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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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MHS rates are used to determine charges for medical and dental services.  

Ambulance Rates

Anesthesia Rates

2016 CMAC rate file containing all localities in a .zip file format

CMAC Locality DMIS ID Mapping Tables

CMAC Rates are adjusted for the locality of the providing military treatment facility. The following tables provide the key to determining which CMAC locality is appropriate for each MTF.

Cosmetic Surgery Estimator

For CSE access, please contact your UBO Service Program Manager. A provider version is available upon request. Providers must email the UBO Help Desk to receive access credentials.

Dental Rates

Durable Medical Equipment Rates

Immunization Rates

CY23 Direct Care ASA Rates Memo

Inpatient Health Care: Long Stay Threshold

A national number used to determine if a patient has exceeded the length of stay threshold for the Diagnosis Related Group assigned to the inpatient stay. When the LOS exceeds the threshold, additional charges apply.

  • Calculation to determine additional charges per day: PDW x .33 x MTF Adjusted Standardized Amounts
  • Calculation Per Diem Weight: DRG Relative Weighted Product/Geometric Mean LOS
  • Calculation for total billed amount: (DRG RWP x MTF ASA) (PDW x .33 x #days in excess of LST x MTF ASA)

International Military Education and Training , Interagency Outpatient Rates

Outpatient/Professional Billing Rates: Direct Care

Pharmacy Rates

Pharmacy Rates are established on a unit measure price basis, and are standardized for NDCs within each generic sequence number. A GSN groups a set of NDCs with the same active ingredients, dosage form, and strength, regardless of vendor brand or generic description. Currently, rates are computed based on the median unit measure cost for all listed NDCs in each GSN group. The medium unit measure price is applied to all the NDCs in each GSN group.

As of January 2010, unit measure prices reflect the median TRICARE allowable ingredient costs.

  • For the most accurate information on whether a specific drug requires prior authorization, please use the Formulary Search Tool.
  • Before submitting claims to other health insurance carriers, MTFs should review the insurance carrier's website for its current list of pharmaceuticals requiring prior authorization.

Pharmacy Dispensing Fee

The total pharmacy charge is calculated by multiplying the number of units dispensed (e.g., the number of tablets or capsules) by the unit measure cost for the dispense NDC, available in the applicable pharmacy rate table, plus the dispensing fee. 

Before July 2007, the dispensing fee covered non-ingredient costs, including overhead, supplies, and labor. Effective February 4, 2011, the dispensing fee was set to $2.00 per script dispensed. This cost mirrors the average allowable dispensing fee allowed under the TRICARE Retail Pharmacy Program. 

The $2.00 dispensing fee remains in effect for FY21.

Rates for Care Provided at Deployed/Non-Fixed Facilities

The billing rates below are for services provided at DOD deployed/non-fixed facilities to foreign nationals covered under Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreements and for services for patients other than foreign military personnel covered under ASCA.

Last Updated: March 05, 2024
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