Provides instruction on diaphragmatic "belly" breathing, which helps lower stress and reduce anxiety. Graphics, animation, narration, and videos lead users through several breathing exercises.
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This app provides an interactive way for service members to learn about birth control options and help think through what is important to them about the method they choose.
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The Deployment Readiness Education for Servicewomen app empowers women by providing a one-stop resource for women’s health concerns before, during, and after deployment.
Explore the AppDHA Mobile App page

Serves those coping with pain by providing information, resources, and an effective mechanism for tracking pain. The app contains information and FAQs for patients on the use of opioids in pain management, as well as tools and materials for providers using opioids in clinical practice.
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Provides guided breathing instruction to gain control over heart rate, emotions, concentration, and other physiological and psychological responses during stressful situations.
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App StoreApp store

Contains simple tools to help users with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking using personalized audio, video, pictures, games, mindfulness exercises, activity planning, inspirational quotes, and coping statements.
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App StoreApp Store
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Last Updated: July 31, 2024