBI in Non-Deployed Setting." Attendees may earn two CEUs through the Defense Health Agency Continuing Education Program Office.

TBICoE's Quarterly Education Series

The Quarterly Education Series is an enterprise-wide learning opportunity for MHS stakeholders. Since inception, the QES provides trainings and events that are relevant to the MHS, discussing specialty topics and current research related to traumatic brain injury.

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Thumbnail image for PRA Training video 3, understanding relative rest

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Thumbnail image of PRA Training Video 2, Six Major Changes

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PRA Training Video 5: The Six Stages of the PRA

Thumbnail image for PRA training video 5, the six stages of the PRA

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PRA Training Video 6: The Return to Duty Screening

Thumbnail image of PRA training video 6, the return to duty screening

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PRA Training Video 7: Symptom-Guided Management and Specialty Referral Guidance Tables

Thumbnail image of PRA training video 7, the symptom-guided management and specialty referral guidance tables.

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Thumbnail image of PRA training video 8, clinical case scenario.

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Thumbnail image of PRA training video 1, PRA overview.

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Progressive Return to Activity Following Acute Concussion/Mild TBI Provider Training

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Last Updated: May 20, 2024
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