DHA Policy Memo |
25-002 |
Risk Appropriate Maternal and Neonatal Care |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum addresses risk-based stratification of the obstetric population, based upon the level of maternal and neonatal care offered at every military medical treatment facility. |
01/24/2025 |
1025.02 |
Standard Form 182 Administration, Change 1 |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency procedures for the Administration of Standard Form 182, Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training. |
01/16/2025 |
3216.01 |
Protecting Human Subjects in Research |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s oversight procedures for all DHA conducted or supported research with humans, human data, or human specimens. |
01/03/2025 |
6025.33 |
Standard Processes for Establishing and Maintaining Patient and Family Partnership Councils at Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
The 2017 National Defense Authorization Act Section 731, directed the establishment of advisory committees at each military medical treatment facility. |
12/19/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-031 |
Referral of Gender-Affirming Surgery to Private Sector Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Active Duty Service Members |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum establishes supplemental guidance to existing policy and procedures outlining standardized processes for military medical treatment facilities and Defense Health Networks to coordinate care and refer medically necessary treatment of gender dysphoria of transgender and gender-diverse Active Duty Service Members to Private Sector Care. |
12/09/2024 |
3200.02 |
Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedures |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to authorize investigation of alleged research misconduct in Public Health Service supported research. |
11/19/2024 |
6040.01 |
Sharing Beneficiary Healthcare Data through the Joint Health Information Exchange Program |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to implement DoD policy, assign responsibilities, and provide instructions regarding the execution of the joint Health Information Exchange program for Military Health System healthcare beneficiaries. It also establishes options for eligible jHIE participants to opt out of sharing information through the jHIE. Opting out withholds sharing of beneficiary health information to private-sector partners and provider networks. The group eligible to opt out of jHIE information sharing includes non-active-duty beneficiaries who receive healthcare through the MHS. |
11/19/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24.029 |
Defense Health Agency Uniform Business Office Enterprise Compliance Plan Implementation Policy for Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum addresses the adoption and implementation of a standardized, enterprise-wide compliance program for DHA Uniform Business Office military medical treatment facilities. |
11/14/2024 |
6015.24 |
Graduate Medical Education, Change 1 |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency procedures for the oversight, establishment, and governance of Graduate Medical Education programs.
11/07/2024 |
6025.30 |
Military Medical Treatment Facility Outpatient Pharmacy Prescription Dispensing |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to implement standardized and efficient procedures related to military medical treatment facility outpatient pharmacy prescription dispensing. |
11/06/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-023 |
Optimizing Enlisted Scope of Practice in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
The Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum establishes the expectation that the Defense Health Networks will provide the opportunity for skills sustainment of enlisted health care personnel to ensure they operate to their full scope of practice in accordance with Service-specific guidelines, regardless of military medical treatment facility assignment. |
10/17/2024 |
6040.02 |
Military Health System Health Information Technology Systems Training |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the standards for development of Military Health System enterprise training related to Health Information Technology systems. For the purposes of this DHA-AI, the term “HIT system” includes electronic health record systems. |
10/03/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-018 |
Policy on Walking Blood Banks in the Contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum provides guidance regarding walking blood banks for emergency blood collection at military medical treatment facilities located in the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories. |
10/03/2024 |
6025.24 |
Informed Consent for Medical and Dental Treatments and Procedures |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for obtaining informed consent required for a specific occurrence of a treatment, procedure, and/or therapeutic course of care. This DHA-AI does not address consent for human subjects’ research or sexual assault forensic examinations of adults, adolescents, and minors. |
09/18/2024 |
6025-34 |
Guidance for Implementing and Integrating Inpatient Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention Across the Defense Health Agency |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency procedures to oversee, standardize, and endorse the implementation of an evidence-based fall prevention program for the adult and pediatric inpatient population throughout all military medical treatment facilities that provide inpatient services. And identify and implement fall prevention strategies that support and improve health outcomes for DHA beneficiaries. |
09/13/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-026 |
Termination of Body Worn Camera Programs |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum directs military medical treatment facility Directors to immediately terminate Body Worn Camera programs and properly dispose of BWCs and BWC footage. |
09/10/2024 |
6025.37 |
Animal Access to Defense Health Agency Administered and Managed Facilities |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s guidance on the development of procedures and local policies for animal access to DHA-administered and managed facilities. |
08/22/2024 |
8100.02 |
Defense Health Agency Medical Libraries |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures and assigns responsibilities for managing, overseeing, and administering the DHA medical libraries in the J-7, Education & Training Directorate. |
08/22/2024 |
24.005 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support Interim Materiel Ordering Procedures |
This Defense Health Agency Interim Procedures Memorandum establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to implement instructions, assign responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for medical materiel management at the customer level. |
08/16/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-020 |
Utilizing Enterprise Task Management Software Solution for Defense Health Agency Operations Center Requests for Assistance or Information |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum establishes a standard operating procedure for submitting Requests for Assistance and Requests for Information to the DHA Operations Center J33. |
08/14/2024 |
4165.02 |
Classification of Work for Real Property |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction, establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for classification of real property facilities work for all Defense Health Program funded work within DHA facilities. |
08/14/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-016 |
Allowed Modifications on Paper Prescriptions for Schedule II Controlled Substance Medications for Military Medical Treatment Facility Pharmacies |
This policy memorandum provides guidelines for pharmacists to modify paper prescriptions for schedule II, controlled substance medications. |
07/08/2024 |
24-0024 |
Medical Logistics Guidance for the Sustainment Support of Medical Device and Equipment of External Entities |
This Defense Health Agency Interim Procedures Memorandum, establishes the DHA procedures for the management and execution of the sustainment of medical device and equipment from external (non-DHA) entities and agencies by DHA military medical treatment facility Healthcare Technology Management Sustainment Departments. |
06/06/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
Sending and Receiving PHI by Facsimile 2024 |
The Department of Defense Manual DoDM 6025.18, Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule in DoD Health Care Programs, requires that DoD covered entities have in place reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the privacy of PHI. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule (45 CFR 164.530 (c)(2)(ii)), sets forth the requirements to limit incidental uses or disclosures made pursuant to an otherwise permitted or required use or disclosure. |
06/01/2024 |
6025.36 |
Ready Reliable Care Safety Communication Bundle |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establishes procedures for implementing, measuring, and sustaining the Ready Reliable Care Safety Communication Bundle. |
05/30/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-015 |
Office of General Counsel Legal Personnel and Services |
