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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Practice-Based Implementation (PBI) Network

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The Practice-Based Implementation (PBI) Network, a joint initiative of the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) established in 2012 to more effectively bridge the gap between psychological health research and clinical practice, is a component of the Psychological Health Center of Excellence (PHCoE). It is comprised of a team of specialized psychological health and implementation science subject matter experts who:

  • Provide implementation science (IS) expertise to the Military Health System (MHS)
  • Pilot evidence-based practices, policies, and programs using principles of IS
  • Further enhance healthcare quality within the MHS


PBI Network Vision

Facilitate the rapid translation of research into clinical practice to close the gap between research and clinical care, empowering psychological health care providers in the MHS to deliver state-of-the-science care to service members and their families.


PBI Network Mission

Advance the adoption of evidence-based psychological health practices and improve clinical care delivery in the MHS.

Learn more about implementation science in the MHS. For additional questions, contact the PBI Network.

Pilot Sites

Each year the PBI Network collaborates with MHS stakeholders to develop pilots of evidence-based treatments, programs, policies, and clinical practices at MHS locations throughout the United States and overseas, using the PBI Network Pilots and Implementation Approach.

Map of PBIN pilot site locations

Last Updated: March 25, 2024
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