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DHA Pharmacy Operations Support Contract Data Management Team

One of the primary functions of the Pharmacy Operations Support Contract (POSC) Data Management Team (DMT) is to support Department of Defense (DOD) personnel throughout the Military Health System (MHS) by providing timely and accurate reports on the data maintained in the central repository within the Pharmacy Data Warehouse (PDW). We use multiple data resources, such as, Business Objects, SAS, Military Health System Data Repository (MDR), Military Health System Management and Reporting Tool (M2), etc. to pull information from the PDW and provides the information to individuals in Microsoft Office Excel or Access format, depending on which format best supports the presentation of the data and the capabilities of the requester.

In addition to running a variety of ad hoc type reports that are unique to an individual request, we've also developed several standard reports that have been designed to provide detailed data on a specific Point of Service, Branch of Service, Catchment Area, Military Hospital or Clinic, Provider or Patient as needed. There are also overview type reports that can be used to monitor antibiotic utilization or drug use by therapeutic class, either AHFS or GC3. Below is a list of the Standard Reports available to the DOD Pharmacy Community.

PDW Standard Report Templates

Below are PDW Report Templates that may be requested. For questions about report templates or to leave a suggestion, contact the DHA POSC Data Management team via email at the link below or call (866) 275-4732.

Email the POSC Team

This template allows the user to monitor drug utilization from MTF, Retail and Mail Order within a specific MTF catchment area. The report runs three reports in one and is based on the MTF's DMIS ID code. The data is presented in three separate tabs, one each with MTF data, Retail data and Mail Order data. The MTF tab contains the drugs dispensed by MTF pharmacies located within the selected catchment area. If there is more than one MTF in the catchment area, the list of drugs will be separated by the MTF site name so each MTF will have its own list of drug being dispensed. The Retail tab contains the drugs dispensed by Retail pharmacies located within the site’s catchment area while the Mail Order tab has the drugs dispensed by the Mail Order pharmacy for patients living within the same catchment area. Each tab contains the generic name, strength, and dosage form of the drug along with the Uniform Formulary Status, total number of RXs, Total Quantity Dispensed, Average Quantity per RX, Average Days Supply per RX, Total Submitted Amount Due and the total number of Utilizers.

To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and select a Pharmacy DMIS ID and a Patient DMIS ID. Remember, they are both the same DMIS ID code; they just refer the search to different files to pull the data. You select a DMIS ID by clicking on the prompts “Select Pharmacy DMIS:” and “Select Patient DMIS:” and a list of DMIS codes will appear. Highlight the one you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select just one DMIS ID per report.

This template allows the user to monitor prescription workload and expenditures for all points of service within a catchment area. The report runs multiple reports in one and is based on the MTF's DMIS ID code. The data is presented in separate tabs, one with MTF, Retail & VA (if available) data, one with Mail Order data and a third tab that pulls the data from all the points of service into one tab. The MTF, Retail & VA tab contains the data pulled from the MTF, Retail and VA pharmacies located within the MTF’s catchment area while the Mail Order tab has the data pulled from the Mail Order pharmacies for patients living within the same catchment area. The All PoS tab allows you to export everything into one file. The report gives you a global look at your catchment area workload and expenditures. The data are formatted to display "All Ages”, “Under Age 65”, and “Age 65+”. In addition to the Service Category and Site MTF, each group shows the total number of RXs, the Total Submitted Amount Due, the Average Days Supply, the Average Due per RX, the total number of 30-day EQ RXs, the Average Due per 30-day EQ RX, the total number of Utilizers and the Average Due per Utilizer. On the MTF, Retail & VA tab, when there are multiple MTFs within the catchment area, each MTF will appear as a separate line entry in the output. To run the report you will be asked to enter a first date and a last date of the report period and select a Pharmacy DMIS ID and a Patient DMIS ID. Remember, they are both the same DMIS ID codes; they just refer the search to different files to pull the data. You select a DMIS ID by clicking on the prompts “Select Pharmacy DMIS:” and “Select Patient DMIS:” and a list of DMIS codes will appear. Scroll through the list and highlight the one you want or you can enter the number in the search field and move it to the box on the right. You can select just one DMIS ID per report.

