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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

A construction crew with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District works in front of the new VA Stockton Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Stockton, California, on August 7, 2023. District crews have nearly finished the exterior of both the clinic and an on-site central utilities plant, and are planning to turn both facilities over to the VA Northern California Health Care System in early 2024. The clinic will provide a wide array of services to Central Valley veterans including primary care, mental health care, and prosthetics.
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Veterans Health Care Services

When you were on active duty, you used TRICARE. You may have received care at military hospitals and clinics or from TRICARE-authorized civilian providers. Now that you're separated from active duty you may only be eligible for health care from Veteran's Affairs. 

  • While the DOD and VA do have some joint programs and facilities, the VA is a separate health care program. 
  • If you're retired from active duty, you may qualify for benefits from TRICARE and the VA together.

eBenefits Logo

Visit eBenefits, a secure environment where you can safely access your personal information and perform self-service tasks. 

Transitioning from TRICARE to the VA

The VA has benefit counselors and liaisons at the following military hospitals who can help you transition to the VA:

Veterans Affairs Links & Resources

Appealing your Service Medical Disability Rating or Eligibility for Medical Retirement

Your separation, retirement and military disability rating is a personnel decision rather than a medical decision. While Military Health System providers do the medical exams used by the services, the MHS does not make the decision on your eligibility. To find out more about changing a service’s discharge decision, visit these sites:

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May 21, 2024

Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense Expand Partnership to Increase Primary Health Care Access for Virginia Veterans

Military personnel celebrate opening of new clinic

The Department of Veterans Affairs announced the expansion of a partnership with the Department of Defense to increase VA health care access for Veterans in Virginia. The forthcoming agreement provides the opportunity for Veterans to receive care at the Langley VA Clinic inside the Langley Air Force Base Hospital located on Joint Base Langley-Eustis.

Last Updated: May 20, 2024
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