Addresses legal services and support to Defense Health Agency enterprise legal personnel, hereinafter referred to as DHA Office of General Counsel legal professionals. |
05/22/2024 |
6025.31 |
Guidance for Implementation of the Postpartum Hemorrhage Bundle |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for military medical treatment facilities providing inpatient obstetrical services to implement standardized postpartum hemorrhage bundle practices. |
05/17/2024 |
6025.12 |
Standard Processes for Executive Medicine Services in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s guidance for governance and activities in military medical treatment facility Executive Medicine Services to provide primary care and optimize executive wellness on a space available basis. |
05/17/2024 |
7000.01 |
Defense Health Agency Gift Funds and Donations |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to review and approve acceptance of gifts that are proffered to the Defense Health Agency, including DHA Headquarters, Defense Health Networks, military medical treatment facilities, and dental treatment facilities. |
05/17/2024 |
6025.26 |
Management of Substance Use Disorder |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to assign responsibilities for alcohol and drug misuse identification, diagnosis, and treatment for active-duty service members and other eligible beneficiaries. |
05/17/2024 |
24-003 |
System Positions and User Accounts Required for Medical Device Integration with MHS GENESIS |
Establishes DHA procedures to prescribe requirements, including limiting functions, for Healthcare Technology Management professionals in MHS GENESIS. |
04/19/2024 |
6025.32 |
Provision of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for Persons at High Risk of Acquiring HIV Infection |
Increases awareness of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis indications and medication availability to prevent acquisition of new Human Immunodeficiency Virus infections in service members and other beneficiaries and reduce unnecessary losses to force health and readiness due to new HIV infections. |
03/26/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-011 |
TRICARE Program Access to Care (Private Sector Networks) Standards |
This Defense Health Agency Policy Memorandum, fully documents the DHA guidance regarding access-to-care standards for private sector network sources of care. |
03/25/2024 |
8400.01 |
Acceptable Use of Defense Health Agency Information Technology |
This Defense Health Agency Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency policy for acceptable use of DHA Information Technology by Authorized Users and Privileged Users, as well as the procedures for establishing, maintaining, and disseminating said policy. This DHA-AI also establishes the standard process through which DHA IT access requests are made for both Authorized Users and Privileged Users. |
03/07/2024 |
6490.02 |
inTransition Program |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for sustaining the Department of Defense inTransition Program for service members transferring or separating from the military who are receiving mental health and/or moderate to severe traumatic brain injury care. |
03/07/2024 |
21-003 |
MHS GENESIS Training |
Assigns responsibility to individual DHA components to ensure MHS GENESIS end users are properly trained prior to being granted access to the electronic health record system. |
02/23/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-012 |
New Standardized Deductions for General Dental Care, Specialty Dental Care, and Graduate Dental Education |
Establishes the first standardized deductions to be utilized by DHA military medical treatment facilities and dental treatment facilities for general dental care, specialty dental care, and graduate dental education. |
02/06/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-005 |
Mandatory Use of the Defense Health Agency Centralized Credentials Verification Service |
Establishes the requirement for the primary source verification of credentials for credentialing and privileging providers. |
02/01/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-007 |
Health Related Social Needs, Screening for Food Insecurity, and Military Family Readiness System Collaboration |
Provides guidance on screening for food insecurity as a health-related social need; and directs MTF leadership to communicate HRSN efforts with Military Family Readiness System members. |
01/30/2024 |
3200.02 |
Scientific Review of Clinical Investigations in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA’s procedures for scientific review of clinical investigations and research within military hospitals and clinics. Incorporating change 1. |
01/30/2024 |
4000.01 |
Property Accountability and Management of General Equipment (GE) - Change 1 |
Establish accountability and management of all assigned GE to include medical devices. |
01/22/2024 |
DHA Policy Memo |
24-009 |
Pathology Subspecialty Consultation via the Joint Pathology Center |
Establishes the Joint Pathology Center as a function to provide secondary pathology consultation for military Medical Treatment Facilities that provide anatomic pathology services. |
01/03/2024 |
8140.01 |
Service Limitation Events and Recovery Procedures for Enterprise Clinical Systems |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency procedures for the continuity of health care operations through ordinarily-occurring scheduled or unscheduled enterprise clinical systems service limitation events, as well as guidance for recovery thereafter. |
12/14/2023 |
8170.02 |
Guidance for the Public Release of Authored Works |
Establishes DHA's procedures for ensuring timely public affairs review and approval for the release of works authored by DHA personnel in an official capacity prior to publication or presentation. |
12/05/2023 |
DHA Policy Memo |
23-014 |
Military Medical Treatment Facility Management of Self-Initiated Referral Process for Mental Health Evaluations of Service Members |
Provides information and guidance on military medical treatment facility procedures for a process that enables Service members to trigger a referral on their own for a mental health evaluation through a commanding officer or supervisor in a grade above E-5. |
11/28/2023 |
5015.01 |
Records Management Program |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s Records Management Program. |
11/21/2023 |
6025.09 |
Walk-in Contraception Services at Military Medical Treatment Facilities - Change 2 |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for implementation of walk- in contraception services at all Military Medical Treatment Facilities, for Active Duty members of the Armed Forces and for eligible beneficiaries of the Military Health System on a space available basis. |
11/16/2023 |
6025.07 |
Utilization of Anesthesia Services in the Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to provide responsibilities for the management of Military Medical Treatment Facilities Anesthesia Services. |
11/08/2023 |
DHA Policy Memo |
23-007 |
Defense Health Agency Anti-Harassment Policy Memorandum |
Provides guidance on the Anti-Harassment Program, managed by the Defense Health Agency Force Resilience Office. |
10/30/2023 |
6025.18 |
Casualty Reporting and Decedent Affairs Procedures |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to prescribe standard guidelines for Patient Administration, military Medical Treatment Facilities responsibilities for processing death cases that occur within the MTF, and the identification, tracking, and reporting of patients in Special Categories who are Very Seriously Ill or Injured, Seriously Ill or Injured, and Non-Seriously Ill or Injured. |
10/27/2023 |
081 |
Employee use of Information Technology |
Establishes procedures for DOD employees and Defense Contractors of the Defense Health Agency on the proper use of DHA IT assets as authorized and/or privileged users. |
10/23/2023 |
DHA Policy Memo |
23-010 |
Parental Access to Protected Health Information of Unemancipated Minors |
Provides guidance on disclosure of protected health information of unemancipated minors to their legal personal representative(s) by staff at DHA military medical treatment facilities. |
10/05/2023 |
DHA Policy Memo |
23-009 |
Nutritional Medicine Subsistence and Meal Accounting |
Provides guidance on the management of patient, staff and guest feeding, subsistence and meal service accounting to enhance stewardship and support excellent patient care. |
10/05/2023 |
6025.28 |
Defense Health Agency Program for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Support of the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for the development, implementation, and review of the DHA Antimicrobial Stewardship Program. |
10/05/2023 |
7040.03 |
Defense Health Program Stockpile Materials |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing the Military Health System’s stockpile materials and to establish and maintain financial accountability and effective internal controls for accurate financial reporting. |
10/03/2023 |
DHA Policy Memo |
23-002 |
Repeal of 2-Year Probationary Period |
Repeals the 2-year probationary period implemented in Fiscal Year 2016. |
09/19/2023 |
5010.02 |
Comprehensive Onboarding and Offboarding Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for ensuring effective arrival, integration, and departure (onboarding and offboarding) of Agency employees and uniformed Service members assigned to, hired by, working at, or working for the DHA, herein collectively referred to as “employee(s)." |