This template allows the user to monitor the types of drugs dispensed at one MTF or a group of MTFs for a specific period of time. The report ranks the drug usage by prescription count and by dollar expenditures, greatest to least, and presents the output on separate tabs. Each tab shows the generic name, strength and dosage form of the drug along with the total number of RXs, Total Quantity Dispensed, Average Quantity per RX, Average Days Supply, Total Submitted Amount Due and the total number of Utilizers. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a specific MTF. You select the MTF by clicking on the prompt “Select MTF Site:” and a list of MTFs will appear. Highlight the MTF you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one MTF and each tab will separate the data by MTF name.

This template allows the user to monitor the types of drugs dispensed from a specific point of service (Service Category) over a specific period of time. Unlike the Catchment Area Drug Use Report that pulls MTF, Retail and Mail Order data from a selected catchment area, this report pulls data from all pharmacies at a primary point of service (MTF, Retail or Mail Order). The report ranks the drug usage by prescription count and by dollar expenditures, greatest to least, and presents the output on separate tabs. Each tab shows the generic name, strength and dosage form of the drug along with the total number of RXs, Total Quantity Dispensed, Average Quantity per RX, Average Days Supply, Total Submitted Amount Due and the total number of Utilizers. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a specific Service Category. You select the Service Category by clicking on the prompt “Select Claim Service Category:” and a list of Service Categories will appear. Highlight the Service Category you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one Service Category and each tab will separate the data by the name of the selected Service Categories.

This template allows the user to monitor drug utilization by therapeutic class within a selected MTF catchment area. The report will compile data based on selected therapeutic drug classes (GC3 Codes) while pulling it from a specific MTF catchment area (DMIS ID). The output is presented on separate tabs, one for each point of service and contains the following data elements: Service Category, Site MTF, GC3, GC3 Description, Age 65 Pre/Post, number of RXs, Total Submitted Amount Due, Average Days Supply, Average Due per RX, and number of Utilizers. The user may select one or more GC3 codes per report but must select only one DMIS ID. If there is more than one MTF located within the selected catchment area, the MTF report will list the GC3 utilization separately for each Site MTF. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and then select at least one GC3 code, a Pharmacy DMIS ID and a Patient DMIS ID. You select a GC3 code and DMIS ID by clicking on the appropriate prompt and a list of codes and DMIS IDs will appear. Highlight the one you want and move it to the box on the right. You select a DMIS IDs by clicking on the prompts “Select Pharmacy DMIS:” and “Select Patient DMIS:” and a list of DMIS codes will appear. Highlight the one you want and move it to the box on the right. Remember, the Pharmacy and Patient DMIS ID are both the same codes; they just refer the search to different files to pull the data. You can select more than one GC3 code but just one DMIS ID per report.

This template allows the user to monitor ProDUR warning messages with emphasis on Level 1 Drug-Drug Interactions. The report runs three reports in one and is based on the MTF Site Name. Each report is presented on a separate tab. The first tab is a summary of all the types of ProDUR warning messages reported by PDTS for the selected MTF during the report period and labeled DUR Summary. The second and third tabs concentrate on the Level 1 Drug-Drug Interactions showing the DDIs identified by each dispensing site within the MTF and then breaking them out by pharmacy and showing the medications involved in the interaction. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a specific MTF. You select the MTF by clicking on the prompt “Select MTF Site:” and a list of MTFs will appear. Highlight the MTF you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one MTF and each tab will separate the data by MTF name.

This template allows the user to see the specific details of each MTF prescription involved in an overridden potential Level 1 Drug-Drug Interaction warning message during a specific period. The report supports the data collected in the DUR Edits and Level 1 DDI template discussed above but can also be used independently to monitor potential Level 1 DDIs at MTFs. The report presents the data in table format based on the PDTS prescription number representing the transaction for the current medication. The report pulls together specific information on all the drugs identified as having a potential level 1 drug-drug interaction. Under the headings of “Current Medication”, the prescription being submitted at the time the ProDUR warning message is received and “Profiled Medication”, the medication already on the patient’s profile, the report shows the following data elements: RX Number (PDTS), Drug Name (generic), Dispensed Date, Metric Quantity, Days Supply, Provider ID number (NPI, DEA, etc.), Provider Name, Patient ID number (DEERS ID), Pharmacy ID number (NPI), and Pharmacy Name. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a specific MTF. You select the MTF by clicking on the prompt “Select MTF Site:” and a list of MTFs will appear. Highlight the MTF you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one MTF and the tables for each selected MTF will be separated by the MTF name.

