The Department of Defense Patient Safety Program eBulletin delivers patient safety updates, news, useful tips and resources to help you deliver the highest quality of care to your patients. This month, learn what immunizations and antibiotics have to do with patient safety, see how TeamSTEPPS is being used in overseas civilian hospitals, and learn what the Navy is doing for high reliability transformation!
Welcome to the November edition of the DoD PSP Treasure Chest! Each issue, we share resources to help you execute your day-to-day patient safety activities easily and effectively. Please visit us often and get access to tools and information developed with you – our committed MHS patient safety champions – in mind!
MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot
The MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot is a monthly compilation of two types of patient safety data:
1) Sentinel Event notifications submitted to the Patient Safety Analysis Center; and
2) Anonymous, voluntarily reported patient safety events via the web-based incident reporting system known as JPSR.
This publication provides an MHS enterprise-level snapshot of trends in SEs and JPSR events so that providers and health care administrators can help identify areas for patient safety improvement in their facility and throughout the MHS.
Visit the Patient Safety Learning Center* to access the latest MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot, available on the 15th of every month.
*Please visit the Patient Safety Analysis Center page to access and download this publication.
MHS Patient Safety Spotlight
The MHS Patient Safety Spotlight is a resource designed to highlight best practices and interesting initiatives that come from the field and are worthy of being shared across the enterprise. This resource features data-driven examples of improvement and case studies that tackle specific problems with specific solutions.
Visit the Patient Safety Learning Center* to access the latest MHS Patient Safety Spotlight, available on the 15th of every month.
*Please visit the Patient Safety Analysis Center page to access and download this publication.
Upcoming Events
Click on the image on the right to view/print a list of all upcoming patient safety activities.
Patient Safety Learning Circles
In-person or web-based forums focused on a specific topic.
TeamSTEPPS® Webinar – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHA)
Please check our Calendar of Events for updates on this webinar.
The Joint Commission
There are multiple opportunities to attend accreditation and certification webinars offered by The Joint Commission.
Learn more about these opportunities >>
Identifying Risk in Your Organization: Does Error Reporting Capture Everything? – Institute for Medication Safe Practices (ISMP)*
Nov. 9, 2017 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. EST

This webinar is designed to assist organizations in the effective use of internal reporting programs. During the webinar, the importance of gathering key information will be reviewed, as well as the value of applying ISMP’s system-based approach to error analysis. Participants will learn how to identify medication safety risk, beyond the use of error reporting. A variety of techniques, including proactive, concurrent, and reactive methods will be discussed as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
- Matthew Grissinger, RPh, FISMP, FASCP, director, Error Reporting Programs, ISMP
Learn more about this webinar >>
Health Care Innovation and R&D: Taking Stock at Ten Years – Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Sep. Nov. 9, 2017 from 2-3 p.m. EST

- Lindsay A. Martin, founder, I-Squared Consulting Group; instructor, TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University
- Kedar Mate, MD, chief innovation and education officer, IHI
- John Whittington, MD, senior fellow, IHI; lead faculty, IHI Triple Aim
Learn more about this webinar>>
Moving Beyond Safety-I to Safety-II to Transform Patient Safety – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)*/National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF)**
Nov. 15, 2017 from 1-2 p.m. EST
Traditional patient safety efforts have been designed and implemented under the premise that our systems are well understood, well designed, and predictable. Therefore, when things go wrong, individuals are usually identified as the cause and focus for developing actions to prevent future error and harm. Unfortunately, the vast majority of preventable health care errors are due to systems issues that are often overlooked. This "new view" of addressing and improving safety is captured by the term “Safety-II.” This presentation will provide a practical model for thinking about systems, define Safety-I and –II, and explore the relationship between Safety-I and –II, with suggestions for applications by safety teams
- Matthew Scanlon, MD, CPPS, professor of pediatrics, Critical Care, Medical College of Wisconsin, human factors systems physician, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Learn more about this opportunity >>
Implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship at Your Facility – ECRI Institute
Nov. 16, 2017 from 1-2 p.m. EST
For more information on registering for this webinar, please e-mail or call (610) 825-6000, ext. 5800.
When Patients Feel as Powerless as Hostages – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Nov. 21, 2017, from 2-3 p.m. EST
- Leonard L. Berry, PhD, MBA, university distinguished professor of marketing, regents professor, M. B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
- Rana Awdish, MD, director, Pulmonary Hypertension Program, medical director of care experience, Henry Ford Health System
- Kedar Mate, MD, chief innovation and education officer, IHI
Learn more about this opportunity >>
*Denotes that activity is eligible for Continuing Education credit. All CE credits are managed by the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine.
**Did you know? As an NPSF Stand Up for Patient Safety member, DoD PSP receives complimentary access to webinars as a benefit of program membership. Check with your facility POC to obtain the member coupon code.