09/19/2023 |
6430.03 |
Medical Logistics Materiel Quality Procedures, Change 1 |
Establishes standard medical logistics processes to receive, disseminate, adjudicate, and report Hazard Alert and Recall messages and Product Quality Deficiency Reports. |
09/06/2023 |
6055.02 |
Emergency Management Program |
Establishes and implements the DHA Emergency Management Program. |
08/25/2023 |
1402.02 |
Merit Promotion and Placement Plan, Change 1 |
Establishes DHA's policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the selection of employees covered by merit promotion and in-service placement. Incorporating Change 1, Aug. 17, 2023. |
08/17/2023 |
6310.01 |
Healthcare Management of Patients Associated with Interpersonal Violence and the Department of Defense Forensic Healthcare Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures to achieve a patient-centered, trauma-informed health care response when: a patient discloses interpersonal violence such as sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, or other acts of unwanted violence (excluding combat injuries). |
08/10/2023 |
6025.02 |
Advance Directives |
Establishes DHA's procedures on providing patient educational materials and administrative filing of the advance directive medical legal correspondence into the DOD Health Record at military medical treatment facilities. |
07/27/2023 |
6025.17 |
Military Medical Treatment Facility Pharmacy Formulary Policy |
Establishes DHA's procedures to implement standardized and efficient Military Medical Treatment Facility Pharmacy Operations. |
07/27/2023 |
8430.01 |
Health Informatics Responsibilities for Major Release Upgrades to Health Information Technology Systems |
Establishes the DHA's procedures for Health Informatics software upgrade release management. |
07/23/2023 |
5210.01 |
Physical Security Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the implementation of an agency-wide Physical Security Program. |
07/12/2023 |
6430.08 |
Joint Deployment Formulary |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide guidance for the utilization of the Joint Deployment Formulary. |
06/27/2023 |
3216.01 |
Protecting Human Subjects in Research |
Establishes DHA oversight procedures for all DHA conducted or supported research with humans, human data, or human specimens. |
05/31/2023 |
DHA Policy Memo |
23-005 |
Defense Health Agency Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Policy Memo |
Provides guidance on the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program within the DHA. |
05/31/2023 |
5010.01 |
Forms Management Program, Change 1 |
Establishes DHA's procedures to manage and maintain the DHA Forms Management Program. |
05/12/2023 |
5015.02 |
Email Management |
Assigns responsibilities and establishes procedures for managing and retaining emails using the National Archives and Records Administration's Capstone Email Management Approach. |
05/08/2023 |
5200.07 |
Foreign National Vetting and Network Account Policy |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures for the Foreign National Vetting and Network Account Policy. |
05/08/2023 |
6430.10 |
Use of Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support as the Authoritative Information System of Record for Medical Logistics Enterprise Activity |
Establishes use of the DMLSS System as the authoritative Information System. |
03/10/2023 |
6430.05 |
Shelf-Life Extension Program, Change 1 |
Establishes DHA's procedures to manage and provide guidance on the SLEP within the Military Health System and contingency operations. |
03/10/2023 |
6490.01 |
Behavioral Health System of Care |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s standardized behavioral healthcare delivery system within military medical treatment facilities. |
02/22/2023 |
6465.01 |
Anatomic Gifts and Tissue Donation |
Establishes DHA's procedures for organ and tissue donation. This applies to the donation of human organs and tissues, for transplantation, therapy, research, or education.. |
02/17/2023 |
6025.08 |
Pain Management and Opioid Safety in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes the VA-DOD Stepped Care Model for Pain Management as the comprehensive standardized pain management model for the DHA to provide consistent, quality, and safe care for patients with pain with an emphasis on multidisciplinary, multi-modal, and nonpharmacologic pain management |
02/08/2023 |
4165.01 |
Mandatory Use of the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support Facilities Management/LogiCole Facilities Management Systems |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the mandatory use of the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support-Facilities Management, and its technical replacement system known as LogiCole Facilities Management as the Computer-Aided Facilities Management and Computerized Maintenance Management System systems of record. |
02/07/2023 |
1000.01 |
Telework Program and Remote Work |
Implements Reference, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for implementing the DHA Telework Program and Remote Work.
02/07/2023 |
4000.03 |
Reliability Centered Maintenance Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the implementation of a Reliability Centered Maintenance Program, including Condition Based Maintenance, for DHA sustained facilities. |
12/30/2022 |
5400.01 |
Privacy and Civil Liberties Compliance |
Establishes DHA's procedures for achieving and managing compliance within the DHA for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act policy development and guidance, and various privacy and civil liberties initiatives. |
12/30/2022 |
6025.16 |
Surgical and Procedural Patient Safety Practices |
Establishes DHA's procedures to improve the quality and safety of medical care provided to beneficiaries by standardizing various processes. |
12/29/2022 |
5200.05 |
Child Care Background Check Program |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to perform background checks on individuals whose primary duties require regular contact with children under the age of 18. |
12/21/2022 |
1025.03 |
Continued Service Agreement |
Establishes DHA's procedures to implement the Government Employees Training Act. |
12/08/2022 |
4000.04 |
Facilities Enterprise Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization |
Establishes DHA's policy and procedures for the sustainment, restoration, modernization, and operation of facilities assigned to DHA. |
12/08/2022 |
7045.01 |
Fiscal Guidance for Facility Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization Funding Activities |
Establishes DHA's procedures to guide DHA Operation & Maintenance Facility Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization funds management and funds flow articulates stakeholder roles, responsibilities, and functions as delineated within the DHA’s centralized process for executing FSRM. |
12/08/2022 |
6430.10 |
Pandemic Stockpile Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures to manage Pandemic Stockpiles, inventory management, and the accountability of stockpiles stored at military hospitals and clinics. |
12/06/2022 |
6430.01 |
Operational Medical Materiel Analysis Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for providing analytical support to the MILDEP in the management of operational assemblages. |
11/30/2022 |
6025.48 |
Mandatory Use of Defense Health Agency Enterprise (Off-Site) Teleradiology Services Contract by Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
To instruct MTFs on the mandatory use of the DHA Enterprise Teleradiology Services Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity contract. |
11/28/2022 |
6025.11 |
Birth Certificate and Birth Reporting Procedures |
Establishes DHA's procedures for birth certificate and reporting at military medical treatment facilities. |
11/18/2022 |
1025.02 |
Education, Training, and Clinical Readiness Activities in the Military Health System |
Establishes DHA's procedures to manage education, training, and clinical readiness activities across the MHS. |
11/14/2022 |
1025.02 |
Standard Form 182 Administration |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the Administration of Standard Form (SF) 182, “Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training.” |
11/03/2022 |
5136.03 |
Delegation of Authority and Assignment of Responsibility for Administration and Management of Direct Care |
Establishes DHA's delegations of authority and responsibility for the management of MTFs and DTFs transferred from Military Departments to control of the DHA. |
11/03/2022 |
1430.01 |
Competitive Programs |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the Workforce Development Branch program directives. |
10/27/2022 |
6025.14 |
Defense Health Agency Cancer Registry Program |
Creates DHA’s procedures to establish common and uniform guidelines, standards, and procedures for all DOD military medical treatment facilities providing oncological medical services to MHS beneficiaries. |
10/19/2022 |
DHA Policy Memo |
22-011 |
180-Day Waiver Delegation Update |
Delegates the authority to approve the appointment of retired members of the Armed Forces, within 180 days after retirement, to Market/Small and Market Stand-alone Organizations/Defense Health Agency Regions Directors. |
10/18/2022 |
DHA Policy Memo |
22-013 |
Authorized Nonlethal Weapons and Devices for Defense Health Agency Security Guards |
