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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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January/February 2018 eBulletin

DoD Patient Safety Program January/February eBulletin banner

The Department of Defense Patient Safety Program eBulletin delivers patient safety updates, news, useful tips and resources to help you deliver the highest quality of care to your patients. This month, meet the Quality and Patient Safety award winners, learn more about the MHS dental community and read how the Air Force is approaching high reliability transformation!

Announcements and Reminders

  • In January, the Military Health System’s theme is New Year, New You. Learn more about this theme. 
  • Curious about how the Advancement toward High Reliability in Healthcare Award winners are advancing the MHS toward a high reliability organization? Join the three-part webinar series this month to hear from seven winners. See our Calendar of Events for details.
  • In case you missed it, TeamSTEPPS training is now being offered by the American Hospital Association. Stay tuned about upcoming webinars on our Calendar of Events.
  • Patient Safety Awareness Week is coming! Join us March 11-17, 2018. Please subscribe and follow us on Facebook to stay tuned for more information.
  • The next eBulletin will publish in March 2018.
  • Do you have questions about the Continuing Education process? We can help! E-mail us.
  • Do you have an update from your facility? We’re always looking for good news stories and would love to hear from you! Let us know via e-mail or Facebook.

Feature: Meet the 2017 Quality and Patient Safety Winners

Nine military treatment facilities received the 2017 Advancement toward High Reliability in Healthcare Award for their Healthcare Quality and Safety initiatives. Feature: Meet the 2017 Quality and Patient Safety Winners.

Patient Safety In Action: MHS Dental Community Drills Down for Patient Safety Standards

Representatives from the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Capital Region are working to standardize dental patient safety across the Military Health System. Patient Safety In Action: MHS Dental Community Drills Down for Patient Safety Standards.

HRO Corner: Air Force Medical Service Takes Off with Trusted Care

The Air Force Medical Service is using traditional in-person training, virtual mentoring, modern technology and social media to standardize high reliability across the service. HRO Corner: Air Force Medical Service Takes Off with Trusted Care.

DoD PSP Treasure Chest: January/February Edition

DoD Patient Safety Program Treasure Chest

Welcome to the January/February edition of the DoD PSP Treasure Chest! Each issue, we share resources to help you execute your day-to-day patient safety activities easily and effectively. Please visit us often and get access to tools and information developed for our committed MHS patient safety champions!

DoD PSP Treasure Chest: January/February Edition.

MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot

An image of a camera on a blue circle

The MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot is a monthly compilation of two types of patient safety data:

1) Sentinel Event notifications submitted to the Patient Safety Analysis Center; and

2) Anonymous, voluntarily reported patient safety events via the web-based incident reporting system known as JPSR.

This publication provides an MHS enterprise-level snapshot of trends in SEs and JPSR events so that providers and health care administrators can help identify areas for patient safety improvement in their facility and throughout the MHS.

Visit the Patient Safety Learning Center* to access the latest MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot, available on the 15th of every month.

*Please visit the Patient Safety Analysis Center page to access and download this publication.

MHS Patient Safety Spotlight

Patient Safety spotlightThe MHS Patient Safety Spotlight is a resource designed to highlight best practices and interesting initiatives that come from the field and are worthy of being shared across the enterprise. This resource features data-driven examples of improvement and case studies that tackle specific problems with specific solutions.

Visit the Patient Safety Learning Center* to access the latest MHS Patient Safety Spotlight, available on the 15th of every month.

*Please visit the Patient Safety Analysis Center page to access and download this publication.

Department of Defense Patient Safety Program Learning Update: May 2017

Upcoming Events

Click on the image on the right to view/print a list of all upcoming patient safety activities.

Patient Safety Learning Circles

In-person or web-based forums focused on a specific topic.

TeamSTEPPS® Webinar – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHA)

Please check our Calendar of Events for updates on this webinar.

The Joint Commission

There are multiple opportunities to attend accreditation and certification webinars offered by The Joint Commission.

Learn more about these opportunities >>

2017 Advancement Toward High Reliability in Healthcare Awards: Session 1 of 3 – DoD Patient Safety Program

Jan. 9, 2018 from 1-2 p.m. EST

circular logo with department of defense patient safety program written around the perimeter and a pentagon shaped image in the center with the medical caduceus over a medical cross symbol

DoD military treatment facility staff are invited to learn what the 2017 Advancement Toward High Reliability in Healthcare Award winners are doing to advance the MHS toward becoming a high reliability organization and how these initiatives are improving patient safety in their facility. This webinar will feature two winners in the Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety discipline.

