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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Rejected Specimens Program

Beginning in June 1998, the Armed Forces Repository of Specimen Samples for the Identification of Remains (AFRSSIR) implemented a rejected specimens program to assist units in the field in identifying service members whose DNA reference specimens were not accessioned into the Repository.

Typical reasons for a specimen to not be accessioned (entered) into the Repository include, but not limited to:

  • Missing, incomplete or incorrect Social Security Number
  • Insufficient or no blood on specimen card
  • Filter paper containing blood separated from specimen card
  • Excessive fungus growth due to incomplete drying at collection

When a specimen is rejected by the Repository, the unit where the specimen was collected will receive written notification, which consists of a letter and list of rejected specimens by service member name, Social security number and reason for rejection. The specimen(s) will have to be recollected by the unit. The rejected specimen(s) previously sent to the Repository are destroyed and not returned to the collection unit.

The Repository also receives duplicate cards which are bloodstain cards of service members that are already in the system and only one card per service member can be accessioned. All duplicate cards are destroyed. Installations can eliminate the number of duplicate cards they submit by implementing the Verification Process.

Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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