Identifies all approved nonlethal weapons and devices authorized for use by DHA security guards. |
09/29/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 9 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support–Volume 9, Financial Procedures |
Establishes DHA's instructions for using the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support application. |
09/27/2022 |
6025.02 |
The Care and Use of Animals in DOD Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) or Training Programs |
Establishes the procedures to set forth the policies for care and use of animals used in Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation that is conducted at any location by DOD programs. |
09/01/2022 |
6430.08 |
Controlled Medical Items Management for Medical Logistics Areas |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide policy and procedures necessary for managing controlled medical items within DHA's Medical Logistics departments. |
08/29/2022 |
8220.01 |
Lifecycle Management Services Information Technology Asset Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures for implementing and managing Information Technology. |
08/19/2022 |
4270.01 |
Sustainment Management System (SMS) BUILDER Site Support for Real Property Assets |
Establishes DHA's procedures for collecting and managing data in the DHA SMS-BUILDER database. |
08/18/2022 |
DHA Policy Memo |
22-006 |
Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance |
Provides supplemental, ongoing guidance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
08/18/2022 |
1241.01 |
Permanent Change of Station for Civilian Employees |
Establishes DHA's procedures for payment of travel, transportation, and relocation expenses for new appointees and employees transferred in the interest of the Government. |
08/09/2022 |
6025.06 |
Suicide Risk Care Pathway for Adult Patients in the Defense Health Agency |
Establishes DHA's procedures to screen and comprehensively assess patients in the DHA for suicide risk. |
08/09/2022 |
6000.02 |
Photography, Videotaping, Filming, Recording, and Imaging of Patients, Visitors, and Staff |
Establishes DHA's policies concerning the production of still images, videos, and audio recordings of patients, visitors, and staff.. |
08/05/2022 |
3200.02 |
Clinical Investigation Program in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes procedures for the funding and administration of the CIP within DOD MTFs. |
08/05/2022 |
4165.01, Volume 6 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support - Facilities Management: Volume 6, Preventive Maintenance Schedule Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing data in the MHS Computer Aided Facility Management/Computerized Maintenance Management System of record. |
07/22/2022 |
6430.09 |
Defense Health Agency Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Joint Operations Center |
Establishes the DHA Medical Logistics Joint Operations Center. |
07/01/2022 |
1402.01 |
Incentives to Attract and Retain Civilian Employees |
Establishes procedures to assign responsibilities and establishes procedures for the DHA’s recruitment, retention, and relocation incentives that may be used to attract and retain top-quality civilian employees.
07/01/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 1 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 1, General and Administrative |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
07/01/2022 |
1340.01 |
Pay Setting Policy |
Establishes DHA civilian personnel policies and procedures for pay setting determinations in instances where law, regulation, or other policy permits discretion. |
07/01/2022 |
6025.01 |
DOD Hazardous Food and Nonprescription Drug Recall System |
Establishes DHA's procedures to be followed when recalls are issued for hazardous food, nonprescription drugs, dietary supplements, nonprescription medical devices, health and beauty aid items, and pet food which may be in military accounts. |
06/27/2022 |
6025.13, Volumes 1-7 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System |
Ensures an orderly and seamless transition of the administration and management of military hospitals and clinics from the Military Departments to the DHA. |
06/27/2022 |
4140.01 |
Accreditation and Certification Compliance Management for Defense Health Agency-Assigned Facilities |
Provides supplemental guidance on facility-related issues that support, and will be coordinated within, the DHA’s procedures for the accreditation and certification compliance management program. |
06/13/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 10 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 10, DMLSS Reports |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
06/08/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 7 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 7, Equipment Management and Equipment Maintenance |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
06/08/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 8 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 8, Assemblage Management |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
05/26/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 4 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 4, Inventory Management |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
05/20/2022 |
8140.02 |
The Military Health System Informatics Steering Committee Structure |
Establishes DHA's procedures to establish and operate Informatics Steering Committees. |
05/19/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 5 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 5, Inventory and Quality Control |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
05/10/2022 |
4000.02 |
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss |
Establishes DHA's Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss procedures for documenting the loss, damage, destruction, or theft of property. |
05/09/2022 |
DHA Policy Memo |
22-004 |
Defense Health Agency Workplace Guidance for Final Reentry of Civilian Personnel |
Outlines DHA’s guidance for the final reentry of civilian personnel to the workplace. |
05/04/2022 |
3200.01 |
Research Subject Compensation |
Establishes DHA's responsibilities, procedures, and guidance for the compensation of study subjects for their participation in human subject research within the DHA's research programs. |
04/28/2022 |
4000.03 |
Energy and Water Resource Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the management of energy and water resources consumed at all DHA components. |
04/28/2022 |
6430.09 |
Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Customer Support Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide a direct channel of communication between the DHA MEDLOG Directorate, Direct Reporting Organization (DRO) MEDLOG accounts, DRO Directors, Direct Reporting Market Directors, and assist DHA MEDLOG accounts in executing the MEDLOG mission across the Enterprise. |
04/27/2022 |
6055.01 |
Safety Program |
Establishes DHA’s procedures and assigns responsibilities for the implementation, sustainment, operation, and maintenance of the DHA Safety Program. |
04/25/2022 |
4270.01 |
Authority to Administer Military Construction and Repair for DHA Facilities |
Establishes DHA's authority to administer design, repair, and construction programs for facilities within the DHA. |
04/15/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 6 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 6, Customer Applications |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
04/11/2022 |
6430.02, Volume 2 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support: Volume 2, Systems Administration |
Provides medical logistics personnel and other DMLSS users with the technical guidance procedures to carry out the medical logistics support mission. |
04/07/2022 |
5025.01 |
Publication System |
Promulgates guidance, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the development, coordination, approval, and review of the DHA's Publication System. |
04/01/2022 |
4710.01 |
Sustainability Program |
Establishes the DHA's instructions to execute the Sustainability Program. |
04/01/2022 |
6025.16 |
Processes and Procedures for Implementation of Standardized Perinatal Training |
Establishes DHA's procedures to describe standard processes and criteria for developing and sustaining comprehensive systems to provide, assess, and monitor standardized training for perinatal healthcare personnel providing services to patients/birth parents and their infants at military medical treatment facilities. |
03/25/2022 |
4140.01 |
Medical Logistics Temperature Sensitive Medical Products Management |
Establishes DHA’s procedures for handling and storing Temperature Sensitive Medical Products. |
03/22/2022 |
6000.01 |
Medical Modeling and Simulation Requirements and Implementation Guidance for Training |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to: oversee, manage, and administer Medical Modeling and Simulation functions across the Military Health System. Also, identifies, develops, and implements medical training MM&S strategies to improve outcomes, determine measures of effectiveness, reduce training variability, and optimize return on investment. |
03/11/2022 |
7050.01 |
Coordination of Remedies for Fraud and Corruption Related to Procurement Activities |
Establishes the Office of General Counsel as DHA’s centralized organization for the monitoring and coordinating of remedies in all significant procurement fraud cases.
