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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Controlled Drug MART

The Pharmacy Operations Division developed the Controlled Drug MART as a tool to help monitor controlled substances dispensed to enrolled populations. >>View the CD-MART Presentation

The tool is a menu-driven, Microsoft Access database loaded with prescription data as follows:

  • Drugs: Controlled substances as defined by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Pharmacies: All points of service - mail order, retail pharmacies, and military pharmacies, including those in theater and VA facilities treating dual-eligible beneficiaries
  • Population: Individuals enrolled to the selected military parent site and including all enrollment locations under that site's jurisdiction.


Users may review all controlled substance prescriptions or can target selected beneficiary groups or use patterns.

STEP ONE: Choose patient categories to display in the output. By default, the tool displays all patient categories. To select one or more specific categories, click the funnel below the Parameter box (Filter Patient Category) and highlight the category/categories of interest.

STEP TWO: Set parameters to focus the report on one or a combination of conditions below:

  1. Patients with more than "n" controlled substance prescriptions
  2. Patients with controlled substance prescriptions from more than "n" pharmacies
  3. Patients with controlled substance prescriptions from more than "n" providers
  4. Patients with controlled substance prescription quantities exceeding "n" tablets/capsules

Add desired values in the Enter Parameters boxes and click on the red exclamation point (!) to run the report. The resulting data appear in the windows below the parameters. The top window lists the name and ID number of all patients that meet the selected criteria. When one of the names is highlighted, that patient's prescriptions appear in the bottom window. To generate a report showing all patients in the file simply click on the exclamation point without entering a value in either of the pre-set parameters.

Exported reports are automatically directed to the user's C drive, but users can select alternate locations. Users may export the entire report (All Members) or the results for a specific patient (Selected Member).

How to Get a CD-MART Analysis

  1. Complete the DHA Form 249: Pharmacy Data Warehouse Data Report Request Form
  2. (To download form, right-click on the link and select "save link as" to save the form to your computer. To open, right-click the form and select open with Adobe Acrobat.)
  3. Include Requestor's signature
  4. Send the form via email to the Data Management Team

For questions please contact a DMT Staff Member by calling 866-275-4732 or 210-536-6650 and leave a voicemail. A member of the DMT staff will contact you as soon as possible.

Completed CD-MART files contain sensitive PHI and PII that must be handled accordingly. Products will be delivered through the secure transfer process of the DOD SAFE.

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Feb 1, 2018

CD-MART Presentation

.PDF | 618.91 KB

Briefing slides discussing the Controlled Drug Management Analysis and Reporting Tool (CD-MART)

Last Updated: June 06, 2024
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