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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Common Deferrals

Travel Deferrals

Continents (Countries) Time spent  Timeframe
Korea: North of Seoul, Korea More than 24 hour stay  3 months deferred
South America:
Venezuela, Brasil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana (France Overseas Department)
More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred

Central America:
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, México (Risk present in Chiapas and southern part of Chihuahua; No risk in other areas including along the U.S. - Mexico Border)

More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred

All countries on Continent.

Exceptions: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia (no deferral)
More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred
Asia, South Asia:
China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), Nepal, Pakistan
More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred
Pacific Islands:
Philippines, Malaysia, Solomon Islands, East Timor (Timor-Leste), Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu
More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred
Middle East:
Irán, Libera, Afganistán, Djibouti, Yemen
More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred
Caribbean: Dominican Republic, Haiti More than 24 hour stay 3 months deferred

Medical Deferrals

Aspirin, blood pressure or cholesterol medications, birth control, antidepressants, pain medications No deferral.
Antibiotics for an infection Temporary. 72 hours after last dose.
MMR or Varicella Vaccination Temporary. 4 weeks after vaccination.
Smallpox Vaccination  Temporary. 3 weeks after vaccination.
Influenza Vaccination No deferral.
COVID-19 Vaccination No deferral.
Medical Condition
Syphilis or Gonorrhea Temporary. 3 month wait upon completion of treatment. 
Mononucleosis (“Mono”) Temporary. Defer until symptom free.

No deferral if symptom free and condition was not associated with hepatitis.
Pregnancy Temporary. Deferred during pregnancy AND for 6 weeks after delivery or termination.

No deferral if greater than six weeks after delivery or termination.

Tattoos or Permanent Makeup

Temporary. Required 7-day wait, until fully healed; if done in majority of U.S. States/CONUS.

Temporary. Requires a 3-month wait. Overseas or the following states-locations: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah & Wyoming.
Ear or Body Piercing made with single-use equipment Temporary. Required 7-day wait, until fully healed. 
Ear or Body Piercing not made with single-use equipment Temporary. 3 months. 
Sexual contact, high-risk sexual activity with a new partner(s) within previous 3 months. Temporary. 3 months.  
PrEP oral (short-acting antiviral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis drugs) Temporary. 3 months. 
PrEP injection (long-acting anitviral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis drugs) Temporary. 2 years.  
HIV Treatment Indefinite. 
Drug use (non-prescription injection) Temporary. 3 months.
LASIK Temporary. Defer if less than 72 hours since treatment.

No deferral if greater than 72 hours since completion of treatment and donor has no signs of eye infection.
Last Updated: September 24, 2024
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