02/28/2022 |
6025.04 |
Standardization of Depression and Suicide Risk Screening in Primary Care During and Subsequent to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic |
Establishes DHA's procedures to screen for depression and suicide risk in the Military Health System during and subsequent to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
01/25/2022 |
6015.01 |
Electrical Safety Standards in Defense Health Agency Facility Patient Care Vicinities |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to mitigate the risk of line powered electrical equipment in the proximity of patients. |
01/11/2022 |
4180.01 |
Emergency Power, Standby Generators, and Stored Energy Power Systems |
Establishes DHA's procedures for identifying when, where, and what type of emergency power and/or standby generators are acceptable and appropriate for use within DHA-assigned facilities. |
01/05/2022 |
6025.02, Volume 2 |
DOD Health Record Lifecycle Management, Volume 2: Outpatient Record Components and Dental Records |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide guidelines for the lifecycle management of the DOD Health Record. |
12/16/2021 |
6485.01 |
Guidance for the Identification, Treatment, and Care of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among Persons Infected with HIV |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the clinical management of HIV-infected Service members. |
12/10/2021 |
4165.01, Volume 7 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support - Facilities Management: Volume 7, Work Request Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing data in the Military Health System’s Computer Aided Facility Management and Computerized Maintenance Management System of record. |
12/09/2021 |
6010.03 |
Defense Medical Information System (DMIS) Identifier (ID) Management Procedures |
Establishes procedures for DMIS ID table maintenance within the Military Health System. |
12/09/2021 |
6430.07 |
Medical Logistics Inventory Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures for effective inventory management. |
12/08/2021 |
7040.02 |
Construction in Progress |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing the Military Health System’s construction in progress. |
12/08/2021 |
6000.11 |
Autopsies During Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic |
Procedures for conducting post-mortem autopsies during the COVID-19 pandemic response. |
12/07/2021 |
5136.01 |
Defense Health Agency Terms of Reference |
Establishes the official organizational alignment and functional distribution of responsibilities for accomplishing the missions assigned to the DHA. |
11/24/2021 |
6000.12 |
TRICARE Medical Plan Enrollment Instructions and Management Responsibilities |
Establishes DHA’s enrollment/disenrollment instructions and management responsibilities in the Military Health System. |
11/24/2021 |
6025.02, Volume 1 |
DOD Health Record Lifecycle Management, Volume 1: General Principles, Custody and Control, and Inpatient Records |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to provide guidelines for the lifecycle management of the DOD Health Record.
11/23/2021 |
7040.01 |
Defense Health Program General Equipment |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing the Military Health System’s general equipment. |
11/17/2021 |
4165.01, Volume 5 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support - Facilities Management: Volume 5, Preventive Maintenance Procedures Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing PM data in the Military Health System’s DMLSS-FM. |
11/16/2021 |
6025.42 |
Routine Adult Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE) Standards for all Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) |
Establishes DHA's standards for performance of routine adult TTE across military hospitals and clinics.
11/04/2021 |
DHA Policy Memo |
21-004 |
Policy Memorandum on the Defense Health Agency Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Attestation, Screening Testing, and Vaccination Verification |
Provides guidance on the implementation of vaccination, attestation, and testing requirements to reduce the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19. |
11/03/2021 |
7100.01 |
Capital Investment Decision Model |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the Capital Investment Decision Model. |
10/23/2021 |
6015.03 |
Medical Readiness Services Provided to Members of the Reserve Components (RC) in Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and Dental Treatment Facilities (DTFs) |
Procedures to establish guidance to provide medical readiness services, for RC Service members on duty other than active duty for a period of more than 30 days. |
10/23/2021 |
6040.06 |
Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Medical Gas Services |
This Defense Health Agency-Procedures Manual establishes the Defense Health Agency’s (DHA’s) procedures to provide guidance and regulatory requirements to DHA Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and DHA Dental Treatment Facilities (DTF) on the management of medical gas in a manner which minimizes occupational exposure, protects both the environment and the public, and ensures compliance with appropriate Federal, State, and local regulations. |
10/18/2021 |
4000.02 |
Medical Devices and Equipment Requirements Management |
Establishes DHA’s process to manage MDE requirements for the DHA Medical Logistics Enterprise. |
10/18/2021 |
6010.02 |
MHS Prescription Drug Monitoring Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures to utilize the Military Health System Prescription Drug Monitoring Program when prescribing and/or dispensing controlled substances.
10/15/2021 |
6430.07 |
Freight Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures to prescribe policy and assign responsibilities for freight management to include DHA Transportation Account Code management. |
10/14/2021 |
6430.11 |
Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) Biomedical Equipment Program |
Establishes standard DHA processes and procedures for covering HTM functions. |
10/14/2021 |
6430.11 |
Healthcare Technology Management Biomedical Equipment Program |
This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction establishes standard Defense Health Agency processes and procedures for covering HTM functions, including Biomedical Maintenance and Quality Control for Medical Devices and Equipment to ensure a safe, efficient, effective, and reliable healthcare environment for staff and patients. |
10/14/2021 |
8000.01 |
Information Technology Infrastructure Service Delivery Management Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for requesting, managing, and delivering high quality Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure services.
10/05/2021 |
3200.01 |
Reimbursement of Research Related Expenses for Clinical Investigations in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA’s procedures for reimbursement of research-related expenses for clinical investigations in military hospitals and clinics. |
10/05/2021 |
4100.01 |
Sustainment Restoration and Modernization (SRM) Enterprise Project List (EPL) |
Establishes DHA's procedures for developing a capital investment project prioritization list for DHA’s inventory of real property assets. |
10/04/2021 |
6440.01 |
Governance of the Military Health System Clinical Laboratories |
Establishes DHA's procedures to govern clinical laboratories across the Military Health System. |
09/20/2021 |
6025.01 |
Routing of Applications for Health Care Eligibility Under the Secretarial Designee (SECDES) Program and Related Special Authorities |
Establishes DHA's procedures in routing the SECDES application packages for military hospitals and clinics within DHA’s certified Markets. |
09/14/2021 |
4140.01 |
Normalization of Medical Devices and Equipment (MDE) and General Equipment |
Establishes DHA's procedures to prescribe normalized device codes, nomenclature, and Accountable Property System of Record data points for MDE and General Equipment. |
09/13/2021 |
7040.01 |
Defense Health Program Internal Use Software |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing the Military Health System’s Internal Use Software (IUS). |
09/07/2021 |
6400.01 |
Humane Slaughter of Animals in DOD Programs |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide guidance and describe procedures for the humane slaughter of animals in DOD survival training programs. |
09/07/2021 |
6000.07 |
Joint Medical Executive Skills Program and Learning Continuum |
Procedures to implement policy, assign responsibilities, and provide procedures for the implementation and management of the Joint Medical Executive Skills Program.
