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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Post-Deployment Health Reassessment

The Post-Deployment Health Reassessment is a health screen designed to protect and evaluate the health of those returning from combat.

  • Targeted at 3-6 months after return from deployment
  • Provides education, screening, assessment, and access to care for a wide variety of questions and concerns that service members may have about their health
  • Provided through the toll-free call center or on-site at a group event

The PDHRA is offered individually through the call center.

You have two choice options for completion of the PDHRA:

  1. MTF or Organic Provider within your Service Component
  2. The Reserve Health Readiness Program for those without accessibility to a local or organic provider. 

The process to complete PDHRA Option #2 (RHRP) consists of consists of several steps:

  1. IMR Coordinator* will initiate the PDHRA with RHRP by entering orders into the Service Component Portal or by sending a request roster via email: Once the orders have been received, RHRP will open access to the PDHRA form on the Service Member Portal. (*NOTE: If you do not have an IMR Coordinator to assist you with placing a service order for your PDHRA, you can initiate the PDHRA process yourself. Please contact the RHRP Call Center (1-833-782-7477) during regular business hours (8 a.m.-11 p.m. ET, Mon.-Fri.; 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. ET, Sat.)
  2. Complete the PHDRA SM portion (questions and responses) on the RHRP Service Component Portal (SMP Account registration is required.)
  3. An RHRP Customer Service Agent will contact you to schedule a date and time with a provider. If you have not been contacted within seven days, please contact the RHRP Call Center (1-833-782-7477) to complete your PDHRA.

For issues logging into the RHRP Service Member Portal please contact QTC IT Support (866) 660-2740, choose QTC #1 for the following phone tree options:

  • #1 Provider
  • #2 QTC Employee
  • #3 Technical Support (SCP/ SMP)
  • #4 Report Outage
Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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