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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Clinical Improvement Priorities for MTF Providers

The Defense Health Agency has identified several priorities for DHA and military treatment facility (MTF) performance. Of these priorities, several focus specifically on improvements in clinical process and care delivery to achieve top outcomes in readiness and health. The DHA Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Paul Cordts, is responsible for implementation of these priorities in support of the DHA Director and the Assistant Director for Health Care Administration. They include:

Campaign Plan Projects

Accreditation and Compliance*

This program will provide MTF staff with a comprehensive and systematic process for reviewing their MTF's accreditation and compliance, allowing them to demonstrate their ability to meet Department of Defense (DOD) policy mandates, regulatory requirements, and health care standards.

Dental Universal Protocol

The Dental Universal Protocol will provide MTF staff with a standardized approach, including pre-procedural verification and guidance to ultimately reduce wrong-site surgery, specifically in the area of dental procedures. 

Graduate Medical Education*

The standardization of the MHS Graduate Medical Education (GME) Program will provide the policy, procedures, and direction to ensure continued accreditation of GME programs to support a ready medical force.

Influenza Immunizations

The goal is to increase influenza immunizations for all beneficiaries across the Military Health System.

Postpartum Hemorrhage

The Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) Bundle will provide MTFs with a standardized approach to recognize, respond, and report PPH to decrease associated morbidity and mortality across the MHS.

Ready Reliable Care Communications*

The Ready Reliable Care Safety Communication Bundle will provide MTF staff with a standardized approach for team-based communication and other safety communication practices, including: 

  1. Safety Leadership Rounds (WalkRounds™)
  2. Leader Daily Safety Briefs
  3. Unit Based Huddles
  4. I-PASS Tool for Patient Handoffs
  5. Surgical Briefs and Debriefs
  6. Universal Protocol

For More Information:

Stepped Care Model for Pain

The primary care Stepped Care Model for Pain will allow MTFs to standardize and effectively implement evidence-based best practices for management of acute and chronic pain in the primary care setting.

Quadruple Aim Performance Plan (QPP) Projects

Acute Concussion Pathway

The Acute Concussion Care (ACC) Pathway will provide MTFs with a standard assessment and treatment plan for acute concussion, which includes:

  1. Incorporating an acute assessment MACE2 tool at initial appointment
  2. Follow-up within 72 hours after the diagnosis of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
  3. Complete Progressive Return to Activity process prior to return to full duty.

Behavioral Health Treatments & Outcomes

Increased adoption of the Behavioral Health Data Portal will allow MTFs to track behavioral health treatment and outcomes for all beneficiaries. The portal reduces redundancy for patients, streamlines the screening process, and focuses improvement on outcomes that matter to patients.

Opioid Overdose/Naloxone Distribution

Through standardized management of chronic pain, this program will ensure that patients taking long-term opioid therapy with an elevated risk of opioid-related harm receive overdose education and at least one prescription for naloxone medication in a 12-month window.


Find other recently published DHA Clinical Guidance on the Policies page.

Note: * Denotes operational improvement priorities

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.PDF | 125.63 KB

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