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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Insomnia Clinical Support Tools

Provider Tools

Behaviorally-based Treatments for Insomnia: A Provider’s Guide (2020)
Factsheet for providers with tips for considering which behaviorally-based treatment for chronic insomnia disorder is right for a patient, what to tell patients about treatment options, and provider resources

Pharmacotherapy, Complementary and Integrative Health Treatments for Chronic Insomnia Disorder: Recommendations for Providers  (2020)
Brochure for providers with information about short-term pharmacotherapy and complementary and integrative health treatments for chronic insomnia disorder and tips for patient-centered care

Patient Tools

VA/DoD Management of Chronic Insomnia Disorder and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Clinical Practice Guideline Patient Summary (2020)
Brochure for patients which summarizes information in the clinical practice guideline relating to diagnosis and treatment of chronic insomnia disorder and obstructive sleep apnea

Insomnia Medications: Facts for Patients and Families (2020)
Factsheet for patients and families with information about medications for chronic insomnia disorder including medication-related precautions, questions to ask your doctor, and what to know about herbal supplements

Treating Insomnia with Behavior Change: A Patient’s Guide  (2020)
Factsheet for patients with information and resources about behaviorally-based treatments and techniques for chronic insomnia disorder

Last Updated: May 21, 2024
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