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Military Health System

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Psychological Health by the Numbers

The Psychological Health Center of Excellence leverages its data analytics expertise to provide relevant, timely, and actionable information that supports evidence-based decision-making to improve psychological health care in the Military Health System. We use medical administrative data (i.e., data that’s routinely collected as part of care delivery or third-party billing) to support our analytic efforts. The datasets we use contain information about care delivered directly in military treatment facilities as well as civilian-sector care covered by TRICARE and include: 

  • Patient demographics (e.g., age, sex, military status) 
  • Recorded diagnoses according to the International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes
  • Medical procedures/activities performed (based on a variety of medical procedural codes) 
  • Care settings (e.g., primary care, specialty mental health, or emergency department) 
  • Prescriptions written and medications dispensed 
  • Provider information (e.g., medical specialty, credentialing level, or assigned clinic) 
  • Cost of care delivered

Our analytic services can assist with your needs for clinical surveillance, program evaluation, medical intelligence, and data visualization.

We can deliver information about the prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions among service members and answer questions such as those provided below. (Click on each question to reveal the answer.) 

PHCoE supports requests from within the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, and some non-government organizations and institutions.

Psychological Health Analytics 
Read or download this brochure to learn more about our data analytics services.

For assistance with your psychological health analytics needs, email the PHCoE Analytics team:


As shown, the incidence and prevalence of mental health disorders in active duty service members has fluctuated over time.

Prevalence and Incidence of Mental Health Disorders Amongst ADSMs by CY; 508-compliant version found at

View 508-compliant version of the Prevalence and Incidence of Mental Health Disorders Amongst ADSMs by CY table (Excel spreadsheet, 20K)


As shown, the incidence of PTSD among active-duty service members in the U.S. Air Force increased by 1.8 percent between 2005 and 2019 to 2.35 percent in 2019.

Incidence of PTSD among active-duty service members in the U.S. Air Force, 2005-2019


As shown, the prevalence of adjustment disorder among active-duty members of the U.S. Navy grew to more than 5 percent in 2019. 

Prevalence of adjustment disorder among active-duty members of the U.S. Navy, 2005-2019


As this graph shows, adjustment disorder was the most frequently diagnosed condition among service members in all branches of the U.S. military in 2019.

Incidence of diagnosed mental health conditions in all branches of U.S. Military in 2019

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Last Updated: April 17, 2023
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