This template allows the user to monitor prescription workload and expenditures for all points of service within a catchment area. The report runs multiple reports in one and is based on the MTF's DMIS ID code. The data is presented in separate tabs, one with MTF, Retail & VA (if available) data, one with Mail Order data and a third tab that pulls the data from all the points of service into one tab. The MTF, Retail & VA tab contains the data pulled from the MTF, Retail and VA pharmacies located within the MTF’s catchment area while the Mail Order tab has the data pulled from the Mail Order pharmacies for patients living within the same catchment area. The All PoS tab allows you to export everything into one file. The report gives you a global look at your catchment area workload and expenditures. The data are formatted to display "All Ages”, “Under Age 65”, and “Age 65+”. In addition to the Service Category and Site MTF, each group shows the total number of RXs, the Total Submitted Amount Due, the Average Days Supply, the Average Due per RX, the total number of 30-day EQ RXs, the Average Due per 30-day EQ RX, the total number of Utilizers and the Average Due per Utilizer. On the MTF, Retail & VA tab, when there are multiple MTFs within the catchment area, each MTF will appear as a separate line entry in the output. To run the report you will be asked to enter a first date and a last date of the report period and select a Pharmacy DMIS ID and a Patient DMIS ID. Remember, they are both the same DMIS ID codes; they just refer the search to different files to pull the data. You select a DMIS ID by clicking on the prompts “Select Pharmacy DMIS:” and “Select Patient DMIS:” and a list of DMIS codes will appear. Scroll through the list and highlight the one you want or you can enter the number in the search field and move it to the box on the right. You can select just one DMIS ID per report.