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TBICoE Podcasts

TBICoE produces two podcast series focused on various TBI-related topics. Listen to, subscribe, or download episodes on DVIDS or wherever you listen to podcasts.

CUBIST Podcast

TBICoEs CUBIST, Clinical Updates in Brain Injury Science Today , podcast icon.

Launched in May 2017, the Clinical Updates in Brain Injury Science Today—or CUBISTseries is for health care providers treating service members and veterans with traumatic brain injury. Each episode offers a brief analysis of current research relevant to clinicians. Listen to all the episodes of CUBIST on DVIDS or wherever you listen to podcasts.

New Episodes!

In this episode of CUBIST, the host discusses a study titled "Utility of the Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening in Military Medicine: A Systematic Review," written by Carrie Hoppes, PhD and colleagues and published in Military Medicine Online in October 2024. Hoppes, a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel joins the podcast to discuss her group's study.

In this episode of CUBIST, the host discusses a study titled “Accuracy of Reaction Time Measurement on Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric UltraMobile," published in the Journal Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology in September of 2024. Jacques Arrieux, a contractor in support of TBICoE, a research scientist at Fort Liberty, and the lead author of the study, joins the podcast.

Listen to CUBIST

Picking Your Brain Podcast

TBICoE's Picking Your Brain podcast icon."Picking Your Brain" is a series that highlights the impact of TBI on military readiness, covering everything from the treatment and rehabilitation of service members to the collaborative research and clinical advancements that inform health care providers. Episodes cover a range of topics such as burnout in our military medical provider and service member populations, the health impacts of TBI and blast exposure stemming from the demands of combat and training, overlapping symptoms such as vision or hearing problems, and so much more. Listen to all episodes on DVIDS or wherever you listen to podcasts.

New Episode! "Bridging Barriers in TBI Care" — Part 2 of 2

In this episode of Picking Your Brain, we conclude the two-part series exploring the "Improving Healthcare Engagement and Access to Optimize Long-Term Outcomes" (I-HEAL) study led by Dr. Risa Richardson at the Department of Veterans Affairs. The episode sheds light on the barriers to high-quality care for TBI patients and includes insights from a caregiver who has a personal understanding of the study's impacts. Finally, the episode details innovative solutions developed with the Department of Defense to improve healthcare engagement and long-term outcomes for service members and veterans with TBI.

Listen to "Bridging Barriers in TBI Care" — Part 1 of 2

In this episode, Department of Veterans Affairs researchers and TBICoE clinical experts discuss the “Improving Health care Engagement and Access to Optimize Long-Term Outcomes” study, or I-HEAL. The study addresses the barriers that individuals with TBI face when accessing high-quality, evidence-based health care, highlighting the importance of collaboration between the DOD and VA.

Listen to Picking Your Brain

The TBI Family Podcast

The TBI Family podcast iconAs a health care provider, you know it takes a team to care for service members and veterans with TBI. Families play an important role in recovery and rehabilitation. In 2016, TBICoE started “The TBI Family,” a podcast focused on TBI caregivers and their loved ones. This podcast series is no longer in production, however the stories told, and information shared by hosts and guests can still resonate with listeners today. Listen to all episodes on DVIDS or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Listen to The TBI Family

TBICoE Podcast Disclaimer

The views and opinions of findings and or devices discussed in this podcast are those of the host, subject matter experts, and or guests. Facts represented constitute our understanding at the time of the podcast, whereas updated factual information may be developed. They should not be construed as pronouncing an official Department of Defense's position, policy, decision, or endorsement. The hosts and guests of CUBIST and Picking Your Brain may be defense contract personnel who support TBICoE.  Status of all hosts and guests will be identified during introductions to the podcast.

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Last Updated: January 16, 2025
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