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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Financial Fitness

Financial Fitness is the combination of attitude, knowledge, and skills to make and exercise money management decisions that best support your life circumstances. Financial fitness can contribute to overall fitness in numerous ways, including reducing a source of stress, access to nutritious foods, and maintaining a healthy environment.

Military OneSource offers free financial counseling in person, over the phone, and through video chat. Some Military Family Life Counselors offer free personal financial management services.

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Mental Health Holistically Integrates with Multiple Dimensions of Health to Support Readiness

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Total Force Fitness Reintroduction

Total Force Fitness Reintroduction

The Military Health System is reintroducing Total Force Fitness. The Total Force Fitness concept focuses on a service member’s entire health throughout their career, connecting eight dimensions of fitness to optimize health, performance, and readiness holistically.

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