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GulfLINK was established in August 1995 to provide online access to medical, operational, and intelligence documents from the 1990-1991 Gulf War.
Its purpose was and is to provide Service members, veterans, and any interested person with information on what happened during that war that might have affected the health of those who served.
GulfLINK contains all the reports, documents, and links of its predecessor and continues our commitment to our Service members. Its one more element of DOD’s highest priority – ensuring the good health of our Service members through a partnership for health among the Service members, their families, their leaders, and their health care professionals.
Summary of the Offensive Ground Campaign in Operation Desert Storm

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The Department of Defese (DoD) began testing depeted uranium (DU) about 40 years ago, and first used it in a military operation in 1991. It has fewer risks than natural uranium because it is less radioactive. DoD and many other organizations have studied, and continue to study, the health, chemical, radiological and environmental effects and exposures ...
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The Strategic Plan discusses symptomatic and specific treatments, scientific approaches that are most likely to yield improvements in treatment, health and prevention, approaches to enhance coordination and communication between partners and
researchers and approaches to translate research into practice to yield improved treatments, health and ...
Dec 4, 1998
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Effective Feb. 1, 1999, the uniform and stardardized health surveillance and readiness procedures described in this memorandum will be adhered to for all deployments.
- Identification #: MCM-251-98
- Type: Joint Publication
Nov 19, 1997
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This press release from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense announces the award of $12 million for 12 new research projects on Gulf War Illness.
Nov 10, 1997
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This press release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces two new cooperative agreements to conduct studies of illnesses among Persian Gulf War veterans.
Mar 1, 1997
In response to the health concerns of Gulf War veterans, the Department of Defense instituted the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program (CCEP). Although not designed as a research study, the CCEP provided valuable clinical data. An analysis was conducted of CCEP findings from systematic and comprehensive examinations of 20,000 U.S. Gulf War veterans.
Feb 1, 1996
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President Clinton established the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses to ensure an independent, open, and comprehensive examination of health concerns related to Gulf War service. This interim report includes four chapters addressing specific elements of the Committee’s charter: outreach, medical and clinical issues, ...
Jan 1, 1996
In July 1994, the U.S. Department of Defense asked the Institute of Medicine to establish a committee to evaluate the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program. This report identifies the major issues the committee has identified since the first meeting in October 1994
Fact Sheet
Feb 1, 1995
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An interagency board - the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board - was established in January 1994 to work to resolve the health concerns of Persian Gulf veterans, including active duty personnel and reservists with Gulf service.
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Last Updated: July 08, 2024