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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

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The quality of our data is paramount to the success of our data driven enterprise. Our biggest challenge for our technical and professional staff is to develop and use their expertise in the assurance of accurate, relevant and current clinical and workload data. Expectations include precision in data input from our clerical staff, correct coding from our providers, and standardized data processing from all levels within the organization. Our basic survival is dependent on appropriate data as we evaluate the effectiveness of our demonstrations, negotiate with our managed care support contractors, and collect information to justify expenditures and budgets.

This DQMC Training Course is intended to explore the Data Quality Process within the Military Health System (MHS). Although our information systems may seem disparate, there really is a critical interdependence and synchronization. Re-engineering is beginning to align the MHS organizationally to better provide oversight and centralization of our information systems. Data Quality issues, such as business rules, information management and information technology, are no longer handled in "stove-pipe" solutions but rather, Data Quality Teams are formed to gather pertinent information, to create the big picture and to proceed with well formulated resolutions that are centrally deployed.

During the late 1990's, the Data Quality Integrated Process Team (DQIPT) chaired by the Director, Health Programs Analysis and Evaluation (HPA&E), was the "clearinghouse" for Data Quality in the MHS. A TRICARE-sponsored Data Quality Training Course was developed as a solution to "teach" people to be good data stewards and thus increase the validity and credibility of our data. A Data Quality Training Course Advisory Group of multi-disciplined, multi-Service representation was founded. The result of this Advisory group is a comprehensive, well-developed training course with an incredibly diverse and experienced cadre of instructors.

Since January 2003, the responsibility for the Data Quality Training Course was assumed by the Data Quality Management Control (DQMC) Program and the DQMC Workgroup. The Defense Health Agency (DHA), Financial Operations (J-8), Cost Accounting Division has responsibility for the DQMC Program and also chairs the DQMC Workgroup, which now has oversight over the course curriculum.

For more information, please contact us.

Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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