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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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French Freeze-Dried Plasma Use in the DOD

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that an emergency use authorization (EUA) had been granted to the DOD on July 9, 2018, enabling the emergency use of French-manufactured Freeze-Dried Plasma for treatment of hemorrhage or coagulopathy involving agents of military combat (e.g., firearms, projectiles, and explosive devices). At this time, this EUA only applies to the use of the French-manufactured plasma, which significantly limits the amount of product available to the Armed Services Blood Program.

The volume of product available and the requirement for training and regulatory compliance under the EUA for use of the product greatly restrict our current ability to field this product across the DOD, allowing only limited distribution of the product as a force health protection investigational product. However, ongoing efforts to develop an American-manufactured freeze-dried plasma product continue, with an estimated time-frame of FDA approval in FY25. Once the American-manufactured product becomes FDA approved, it will provide the DOD with a greater capacity to field a needed blood product.

For more information on this FFDP EUA and related documents:

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Mar 23, 2017

Trauma Innovations

Hemorrhage is responsible for 91.5 percent of potentially survivable battlefield deaths. From 2001 to 2011, an estimated 24 percent of combat deaths occurred before patients reached a treatment facility; the major cause of death was blood loss. Battlefield trauma innovations like the occlusion balloon catheter and freeze-dried plasma will enhance the Joint Forces' current capabilities.

Hemorrhage is responsible for 91.5 percent of potentially survivable battlefield deaths. From 2001 to 2011, an estimated 24 percent of combat deaths occurred before patients reached a treatment facility; the major cause of death was blood loss. Battlefield trauma innovations like the occlusion balloon catheter and freeze-dried plasma will enhance the ...

Last Updated: July 08, 2024
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