09/03/2021 |
6410.03 |
Process and Procedures for Implementation of Standardized Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography Operations and Training |
Establishes DHA's procedures for using standardized cone beam computed tomography at military dental treatment facilities. |
08/26/2021 |
6430.08 |
Medical Logistics Order Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the effective order management of medical supplies. |
08/25/2021 |
6025.39 |
Medical Ethics in the Military Health System |
Establishes standards for the implementation of the DOD Medical Ethics Program. |
08/20/2021 |
8400.02 |
Financial Management of Information Technology Systems and Services |
Provides overarching guidance, implement procedures, and manage aspects of the Defense Health Program’s Financial Management of Information Technology Systems and Services. |
08/02/2021 |
1025.01 |
Course Development |
Establishes DHA's procedures for development of curriculum and other course materials used to conduct and administer formal training programs within the DHA. |
07/22/2021 |
6050.01 |
Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide guidance and regulatory requirements for the management of RMW. |
07/22/2021 |
4500.01 |
Fleet Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures to prescribe policy and assign responsibilities for the management, acquisition, and use of non-tactical vehicles. |
07/09/2021 |
6430.05 |
Medical Image Management Systems Support Office (MIMSO) |
Establishes the DHA MIMSO within the DHA Medical Logistics Division. |
07/08/2021 |
7000.01 |
Patient Travel |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to identify and delineate responsibilities associated with the reimbursement of patient travel. |
07/06/2021 |
6430.09 |
Prime Vendor Onsite Representative |
Establishes DHA's procedures to request and activate the Medical Surgical Prime Vendor Onsite Representative service. |
07/01/2021 |
6430.04 |
Medical Logistics Healthcare Environmental Cleaning Services Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures to efficiently manage Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Healthcare Environmental Cleaning services.
06/29/2021 |
6000.10 |
Implementation Guidance for the Utilization of DD Form 3074, Canine Treatment and Resuscitation Record |
Establishes DHA's procedures on the use of the DD Form 3074, Canine Treatment and Resuscitation Record for standardized and consistent documentation of a military working dog trauma injuries. |
06/28/2021 |
6010.01 |
Healthcare Benefit Eligibility Verification and Patient Registration Procedures |
Establishes DHA's procedures for verifying eligibility, proper patient registration, and patient identity management. |
06/24/2021 |
6040.10 |
MHS GENESIS Resolution of Procedural Conflicts |
Establishes DHA's responsibilities and procedures associated with resolving conflicts between legacy electronic health record systems and MHS GENESIS. |
06/23/2021 |
6000.04 |
Military Health System (MHS) Clinical Communities |
Establishes DHA's procedures and requirements for operating the MHS Clinical Communities. |
06/17/2021 |
6430.02 |
Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Linen Services Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures to efficiently manage MEDLOG linen services. |
06/16/2021 |
6040.08 |
Guidance for Immediate Completion and Closure of Open Encounters and Records in Legacy Systems |
Establishes DHA's procedures to complete and close open encounters within the legacy systems.
06/16/2021 |
6000.08 |
Canine Tactical Combat Casualty Care (K9TCCC) Card |
Procedures on the use of DD Form 3073 for standardized and consistent documentation of prehospital care by the Military Departments. |
06/15/2021 |
6040.08 |
Guidance for Immediate Completion and Closure of Open Encounters and Records in Legacy Systems |
Establishes DHA's procedures to complete and close open encounters within the legacy systems to ensure completion of healthcare documentation. |
06/14/2021 |
3200.02 |
Scientific Review of Clinical Investigations in Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA’s procedures for scientific review of clinical investigations and research within DOD Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
06/07/2021 |
1025.01 |
Military Medical Treatment Facilities Annual Regulatory/Triennial Training Requirements |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide enterprise-wide training completion guidance to fulfill annual/triennial requirements of The Joint Commission and/or Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements.
05/24/2021 |
6410.02 |
Dental Universal Protocol |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the Dental Universal Protocol policy. |
05/21/2021 |
6000.03 |
Life Support Training Certification Requirements and Guidance |
Establishes DHA's procedures for life support certification requirements. |
05/06/2021 |
6040.09 |
Service Treatment Record (STR) Digitization, Quality Assurance, and Destruction |
Establishes DHA's procedures to retain, validate, and destroy hard-copy STRs previously digitized by Record Processing Centers or Central Cells. |
05/05/2021 |
6410.01 |
Dental Sedation Medical Management |
Procedures to establish a multidisciplinary approach to dental patient care guided by evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for dental sedation pathways. |
05/04/2021 |
6490.04 |
Required Clinical Tools and Procedures for Assessment and Clinical Management of Mild Brain Injury (mTBI)/Concussion in Non-Deployed Setting |
Establishes DHA's required clinical tools and procedures for management of mTBI/concussion. |
04/26/2021 |
6000.05 |
TRICARE Prime Travel Benefit Program (PTB) and Combat-Related Disability Travel (CRDT) Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the TRICARE PTB and CRDT programs. |
04/21/2021 |
6015.02 |
Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC) and Debt Collection Assistance Officer (DCAO) |
Establishes DHA's procedures to implement the BCAC and DCAO programs. |
04/12/2021 |
5000.01 |
Foreign Travel Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures to manage, develop, coordinate, and implement the Foreign Travel Program. |
04/07/2021 |
6040.07 |
Medical Coding of the DOD Health Record |
Establishes DHA's procedures for centralized oversight and standardized operations to ensure accurate, effective, timely, and efficient coding of the DOD Health Record. |
03/08/2021 |
8100.01 |
DHA Video Network Center Endpoint Standards |
Provides guidance for video network endpoint standards required for sites to connect to the DHA Video Network Center. |
02/05/2021 |
8100.01 |
Information Security Compliance for Defense Health Agency Financially Auditable Information Systems |
Establishes responsibilities for financially auditable systems. It provides direction to implement DHA procedures that contribute to a clean financial audit for the DOD. |
01/12/2021 |
DHA Policy Memo |
20-009 |
Restoration of Annual Leave |
Announces procedures and guidelines for the administration of leave restoration. |
12/30/2020 |
DHA Policy Memo |
20-006 |
Physical Security Controls at Department of Defense Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Outlines implementation of physical security controls at all military hospitals and clinics. |
11/09/2020 |
3020.01, Change 2 |
Return to the Workplace Staffing Plan in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Environment |
Establishes DHA's plan to return to full operations supporting the whole-of-government response during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
11/03/2020 |
1020.01 |
Reasonable Accommodations |
Establishes DHA's procedures, responsibilities, and guidance implementation for administering the Reasonable Accommodation program.
11/02/2020 |
6050.01 |
Medical Assessment for Determination of Association between Medical Condition and Environmental, Safety and Health Issues in Housing Unit |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the medical evaluation of individuals referred by a Military Department to determine the possibility that a specific medical condition was caused by unsafe and unsanitary conditions of a housing unit.
