The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.
Please view or download any of the following Health Surveillance reports and publications.
Please note that some files may not be compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you need an accessible version of a particular file, please contact us and we will provide one for you.
Find Reportable Events guidelines and the weekly Communicable Disease Report. To obtain the Reportable Events Monthly Report, please contact us via email.
Standard surveillance case definitions used by the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Division for routine surveillance and reporting. These case definitions have been designed for use with administrative health care data derived from the U.S. military electronic health record and contained in the Defense Medical Surveillance System and other available datasets. >>Download Surveillance Case Definitions
Routine screening for antibodies to HIV-1, civilian applicants for U.S. military service and U.S. Armed Forces, active and reserve components, August 2011. >>Download HIV Update
The DOD Consolidated Influenza Surveillance Report provides an operationally relevant, global, medical encounter and laboratory-based surveillance summary for influenza and COVID-19 diseases among DOD beneficiaries and has been produced since 2007. >>View Reports
Receive surveillance summaries for West Africa Ebola, MERS-CoV, Caribbean Chikungunya and H7N9. Send email to:
The MSMR provides monthly evidence-based estimates of the incidence, distribution, impact, and trends of health-related conditions among service members. >>Download reports, subscribe and view instructions for authors
These annual reports provide information on cases of vector-borne illnesses during the last 10 years, including detail by Service for active component, reserve/guard, and other beneficiaries.
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