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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Data Quality Management Control (DQMC) Program

The Data Quality Management Control (DQMC) Program Workgroup reports to the Resourcing Decision Board (RDB) through the Chair of the DQMC Workgroup. The DQMC team serves as the advisory body for developing and recommending the strategic direction for the RDB in support of the Military Health System (MHS) DQMC Program and its associated Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 6040.40. The DQMC Program provides command oversight and recommended structure to improve the submission of complete, accurate and timely data and to assure uniformity and standardization of information across the MHS. The Workgroup's responsibilities include:

Identification of policy and information system shortfalls impacting the implementation of DODI 6040.40 at the Military Service and military treatment facility (MTF) level coordinate with other MHS workgroups and DHA directorates as required to communicate shortfalls and provide recommended solutions: 

  • Ensure the DQMC Review List and Commander's Data Quality Statement (DODI 6040.40) are updated to reflect policy changes and standards as required
  • Serve as the point of contact for Government Accountability Office/Department of Defense Inspector General (GAO/DODIG) and other external agencies on all DQMC issues
  • Provide oversight and support in conducting the MHS Data Quality Training Course, DQMC Program webinars, and provide training and education on implementation of DODI 6040.40

For detailed information on the DQMC Program, a Government Common Access Card (CAC) is required.

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Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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