10/09/2020 |
6040.06 |
Combatant Command (CCMD) Trauma System (CTS) |
Establishes DHA's procedures for translating funded research into standards of care. |
09/08/2020 |
6430.06 |
Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Customer Support Teams (CST) |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide the DHA organizational Component Director and leadership. |
08/31/2020 |
4165.01, Volume 3 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support – Facilities Management: Volume 3, Room Inventory Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing data in DMLSS-FM. |
08/27/2020 |
3000.01 |
Analytics and Evaluation (A&E) |
Establishes DHA's procedures to enable a central A&E Division to act as a liaison between functional and technical stakeholders. |
08/03/2020 |
8900.01 |
Guidance for Conducting Surveys and Other Information Collections (SOICs) |
Establishes a DHA Component Information Collection Program, policy, and procedures necessary to license SOIC. |
07/04/2020 |
6040.05 |
Enterprise Processes for Translating Defense Health Program (DHP) Funded Research into Standards of Clinical Trauma Care across the DOD |
Establishes DHA's procedures for translating funded research into standards of care. |
06/26/2020 |
DHA Policy Memo |
20-003 |
Memorandum for Defense Health Agency Staff – Military Medical Treatment Facilities to Implement Updated DHA COVID-19 Medical Coding Policy |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to standardize the coding for Coronavirus 2019 at Military Medical Treatment Facilities. |
05/13/2020 |
6025.32 |
MHS GENESIS Medical Devices |
Establishes DHA's procedures for using medical devices with MHS GENESIS. |
03/16/2020 |
6025.32 |
Military Health System (MHS) GENESIS Medical Device Guidance to Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) |
Provides key stakeholders’ responsibilities for connecting medical devices to MHS GENESIS and establish clinical expectations for connecting medical devices to MHS. GENESIS. |
03/16/2020 |
8400.01 |
Cybersecurity Logistics (CyberLOG) Medical Devices and Equipment (MDE) Risk Management Framework (RMF) |
Establishes centralized processes to implement and maintain RMF authorization and cybersecurity for MDE across the MHS. |
03/02/2020 |
6025.28 |
Standard Processes and Procedures for Communication of Laboratory and Radiology Results |
Provides procedures for implementing uniform accountability and business rules for communicating clinical laboratory and radiology results. |
02/21/2020 |
6040.04 |
Guidance for Amendment and Correction of Entries in Garrison Electronic Health Records (EHRs) |
Establishes DHA's procedures to remove erroneously entered information in the EHRs. |
02/21/2020 |
6025.33 |
Acupuncture Practice in Military Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA’s guidance for implementing tiered acupuncture training, privileging, and documentation supporting the clinical practice of acupuncture. |
02/20/2020 |
5000.01 |
Implementation of the Military Health System (MHS) Request Submissions Portal and Process |
Establishes DHA's procedures to notify and instruct stakeholders of the new MHS Request Submissions Portal processes. |
02/19/2020 |
DHA Policy Memo |
20-001 |
Interim Guidance for Return-to-Stock Prescriptions |
Establishes DHA's policy to remove personally identifiable information from all prescriptions that are returned to stock. |
02/14/2020 |
6025.01 |
Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) Standards |
Establishes DHA's procedures to establish required standards for behavioral health care at military hospitals and clinics. |
12/20/2019 |
6025.10 |
Standard Processes, Guidelines, and Responsibilities of the DOD Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the Military Health System Military Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA's Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in military hospitals and clinics. |
12/20/2019 |
6025.31 |
Military Medical Treatment Facility Pharmacy Operations |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to: implement standardized and efficient Military Medical Treatment Facility Pharmacy Operations, maintain best practices for medication management, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. |
12/20/2019 |
6490.03 |
Deployment Health Procedures |
Establishes DHA's procedures to implement and monitor the execution of the DOD deployment health activities. |
12/17/2019 |
6025.27 |
Integration of Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) Services into Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and Other Primary Care Service Settings within the Military Health System (MHS) |
Establishes DHA's procedures to assign responsibilities, and prescribes procedures and standards for Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) developing, initiating, and maintaining health behavior, behavioral medicine, and behavioral health services in adult and pediatric/adolescent primary care settings. |
10/18/2019 |
6025.26 |
Standard Processes for the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line |
Establishes DHA's procedures for incorporating the NAL into the MHS Patient Centered Medical Home. |
10/18/2019 |
109 |
Decision-Making Architecture (DMA) |
Establishes a standardized process for the DHA DMA that enables effective and efficient decision-making across the DHA. |
10/15/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 5 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System Volume 5: Accreditation and Compliance |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 6 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, Volume 6: Clinical Measurement |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 7 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, Volume 7 |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 1 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, Volume 1: General Clinical Quality Management |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the MHS. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, All Volumes |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, All Volumes |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the MHS. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 4 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System Volume 4: Credentialing and Privileging |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 2 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, Volume 2: Patient Safety |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the MHS. |
09/01/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 3 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, Volume 3: Healthcare Risk Management |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System. |
09/01/2019 |
6040.03 |
Joint Trauma Lexicon, Change 1 |
Establishes the Defense Health Agency’s procedures to develop a universally accepted, standardized Joint Trauma Lexicon. Change 1 Effective August 29, 2019. |
08/29/2019 |
6025.13, Volume 1 |
Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System, Volume 1: General Clinical Quality Management |
Establishes DHA’s procedures to assign responsibilities and establish procedures for managing Clinical Quality Management in the Military Health System. |
08/29/2019 |
6025.20 |
Medical Management (MM) Program within the Military Health System (MHS) |
Establishes DHA's procedures for MM program requirements to support standard and integrated care management implementation. |
08/27/2019 |
3200.01 |
Research and Development Enterprise Activity |
Establishes DHA's procedures to manage and execute research activities across the enterprise. |
08/09/2019 |
6025.19 |
Population Health, Operation, and Integration across the Military Health System (MHS) |
Procedures to oversee, manage, and administer population health management functions performed in alignment with military hospitals and clinics. |
08/09/2019 |
107 |
Comprehensive Review of All Trauma-Related Death in the Deployed Setting |
Establishes DHA's procedures to conduct a comprehensive review of all trauma-related deaths in the deployed setting. |
07/29/2019 |
5400.01 |
Public Affairs (PA) and Strategic Communications |
Establishes DHA's procedures for public affairs and the strategic communications reporting chain and approval authority. |
07/15/2019 |
6025.12 |
Military Medical Treatment Facility Retiree (and other eligible groups)-At-Cost Hearing Aid Program |
Establishes common and uniform guidelines, standards, and procedures for all DOD MTFs providing hearing health services to beneficiaries through RACHAP. |
07/12/2019 |
103 |
