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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Specimen Database Query

The roster can contain any information, but at a minimum must contain the SSN and names of the personnel. It can be submitted in any one of the following computer file formats:

  • Microsoft Excel (all versions through Excel 2000)
  • Microsoft Access (all versions through Access 2000)
  • Delimited text or Fixed-width text

***** Please do not Send Roster via Email unless encrypted.  If you cannot send encrypted emails and wish to send us the information, you can safely and securely use DOD SAFE. Go to the link and follow the instructions.  Very simple and easy site to use.*****



U.S. Army units can use the Internet to track soldier compliance with the requirement to have a reference DNA bloodstain specimen on file at the Armed Forces Repository of Specimen Samples for the Identification of Remains (AFRSSIR). The Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) section of the Medical Occupational Data System (MODS) Website, which units use to track Unit Medical Readiness, includes a DNA Module. This module can be used to search by Unit Identification Code (UIC), by named individual using their SSN, or by location. The module also includes various sort capabilities.

Air Force

ASIMS - Aeromedical Services Information Management System is the U.S. Air Force system of record for USAF individual medical readiness and immunizations. ASIMS tracks all immunization, medical readiness, and deploy-ability data for all Active and Reserve components of the Air Force as well as AF Civilians, contractors, and others. ASIMS includes reporting modules for Medical Readiness, Deployment Health Assessments, Dental, Duty and Deployment Limiting Conditions, Immunizations, DNA, HIV, and a Unit status report tool. It is essential for the day-to-day management of the medical readiness tracking programs for the U.S. Air Force. ASIMS is an objective system for AF Surgeon General, supporting the Overseas Contingency Operation on a daily, worldwide basis.

Navy & Marine Corps

MRRS - The U.S. Navy-U.S. Marine Corps system of record for USN-USMC individual medical readiness and immunizations. MRRS tracks all immunization, medical readiness, and deployability data for all Active and Reserve components of the USNUSMC as well as Civilians, contractors, and others. MRRS includes reporting modules for Medical Readiness, Deployment Health Assessments, Dental, Duty and Deployment Limiting Conditions, Immunizations, DNA, HIV, and a Unit status report tool. It is essential for the day-to-day management of the medical readiness tracking programs for the US Navy and US Marine Corps. MRRS is an objective system for USN Surgeon General, supporting the Overseas Contingency Operation on a daily, worldwide basis.

Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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