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Policies and Guidance

View the following policies and guidance about Depleted Uranium exposure.

Instruction: Air Force Medical Service Depleted Uranium Medical Management Implementation InstructionsAir Force instructions for managing patients with potential exposure to DU
Memorandum: #04-004, Department of Defense Deployment Biomonitoring Policy and Approved Bioassays for Depleted Uranium and LeadThe Department has developed criteria for the approval of bioassays to support deployment operations (Attachment 2). Bioassays for Depleted Uranium and lead (Attachments 3 and 4) are approved for use at this time to assess human exposures during or after deployment and combat operations.
Guideline: #PAM 700-48, Handling Procedures for Equipment Contaminated with Depleted Uranium or Radioactive CommoditiesProvides specific guidance on the handling of U.S. and foreign equipment that may have been contaminated with radioactive materials as a result of DU munitions/armor or damaged radioactive commodities.
Instruction: #6470.10C, Initial Management of Irradiated or Radioactively Contaminated PersonnelProvides direction to the Medical Department, civilian medical personnel of the naval services, and Navy and Marine Corps commands for the initial exposure assessment, management, and treatment of individuals who are irradiated or externally or internally radioactively contaminated. References (a) through (d) provide additional guidance.
Memorandum: Medical Management of Army Personnel Exposed to Depleted UraniumAll personnel with actual or potential exposures to DU will be identified, assessed, treated (if needed), and assigned a potential exposure level (I, II, or Ill).
Instruction: #DODI 6055.08, Occupational Ionizing Radiation Protection ProgramImplement Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ionizing radiation standards pursuant to subpart 1910.1096 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Memorandum: Operation Iraqi Freedom Depleted Uranium Medical ManagementThis memo directs the Services to report their DU urine bioassay results
Memorandum: #HA-Policy 12-001, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM/Operation NEW DAWN Depleted Uranium Bioassay Results - 16th Semi-Annual Report and Policy on Future Data SubmissionsThis policy changes the requirement for the reporting off data from the Services' DU urine biomonitoring programs.
Memorandum: #03-012, Policy for the Operation Iraqi Freedom Depleted Uranium Medical ManagementThis policy outlines the military Services responsibilities for the DU Medical Management program.
Instruction: #AFI 40-201, Radioactive Materials ManagementThis instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 40-2, Radioactive Materials (Non-Nuclear Weapons) IAW Title 42 of the United States Code (42 U.S.C.), Chapter 23, Development and Control of Atomic Energy; Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Chapter I Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and the conditions of the US Air Force Master Materials License (MML) issued by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and managed by the US Air Force Radioisotope Committee (RIC).
Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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