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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

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Bicycling Safety

As you might expect, when a crash occurs between a vehicle and a bike, it’s the cyclist most likely to be injured. Here are some tips on how you can prevent bicycle injuries and deaths, and remember: A large percentage of crashes can be avoided if motorists and cyclists follow the rules of the road and watch out for each other.Summer Safety - bicycle

  • Wear equipment to protect you and make you more visible to others, like an approved bike helmet, bright clothing (during the day), reflective gear, and a white front light and red rear light and reflectors on your bike (at night or when visibility is poor). 
  • Remember to use arm and hand signals. 
  • Ride with traffic, not against it. 
  • Avoid riding at night, if possible. If you must ride at night, install front and rear lights on your bicycle and wear reflective clothing. It’s the law! Regardless of the season, bicyclist deaths occurred most often between 6-9 p.m. 
  • Be careful when riding in urban areas. Bicyclist deaths occur most often in urban areas (75%) compared to rural areas (25%) in 2020. 
  • Don’t drink alcohol and ride.  
  • Ride a bike that fits you. If it’s too big, it’s harder to control the bike. 
  • Carry all items in a backpack or strapped to the back of the bike. 
  • Tuck and tie your shoe laces and pant legs so they don’t get caught in your bike chain
  • Plan your route, choose routes with less traffic and slower speeds. Your safest route may be away from traffic altogether, in a bike lane or on a bike path.

Bicycling is one of the best ways to get exercise, see the sights, and reduce your carbon footprint. However, bicyclists face a host of hazards. They often must share the road with vehicles, and injuries can happen even on a designated path.

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May 5, 2022

Summer Safety - Bicycle Safety

Summer Safety - bicycle

Ride a bike and a helmet that fits you. Wear bright clothing and reflective gear so you can be seen. Drive with the flow of traffic. Be alert – avoid listening to music with headphones/pods. Share the road with automobiles. #ShareTheRoad; #BeAHardHeadWearAHelmet; #GoWithTheFlowOfTraffic

Last Updated: August 04, 2023
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