This template allows the user to monitor the drugs dispensed by a specific MTF or a group of MTFs for a specific period of time. It differs from Standard Report # 104 by breaking the drugs down to the NDC number level. The report ranks the drug usage by prescription count and by dollar expenditures, greatest to least, and presents the output on separate tabs. For each drug dispensed the report shows its generic name, dosage form, strength and NDC number (as submitted by the site). Also, shown is the total number of RXs, the Total Quantity Dispensed (Metric Quantity as defined by First Data Bank), the Average Quantity per RX, the Average Days Supply, the Total Submitted Amount Due (ingredient cost for MTFs), the Average Due per RX and the total number of Utilizers for that specific drug. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a specific MTF. You select the MTF by clicking on the prompt “Select MTF Site:” and a list of MTFs will appear. Highlight the MTF you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one MTF and each tab will separate the data by MTF name.

This template is designed to provide a patient profile that allows the user to obtain drug information over a greater period of time than what is available from the On-Line Patient Profile function in CHCS. The report provides the following data elements for each prescription that is active and on the patient’s profile during a given period of time: Date Dispensed, RX Number (PDTS), drug generic name, strength and dosage form, Quantity Dispensed, Days Supply, Service Category, Site MTF, Pharmacy Name, Provider’s ID number (NPI, DEA, etc.) and Name if a valid ID number was submitted. If the number is invalid the provider name will appear as “Not on file”. There is a line above the data that returns the patient’s name and DEERS ID. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to enter the patient’s DEERS ID. You enter the patient’s DEERS ID by clicking on the prompt “Enter value(s) for DEERS ID”. You should enter just one DEERS ID per report. Note: The best way to run a patient profile is with the DEERS ID as that is the unique patient identifier in PDTS. If you do not have access to the DEERS ID you can use the patient’s SSN with Standard Report 111. With SSN, you may not collect all prescriptions for the patient as PDTS may not obtain the SSN on all transactions due to a potential time lag in validating patient eligibility and returning the information to the submitting pharmacy.

This template provides the same patient profile information discussed above but in lieu of the patient’s DEERS ID, the report is based on the patient’s SSN. The report provides the same data elements for each prescription that is active and on the patient’s profile during a given period of time: Date Dispensed, RX Number (PDTS), drug generic name, strength and dosage form, Quantity Dispensed, Days Supply, Service Category, Site MTF, Pharmacy Name, Provider’s ID number (NPI, DEA, etc.) and Name if a valid ID number was submitted. If the number is invalid the provider name will appear as “Not on file”. There is a line above the data that returns the patient’s name, SSN and DEERS ID. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to enter the patient’s SSN. You enter the patient’s SSN by clicking on the prompt “Enter value(s) for SSN”. Remember, this is the patient’s SSN, not their sponsor’s SSN. You should enter just one SSN per report. Note: As stated above, the best way to run a patient profile is with the DEERS ID as that is the unique patient identifier in PDTS. If you do not have access to the DEERS ID you can use the patient’s SSN. With SSN, you may not collect all prescriptions for the patient as PDTS may not obtain the SSN on all transactions due to a potential time lag in validating patient eligibility and returning the information to the submitting pharmacy.

This template has been designed to generate a provider profile to allow the user to review all the medications filled against a specific provider ID (NPI) over a given period of time, regardless of the point of service. The report provides the following data elements: Date Dispensed, drug generic name, strength and dosage form, DEA Class, RX Number (PDTS), Quantity Dispensed, Days Supply, Patient Name and DEERS ID, Service Category, Site MTF and Pharmacy Name. Also, there is a line above the data that returns the provider’s name and NPI number. The name will appear only if the provider’s ID is a valid NPI number. Otherwise the phrase “Not of File” will appear in lieu of the provider’s name. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to enter the NPI number. You enter the NPI number by clicking on the prompt “Enter value(s) for Prescriber Code”. You should enter just one NPI number per report. Note: The best format to run a provider profile is with the provider’s NPI number. If you do not have access to the provider’s NPI number you can use the provider’s DEA number in Standard Report 113, With DEA number, you may not extract all prescriptions written by the provider as PDTS may not be able to link the provider’s DEA number with prescriptions submitted with the provider’s NPI number.

