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DOD P&T Committee: 2014 Meetings

In the event the class of drugs specified herein has previously been reviewed, the government solicits quotes for new Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)/Voluntary Agreement for Retail Refunds (VARRs) to replace any existing BPAs/VARRs. The government will not consider existing BPA/VARR prices in the Uniform Formulary (UF) evaluation. Any existing BPA/VARR for this class of drugs will be terminated upon the conclusion of the UF decision.

Meeting Date Review Type Drug Classes/New Drugs Under Review/Information for Manufacturers  Meeting Window for Manufacturers to give Clinical/Cost Presentations 

February 2014

Class Review Pulmonary-1 Agents January 2014
Class Review PEC Class: Gastrointestinal-1 Agents
Class Review  PEC Class: Pancreatic Enzyme Agents
Designated Newly Approved Drugs  Mirabregon, Forfivo XL, Brintellix, Fetzima, Khedezla

May 2014

Class Review Osteoporosis Agents March/April 2014
Class Review  Nasal Allergy Agents 
Class Review  Pulmonary-1 Agents 
Desingated Newly Approved Drugs  Arcapta, Myrbetriq, Farxiga, Solvaldi, Uceris, Eliquis, Zorvolex, Quillivant XR

August 2014

Class Review  Multiple Sclerosis Agents Solicitation Cancelled
Class Review  Targeted Immunomodulary Biologics  June 2014
Designated Newly Approved Drugs  Quillivant XR, Tanzeum  June 2014

November 2014

Class Revew Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Agents Solicitation Cancelled
Class Review  Multiple Sclerosis Agents September 2014 
Class Review  Self Monitoring Blood Glucose Strips 

Send new or update information 

Designated Newly Approved Drugs  Anoro Ellipa, Prolensa, Simbrinza, V-Go  September 2014

Subject to Change Disclaimer

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) reserves the right to change the classes, sub-classes and/or designated new drugs, and other requirements, of whatever kind, affecting solicitations. The provisions of this table do not constitute a contract, express or implied, between the DHA and manufacturer or eligible bidder.

If the DoD P&T Committee is unable to complete an evaluation of any of the drug classes, the Committee will continue its efforts at the next meeting.

Last Updated: April 25, 2024
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