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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Glossary and Definitions

Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • ALL USERS: Beneficiaries who say they get most of their care from a TRICARE health plan such as Prime, Select, etc...
  • CAHPS: Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
  • HCSDB: Health Care Survey of DOD Beneficiaries
  • HEDIS: Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
  • MHS: Military Health System
  • MTF: Military Treatment Facility. U.S.
  • NCBD: National CAHPS Benchmarking Database
  • NCQA: National Committee for Quality Assurance
  • PCM: Primary Care Manager
  • [Region] Other: All [Region] non-Army/Navy/Air Force MTFs
  • [Region] Region-Other: MTFs in [Region] without enough observations for reporting
  • Other: All non-Army/Navy/Air Force MTFs
  • USA MHS: MHS in Continental United States, plus Hawaii and Alaska

Terms Related to the Survey

A goal or standard of comparison

Beneficiary groups classify users according to their relationship to the armed services. To see scores go to the View Survey Reports page. The report for any beneficiary group reflects only the scores for that beneficiary group. Beneficiary groups include only those who say they use a TRICARE plan for most of their health care. Reservists are included with active duty users, and their family members with active duty family members. In the annual reports, regional and MTF level scores are available for active duty beneficiaries. For active duty family members or retirees, reports show scores at the regional level only.

A score based on a combination of items

Enrollment groups classify users according to their relationship to TRICARE Prime, the MHS's managed care plan. To see scores for Prime enrollees, enrollees with a military PCM, enrollees with a civilian PCM, or TRICARE Select users, select the Enrollment/Beneficiary Group on the View Survey Results page. The report for any enrollment group reflects only the scores for that group. Prime enrollee scores include only users enrolled for at least 6 months. TRICARE Reserve Select is treated as part of TRICARE Select. TRICARE Select users do not include those who use civilian insurance as their primary source of coverage. In the annual reports, regional and MTF level scores are available for Prime enrollees and enrollees with a military PCM. For Purchased Care Users, reports show scores at the regional level only.

The Beneficiary Reports present scores according to the service of beneficiaries' military treatment facilities. These are the MTFs to which the beneficiaries are enrolled. If beneficiaries are not enrolled, their MTF is their assigned catchment area. Beneficiaries who are not enrolled or assigned a catchment area are in the "other" category.

The MTF scores in TRICARE Beneficiary Reports combine results from "parent" and "child" facilities. MTF scores are shown only if enough beneficiaries from that site respond to meet report precision requirements.

MTF's are assigned based on enrollment for enrollees with military PCM's, and by catchment area of residence for non-enrollees and enrollees with civilian PCM's. Clinics are usually combined with parent facilities. Sometimes several facilities are combined into one. For combination rules see the HCSDB Adult Sample Design.

TRICARE is managed in three separate health care regions: East, West, and Overseas. >>Learn More

Last Updated: April 25, 2024
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