This template provides the same provider profile information discussed above but in lieu of the provider’s NPI number, the report is based on the provider’s DEA number.  The report provides the following data elements: Date Dispensed, drug generic name, strength and dosage form, DEA Class, RX Number (PDTS), Quantity Dispensed, Days Supply, Patient Name and DEERS ID, Service Category, Site MTF and Pharmacy Name. Also, there is a line above the data that returns the provider’s name, NPI and DEA number. The name will appear only if the provider’s ID is a valid DEA number. Otherwise the phrase “Not of File” will appear in lieu of the provider’s name. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to enter the DEA number. You enter the DEA number by clicking on the prompt “Enter value(s) for Provider ID”. You should enter just one DEA number per report. Note: The best format to run a provider profile is with the provider’s NPI number. If you do not have access to the provider’s NPI number you can use the provider’s DEA number. With DEA number, you may not extract all prescriptions written by the provider as PDTS may not be able to link the provider’s DEA number with prescriptions submitted with the provider’s NPI number.

This report allows the user to monitor the medications from within a specific point of service (Service Category) over a given period of time by the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) therapeutic class. The report provides two tabs, one with the AHFS Classes ranked based on prescription count and the other ranked based on total submitted amount due. The template has been designed to exclude compounded prescriptions as they can misrepresent the data within a given class. Each tab presents the following data elements: AHFS code, AHFS description, total number of prescriptions, average days supply, total submitted amount due and the number of unique utilizers for each class. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a Claim Service Category. You select the Service Category by clicking on the prompt “Select Claim Service Category:” and a list of Service Categories will appear. Highlight the Service Category you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one Service Category and each tab will separate the data by the name of the selected Service Categories.

This report allows the user to monitor the medications from within a specific point of service (Service Category) over a given period of time by First DataBank’s GC3 therapeutic class. The report provides two tabs, one with the GC3 Classes ranked based on prescription count and the other ranked based on total submitted amount due. The template has been designed to exclude compounded prescriptions as they can misrepresent the data within a given class. Each tab presents the following data elements: GC3 code, GC3 description, total number of prescriptions, average days supply, total submitted amount due and the number of unique utilizers for each class. To run the report you will be asked to enter the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a Claim Service Category. You select the Service Category by clicking on the prompt “Select Claim Service Category:” and a list of Service Categories will appear. Highlight the Service Category you want and move it to the box on the right. You can select more than one Service Category and each tab will separate the data by the name of the selected Service Categories.

This template is not designed to run a report. It is offered as a means to obtain specific header information that you can use to present at the beginning of each report you build yourself. The Title and Report population cells are left open for you to type in the appropriate information relative to the report you are running. The bottom three blank boxes will fill in automatically each time a report is completed based on some variable formulas that have been built into the template. Webi does not have the option to save a report as a template therefore have two options for using this template. You can call up the report each time you build a new report and edit the query panel and the Date Ran variable as needed or you can call up the report and add another query panel to what is already there. If you add a second query panel you will need to apply the changes when closing the query. At this time you need to select the option “Insert a table in the current report”. This will add the output from the second query on the tab with the preloaded headers. Either way, the appropriate fields (Date Range, Date Ran, User Name) will automatically fill in the headers.

This template allows the user to monitor oral antibiotic drug utilization within a specific MTF or multiple MTFs. The report runs two reports in one based on the MTF Site Name. The report provides an aggregate total of all new prescriptions filled and the number of unique users for the selected MTF(s) just below the report headers. Below that, it provides a list of all new prescriptions for oral antibiotics prescribed during the report period grouped under the selected MTF(s) name and the AHFS Code and its description. The list will contain the generic name, strength and dosage form of the drug along with the total number of RXs, Total Quantity Dispensed, Average Quantity per RX and the total number of Utilizers for that specific drug item. Prior to running the report you will need to edit Query 2 by changing the AHFS Matches pattern variable to the AHFS codes to be surveyed.

To run the report you will be asked to complete three prompts, the first date and the last date of the report period and to select a specific MTF. When you click on the prompt “Enter value(s) for Site MTF:” a list of MTFs will appear in a box on the left and you highlight the site you want and move it to the box on the right. You need to repeat the process if you select a different MTF. The report output will separate the data for each selected MTF by the Site MTF name. As a reminder, this report template has been set up to show data from one AHFS Antibiotic Class, 0812. If you want data from a different antibiotic class you must edit the AHFS Matches Pattern condition in query two to match your required output.

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Last Updated: April 25, 2024
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