Quarterly/Annual Military Service Member Recognition Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for nominations and selections for the Quarterly/Annual Military Service Member Recognition Program. |
07/03/2019 |
104 |
Continuity Program |
Establishes DHA's continuity program and planning guidance to ensure the effective continuation of DHA mission essential functions under all circumstances. |
06/28/2019 |
3201.05 |
Technology Transfer (T2) Program |
Establishes responsibilities, procedures, and guidance for the DHA T2 program. |
06/20/2019 |
6025.17 |
Healthcare Resolutions, Disclosure, Clinical Conflict Management and Healthcare Provider (HCP) Resiliency and Support in the Military Health System (MHS) |
Procedures to promulgate guidance, assign responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for the MHS Healthcare Resolutions Program. |
06/18/2019 |
6025.18 |
Animal Access to Facilities |
Procedures to provide guidance for animal access to the DHA Facilities. |
05/21/2019 |
1100.01 |
Guidance for Manpower Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures to understand and monitor baseline manpower requirements, request adjustments to manpower requirements and other activities with respect to manpower functions. |
05/16/2019 |
6200.02 |
Comprehensive Contraceptive Counseling and Access to the Full Range of Methods of Contraception |
Establishes DHA's procedures for comprehensive standards on health care with respect to access to comprehensive contraceptive counseling and the full range of contraceptive methods. |
05/13/2019 |
8160.01 |
Defense Health Program (DHP) System Inventory Management and Reporting |
Establishes DHA's overarching guidance to implement the policies and procedures for the DHP-funded systems inventory management, registration, and reporting. |
05/13/2019 |
6025.14 |
Active Duty Service Member (ADSM) Erythrocyte Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency and Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) Screening |
Establishes DHA's procedures to implement erythrocyte G6PD deficiency and SCT screening at the appropriate points. |
12/06/2018 |
6025.11 |
Processes and Standards for Primary Care Empanelment and Capacity in Medical Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA's procedures to describe processes for calculating and adjusting primary care empanelment and empanelment capacity. |
10/09/2018 |
6010.13, Volume 1 |
Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System for Fixed Military Medical and Dental Treatment Facilities: Business Rules |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide a uniform and standardized system of health care managerial cost accounting for the Military Health System and the MEPRS. |
09/27/2018 |
6010.13, Volume 2 |
Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System for Fixed Military Medical and Dental Treatment Facilities: Uniform Chart of Accounts |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide a uniform and standardized system of health care managerial cost accounting for the Military Health System and MEPRS. |
09/27/2018 |
6430.02 |
Defense Medical Logistics Enterprise Activity |
Provides instructions for implementing Defense Medical Logistics programs. |
09/27/2018 |
040 |
Management Directed Inquiries of Employee Conduct |
Establishes DHA's procedures for management directed inquiries of employee conduct. |
09/14/2018 |
4165.01, Volume 4 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support - Facilities Management: Volume 4, Facility Systems Inventory Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing data in the Military Health System’s Computer Aided Facility Management/Computerized Maintenance Management System of record, DMLSS-FM. |
09/06/2018 |
6025.08 |
Pharmacy Enterprise Activity |
Procedures to exercise management responsibilities for Pharmacy Shared Service/EA functions in MHS. |
08/14/2018 |
6490.02 |
Behavioral Health Treatment and Outcomes Monitoring |
Establishes DHA's procedures for the collection and analysis of BH outcome data. |
07/12/2018 |
6025.07 |
Naloxone in the Military Treatment Facilities |
Establishes DHA's procedures for prescribing and dispensing naloxone in military pharmacies. |
06/19/2018 |
6025.06 |
Standardized Templates for Primary Care Clinical Encounter Documentation |
Establishes DHA's procedures for all military hospitals and clinics providing health care services in the direct care system. |
05/16/2018 |
6200.05 |
Force Health Protection Quality Assurance Program |
Establishes the procedures for the FHPQA Program. |
05/02/2018 |
DHA Policy Memo |
18-001 |
Policy Memorandum for Defense Health Agency Staff - Civilian Defense Performance Management and Appraisal Program for Fiscal Year 2018 |
Establishes DHA's procedures to reissue, cancel, and update TRICARE Management Activity Administration Instruction Number 30, "TRICARE Management Activity Performance Appraisal Program for General Schedule, Federal Wage System, and Certain Other Employees." |
03/04/2018 |
6025.25 |
Military Health System (MHS) Drug Take Back (DTB) Program |
Procedures for MHS organizations to offer beneficiaries the option of returning their controlled and non-controlled medications for disposal. |
02/20/2018 |
4165.01, Volume 2 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support – Facilities Management: Volume 2, Requirements Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing data in the Military Health System’s Computer Aided Facility Management/Computerized Maintenance Management System of record, DMLSS-FM. |
02/20/2018 |
6025.03 |
Standard Processes and Criteria for Establishing Urgent Care (UC) Services and Expanded Hours and Appointment Availability in Primary Care in Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) to Support an Integrated Health Care System (IHCS) |
Describes standard processes and criteria for the establishment of UC services and expanded hours and appointment availability in primary care in military hospitals and clinics.
01/30/2018 |
6015.01 |
Military Medical Treatment Facility Uniform Business Office Operations |
Establishes DHA's procedures to provide guidelines for the operation of MTF UBOs and prescribes procedures for the Third Party Collections, Medical Services Account, and Medical Affirmative Claims programs. |
10/24/2017 |
4165.01, Volume 1 |
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support - Facilities Management: Volume 1, Facilities Inventory Module |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing data in the MMHS Computer Aided Facility Management/Computerized Maintenance Management System. |
07/10/2017 |
4165.01 |
Real Property Asset Management |
Establishes DHA's procedures for managing the MHS Real Property Inventory. |
06/22/2017 |
6025.02 |
Nondiscrimination in Military Health System (MHS) Health Programs and Activities |
Establishes procedures to implement statutory nondiscrimination requirements applicable to federally assisted and conducted health programs. |
06/09/2017 |
6200.06 |
Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) Program |
Establishes DHA's procedures for annual PHAs in Active Duty and Reserve Components of the DOD. |
05/09/2017 |
1025.01 |
Health Education and Training Electronic Learning Product Development and Sustainment |
Establishes DHA's processes and procedures for development and sustainment of health education and training eLearning products. |
02/16/2017 |
6040.01 |
Implementation Guidance for the Utilization of DD Form 1380, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card, June 2014 |
Provides procedures on the use of specified forms for standardized and consistency of prehospital care. |
01/20/2017 |
6025.01 |
Implementing the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program across the Military Health System (MHS) |
Establishes uniform guidelines, standards, and procedures for all military hospitals and clinics to implement the surgical quality and reporting guidelines developed by ACS NSQIP, and DOD procedural requirements. |
12/08/2016 |
6025.05 |
Personal Services Contracts for Health Care Providers |
Establishes DHA’s procedures for implementing the authority for PSCs for HCPs. |
10/11/2016 |
7220.01 |
Defense Health Program Common Cost Accounting Structure Guidance |
Establishes common structure and accounting practices for the budgetary and cost accounting fields. |
04/29/2016 |
012 |
Purchase and Distribution of Challenge Coins |
Establishes DHA’s procedures for purchasing, distributing, and documenting DHA challenge coin awards. |
01/07/2015 |
34 |
Drug-Free Workplace Program |
Establishes DHA's objectives, policies, procedures, and implementation guidelines supporting the implementation and management of a DHA Drug Free Program. |
01/01/2015 |