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Frequently Asked Questions

View questions and answers about the Reserve Health Readiness Program.

Questions for DOD Civilians


As this point, RHRP conducts PDHRAs for Army Corps of Engineers and Army Installations Command civilian employees who have returned from deployment.

General Questions


The Defense Health Agency's RHRP provides the following services to Active Duty (enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote) and Reserve Component service members:

  • Individual medical readiness
  • Dental readiness
  • Deployment health services

These service members are geographically remote from military hospitals, clinics, and authorized medical units. They can’t meet time, space, or quantity requirements. The RHRP provides in-clinic appointments to individual service members through our nationwide network of civilian medical and dental. 


RHRP provides the following services to active duty service members enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote:

  • Post-deployment Health Reassessment
  • Periodic Health Assessment
  • Individual Medical Readiness

RHRP conducts PDHRA assessments for Army Corps of Engineers and Materiel Command civilians who have returned from deployment.


Vision screening will determine if you need prescription eyewear. An eyewear exam is to determine the needed prescription and fill the prescription (two pair and mask inserts).


A no-show is when a Service member misses an appointment or does not call RHRP at least 24 hours prior to the appointment to cancel or reschedule the appointment.


Let RHRP know. You can do that by:

  • Filling out a customer satisfaction survey
  • Going through your command structure
  • Contacting RHRP via email:

There is no cost to you for authorized services. RHRP services are paid for by your Service Component. If you have specific questions about costs or charges, please contact your medical readiness coordinator.

Questions for Service Members


Call the toll-free RHRP MHA/PDHRA Call Center at 1-833-782-RHRP (1-833-782-7477), then press option #2. The Call Center is available 24/7.


You can schedule your individual medical readiness services three ways.

  • Online:
    Service Member Portal:
  • Phone:
    RHRP Call Center
    8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
    8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday
  • Email:

To initiate your PHA, complete the Part A in the required service component system of record (MODS, ASIMS, etc). Once the Part A is complete, you have three ways to schedule your appointment.

  • Online:
    Service Component Portal:
  • Phone:
    RHRP Call Center
    8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
    8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday
  • Email:

A Comprehensive Audio Evaluation (CAE) is more than just an audiogram and is used to determine the hearing portion of the PULHES when a possible loss of hearing has been identified. CAEs include, but are not limited to, pure tone air-conduction and bone-conduction threshold testing; speech reception threshold and word recognition testing; acoustic-immittance testing, including acoustic reflex measurements; masking, when indicated; otoacoustic emissions and a Speech Recognition in Noise Test (SPRINT), if applicable.


You can find service documentation on the service member portal:, health assessments and IMR services are maintained within the Service Component system of record. 

Contact your Command’s IMR representative for documentation. 


RHRP will send (by Federal Express) a package of paperwork and/or supplies to you prior to your appointment. Please review and complete all necessary paperwork before the scheduled appointment and bring all materials with you. Also bring any relevant medical documentation (i.e., MRB, profiles, etc.) and your prescription eyeglasses if attending a PHA.


You do not need to wear your uniform to an in-clinic appointment; however, contact your Command’s IMR representative for direction during a battle assembly.


It will be scheduled within 50 miles of your preferred zip code (i.e., home of record, work, unit etc.).


Historical updates can be made by:


No, RHRP is a DOD program designed to deliver medical and dental readiness services for the U.S. military.


If you have documentation to show you’ve had the service, you should make a copy and give it to the provider. If you just don’t want the service or are unsure if you need the service, you should contact your Command’s IMR representative for guidance before refusing the service, as there may be repercussions with your command for doing so.

Questions for Unit Points of Contact


All finalized information should be submitted to RHRP a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of the event.


Group Event Coordinators can request to schedule an event in three ways:

  • Online
    Service Component Portal:
  • Phone:
    RHRP Call Center 
    1-833-782-RHRP (1-833-782-7477)
    8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
    8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday
  • Email:

The per day group number minimums are as follows: 

  • Immunizations = 80
  • PHAs = 40
  • Vision screening = 40
  • EKG = 25
  • Dental = 50
  • Panos = 20
  • Blood Draws = 30
  • Audio = 50
  • Eyewear = 50
  • PDHRA = 40

If you don't meet the minimum for a service, contact the RHRP Call Center:

8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday


Yes, but units must be within the same branch of service.


Additional services may be needed, such as follow-up audio (Comprehensive Audiology Exam - CAE), blood draws or EKG.


Please contact the RHRP Call Center:

8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday



Please contact the program manager for your branch of service. 


Please refer to your Service Component module (e.g., MRRS, PIMR, MEDPROS, PHA or DenClass) or medical readiness coordinator. You can also contact the RHRP Call Center: 

8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday


First, update all military databases, such as DEERS. Then you can update your contact information with RHRP in the service member portal: You can also contact the RHRP Call Center:

8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday


In very rare instances (e.g. very short notice deployment to a disaster site) you can request expedited services.

For individual appointments, the command's IMR representative should:

  • Call the RHRP Call Center

For a group event, the command's IMR representative should call:

  • Their event coordinator
  • The RHRP Call Center:
    8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday
    8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, Saturday

Contact your command for this access. The MEDPROS Help desk is at 1-703-681-4976.

  • Decreasing services requested within 14 and 6 calendar days of the event date will result in a Cancellation Fee. 
  • Decreasing services requested within 5 calendar days of the event date will result in a No-Show Fee. 
  • Failure to meet GE minimums will also result in a No-Show Fee.
Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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