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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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July/August 2018 eBulletin

DOD Patient Safety Program July August 2018 eBulletin Banner

The Department of Defense Patient Safety Program eBulletin delivers patient safety updates, news, useful tips and resources to help you deliver the highest quality of care to your patients. This month, learn what some of your MHS colleagues learned at the national TeamSTEPPS conference, discover how tracers are impacting pharmacy clinics in Bavaria, meet an infection control manager who is leading the charge to zero infections, and learn how to submit for the Advancement toward High Reliability in Healthcare Awards Program before it’s too late!

Announcements and Reminders

  • In July, the Military Health System’s theme is Health Innovation. Learn more about this theme. 
  • Submissions for the Advancement toward High Reliability in Healthcare Awards Program are due by 4 p.m. EDT on Aug. 1! Nominations are being accepted for four discipline areas: Health care quality, patient safety, patient engagement, and improved access. Visit our web page for more information.
  • Thank you to those who attended the DoD session at the AHA Team Training Conference in June. We appreciate the lively conversation and hope you walked away feeling empowered and inspired about the opportunities that lie ahead for the MHS and patient safety.
  • The next eBulletin will publish in September 2018.
  • Do you have questions about the Continuing Education process? We can help! E-mail us.
  • Do you have an update from your facility? We’re always looking for good news stories and would love to hear from you! If you’d like to share an update please contact us via e-mail or Facebook and one of our team members will contact you.

Feature: Oh, the Places You’ll Go Through Teamwork

During the annual TeamSTEPPS conference, patient safety champions across the Military Health System came together to discuss how to leverage TeamSTEPPS during the transition of military treatment facilities to the Defense Health Agency. Feature: Oh, the Places You'll Go Through Teamwork.

Patient Safety In Action: Prescribing High Reliability in Pharmacies

Health care teams in U.S. Army Medical Department Activity Bavaria participate in regular tracers amongst themselves to optimize leading practices. Patient Safety In Action: Prescribing High Reliability in Pharmacies.

HRO Corner: Meet an Every Day MHS Infection Control Champion

Consistent application of infection prevention measures is helping Bassett Army Community Hospital in Alaska keep infections at bay. HRO Corner: Meet an Every Day MHS Infection Control Champion.

Advancing High Reliable Care One Facility at a Time

Nominations for the Advancement toward High Reliability in Healthcare Awards Program are being accepted until Aug. 1 at 4 p.m. EDT. Advancing High Reliable Care One Facility at a Time.

DoD PSP Treasure Chest: July/August Edition

DoD Patient Safety Program Treasure Chest

Welcome to the July/August edition of the DoD PSP Treasure Chest! Each issue, we share resources to help you execute your day-to-day patient safety activities easily and effectively. Please visit us often and get access to tools and information developed for our committed MHS patient safety champions!

DoD PSP Treasure Chest: July/August Edition.

MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot

An image of a camera on a blue circle

The MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot is a monthly compilation of two types of patient safety data:

1) Sentinel Event notifications submitted to the Patient Safety Analysis Center; and

2) Anonymous, voluntarily reported patient safety events via the web-based incident reporting system known as JPSR.

This publication provides an MHS enterprise-level snapshot of trends in SEs and JPSR events so that providers and health care administrators can help identify areas for patient safety improvement in their facility and throughout the MHS.

Visit the Patient Safety Learning Center* to access the latest MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot, available on the 15th of every month.

*Please visit the Patient Safety Analysis Center page to access and download this publication.

DoD Patient Safety Program Learning Update July 2018 CoverUpcoming Events

Click on the image on the right to view/print a list of all upcoming patient safety activities.

Patient Safety Learning Circles

In-person or web-based forums focused on a specific topic.

TeamSTEPPS® Webinar – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHA)

Please check our Calendar of Events for updates on this webinar.

The Joint Commission

There are multiple opportunities to attend accreditation and certification webinars offered by The Joint Commission.

Learn more about these opportunities >>

How to Build Better Behavioral Health in the Emergency Department – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

July 12, 2018 from 2-3 p.m. EDT

Patient Safety Learning Opportunity
  • Scott Zeller, MD, vice president of acute psychiatry, Vituity 
  • Robin Henderson, PsyD, chief executive, Behavioral Health, Providence Medical Group Oregon and Clinical Liaison, Well Being Trust 
  • Vera Feuer, MD, director of pediatric emergency psychiatry, Northwell Health
  • Mara Laderman, MPH, director for innovation, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Learn more about this opportunity >>

VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines: Putting Them to Work at Your Facility

July 26, 2018 from 1-2 p.m. EDT

ECRI Institute logo
  • Lisa D. Jones, BSN, RN, MHA, CPHQ, chronic disease nurse consultant, DoD CPG Coordinator
  • M. Eric Rodgers, PhD, FNP-BC, director, Evidence Based Practice Program, Office of Quality, Safety & Value, Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Maj. Matthew J. Royall, MD, USAF, chief, Integration Delivery Element, Solution Intelligence Section, User Integration Branch, Defense Health Agency
  • COL John Westhoff, MD, MPH, chief, Preventive Medicine, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

For more information on registering for this webinar, please e-mail or call (610) 825-6000, ext. 5800.

Last Updated: October 28, 2024
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