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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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In line with the National Intrepid Center of Excellence's (NICoE) vision to be a global leader in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) TBI care, research, and education, NICoE providers and researchers regularly participate in and conduct evidence-based trainings on TBI and associated conditions. Many staff members are involved in direct student instruction and continuing education options for DOD and non-DOD colleagues.

Annual Offerings

The Education team coordinates numerous offerings annually, including:

TBI Didactic Lecture Series

This in-person educational series is held weekly during the academic year and is designed to provide medical residents at WRNMMC enhanced information and insights into TBI assessment, research and care. Most lectures are from NICoE or other Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) staff and providers from across the medical center are able to participate and claim Continuing Education (CE) credits.

NICoE Education Webinar Series

This fully virtual offering coordinates presentations from guest lecturers monthly, with topics ranging from clinical to research to the patient experience. Presentations are available to the public with no prior registration or cost for CE credits.

Interdisciplinary TBI Grand Rounds

This newest offering brings together professionals from across disciplines and across the globe (in-person and virtually) to discuss cross-functional TBI topics from guest lecturers who demonstrate innovation and excellence in their TBI work. Each presentation is followed by a moderated discussion on translation and impacts on clinical care and future research.

Experiential Learning

As a directorate of an academic teaching hospital, NICoE regularly accepts students at various points in their education to offer mentoring, observation hours, clinical and research experiences/internships, and fellowship-level training.

Staff Lunch & Learn Trainings

NICoE Education partners with each department to provide staff just-in-time trainings on topics relevant to clinic providers, researchers and staff.

Residents and Interns

Depending on the capacity of NICoE providers and other staff to fulfill required responsibilities, we may accept medical residents and interns. To inquire about availability of these programs, please contact us at

Last Updated: July 08, 2024
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