  • “High Value Cost Conscious Care: Optimizing the Electronic Medical Record to Reduce Laboratory Overutilization” presented by Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
  • “Improve Sterile Instrument and Process Handling” presented by Fort Belvoir Community Hospital

Learn more about this webinar >>

2017 Advancement Toward High Reliability in Healthcare Awards: Session 2 of 3 – DoD Patient Safety Program

Jan. 11, 2018 from 1-2 p.m. EST

circular logo with department of defense patient safety program written around the perimeter and a pentagon shaped image in the center with the medical caduceus over a medical cross symbol

DoD military treatment facility staff are invited to learn what the 2017 Advancement Toward High Reliability in Healthcare Award winners are doing to advance the MHS toward becoming a high reliability organization and how these initiatives are improving patient safety in their facility. This webinar will feature two winners in the Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety discipline.

  • “Improve HEDIS Antidepressant Medication Management” presented by Naval Hospital Pensacola
  • “Winn Army Community Hospital Clinical Improvement of Low Back Pain” presented by USAMEDDAC Fort Stewart

Learn more about this webinar >>

Opioid Crisis: Changing Habits and Improving Pain Management – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Jan. 11, 208 from 2-3 p.m. EST

Patient Safety Learning Opportunity

  • Glenn Crotty, Jr., MD, FACP, clinical associate professor of medicine, West Virginia University; executive vice president and COO, Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC)
  • Robert B. Saper, MD, MPH, associate professor family medicine, Boston University; chair, Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health
  • Christopher Spevak, MD, MPH, JD, director, National Capital Region Opioid Safety Program; deputy director, National Capital Region Pain Initiative & Wounded Warrior Pan Care Initiative
  • Mara Laderman, MSPH, director for innovation and behavioral health, IHI

Learn more about this webinar >>

2017 Advancement Toward High Reliability in Healthcare Awards: Session 3 of 3 – DoD Patient Safety Program

Jan. 16, 2018 from 1-2:30 p.m. EST

circular logo with department of defense patient safety program written around the perimeter and a pentagon shaped image in the center with the medical caduceus over a medical cross symbol

DoD military treatment facility staff are invited to learn what the 2017 Advancement Toward High Reliability in Healthcare Award winners are doing to advance the MHS toward becoming a high reliability organization and how these initiatives are improving patient safety in their facility. This webinar will feature three winners in the Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety discipline.

  • “Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening by Mailing Fecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) Home Screening Kits to Beneficiaries” presented by Health Net Federal Services LLC 
  • “Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program to Reduce Surgical Complications” presented by David Grant Medical Center 
  • “Enhanced Recovery Program” presented by 99th Medical Group – Nellis Air Force Base 

Learn more about this webinar >>

Introducing ISMP's New Targeted Best Practices for 2018-2019 – Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)

Jan. 18, 2018 from 1:30-3 p.m. EST

Patient Safety Learning Opportunity

Learn about ISMP’s three new Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals and why they were selected for national action. This call to action includes new targets on the use of injectable promethazine, fentaNYL patches, and the use of external error information for advancing safety. Our speaker will also provide an update on the national progress with implementation of ISMP’s eleven Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices from 2016-2017; giving participants the opportunity to weigh in on their current level of adoption. Don’t miss this opportunity to join this important call and align your safety practices.

  • Darryl S. Rich, PharmD, MBA, FASHP, medication safety specialist, ISMP

Learn more about this webinar >>

When MHS Transparency: Prepare Your MTF for Hospital Compare – ECRI Institute

Jan. 25, 2018 from 1-2 p.m. EST

ECRI Institute logo

During this webinar, military treatment facility staff will learn about the Military Health System transparency initiative to share some hospital data on Hospital Compare. Speakers will demonstrate how to use the Hospital Compare web site and explain how the site is used by consumers and hospitals. Additionally, MTF staff will learn about what they need to do to ensure that their facility's data is accurately represented on the Hospital Compare web site.

  • Capt. Mary Rettino, BSN, MSIST, MHR, MPH, senior clinical quality nurse consultant, Quality and Medical Compliance Office, Defense Health Agency
  • Kristie Baus, RN, BSN, MS, technical advisor, Hospital Compare/Inpatient Process and Structural Measure Team Lead, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • Irene Downey, ASN, RN, CCM, operations manager, KEPRO

For more information on registering for this webinar, please e-mail or call (610) 825-6000, ext. 5800.

What’s in a Name? Health Care’s “Chief Quality Officer” – Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)

Jan. 25, 2018 from 2-3 p.m. EST

Patient Safety Learning OpportunitySpeaker:
  • David M. Williams, PhD, executive director for improvement capability, IHI

Learn more about this opportunity >>

Last Updated: October 28, 2024
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