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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

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Annual Evaluation of the TRICARE Program

FY24 Evaluation of TRICARE ProgramAnnual Evaluation of the TRICARE Program Section 717 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1996 directed the Department of Defense to conduct an ongoing Evaluation of the TRICARE Program, requiring that the evaluation explicitly address the following issues: 

  1. The impact of the TRICARE program on military retirees with regard to access, costs, and quality of health care services; and 
  2. Identify noncatchment areas in which the health maintenance organization option of the TRICARE program is available or is proposed to become available. 

Additional objectives of this task are: 

  • Examine the trends in beneficiary population demographics and utilization and DOD costs under TRICARE and compare them with civilian-sector benchmarks, 
  • Identify possible determinants of changes in health care utilization and costs, 
  • Examine the trends in beneficiary satisfaction and other Military Health System (MHS) performance metrics and compare them with civilian-sector benchmarks, and 
  • Determine the impact of TRICARE on the out-of-pocket expenses of MHS beneficiaries.

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Sep 23, 2024

Annual Evaluation of the TRICARE Program FY24

.PDF | 7.46 MB

The Evaluation of the TRICARE Program: Fiscal Year 2024 Report is provided by the Defense Health Agency, Analytics and Evaluation Division, in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. The intent of this report is an annual evaluation of the TRICARE Program only and is not intended to cover the costs of care delivered to ...

Last Updated: September 23, 2024
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