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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

U.S. Air Force Col. Scott Wright, 81st Medical Group prosthodontist, and Amanda Kersey, 81st MDG dental assistant, examine the teeth of Airman 1st Class Diamond Bonner, 81st MDG dental assistant, at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, Aug. 30, 2022. The primary mission of the 81st MDG is to maintain medical readiness for worldwide contingencies by providing health care for more than 22,000 enrollees, including almost 4,500 active-duty members. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Davis)
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TRICARE Dental Care

The Military Health System is responsible for the overall oral health and readiness of service members - both active and the Reserve component. Additionally, the MHS offers dental insurance plans that all other TRICARE beneficiaries can purchase if they choose. TRICARE Dental Options.

Dental Care for Service Members

Oral health classifications determine if a service member is deployable. To learn more, see the Policy on Standardization of Oral Health Readiness Classifications.

Class  Description  Deployable? 
1 Patients with a current dental examination and don't require dental treatment or evaluation.  Yes
2 Patients with a current dental examination, who require non-urgent dental treatment or evaluation that are unlikely to result in dental emergencies within 12 months. Yes
3 Patients who require urgent or emergency dental treatment. No
4 Patients who require periodic dental examinations or patients with unknown dental classifications. No

Active Duty Service Members

Active duty service members, including activated Reserve component members, get most dental care from military dental clinics. 

Reserve Component Members

The Reserve Health Readiness Program is a Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency program that helps to supplement the Reserve Components' readiness mission and satisfy key deployment requirements by providing medical and dental services to all Reserve Component forces. Dental exams and treatment are provided based on a member's Service component.

  • Reserve component members may qualify to purchase one of TRICARE's voluntary dental insurance plans, based on his or her military status (see below).
  • If a dental injury is incurred in the line of duty, service members also qualify for Line of Duty Dental Care through the ADDP.

Dental Care for All Others

All others can purchase a dental plan offered through TRICARE or the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program based on their beneficiary status. Visit the TRICARE website to learn more.

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