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inTransition FAQs

Find the answers to frequently asked questions about the inTransition program.

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Who is eligible?


All service members and veterans:

  • Any service member or veteran who is serving or has ever served can use the program to locate a new psychological health care provider or to transition care from a current psychological health care provider to a new psychological health care provider
  • InTransition supports active duty, reserve, and National Guard service members and veterans, regardless of current activation status
  • InTransition supports all service members and veterans regardless of duration of service, time since discharge, or category of discharge


When does DOD encourage providers to refer service members to the inTransition program?


Transferring service members with mental health conditions or concerns who are currently receiving care are eligible for assistance under this program. The patient population to be served may include, but is not limited to, service members who:

  • Are/have been receiving psychological health care scheduled for a permanent change of station (PCS) or an extended temporary duty station
  • Were wounded, ill or injured and are/have been receiving psychological health care and are returning to home station following rehabilitative care at a military treatment facility (MTF), Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) or Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facility
  • Are/have been receiving psychological health treatment and are separating from active duty or are transitioning to the VA or TRICARE network
  • Are in the reserve components being activated and are/have been receiving behavioral health care and must transition VA care to an MTF or TRICARE network
  • Are making any transition from one location to another, including a deployed setting and are/have been receiving psychological health care, and do not fall into one of the categories above


What is DOD automatic enrollment?


All service members leaving military service who have received psychological health care within one year prior to their separations will be automatically enrolled in the inTransition program, but may decline participation at any time.


When may a service member/veteran self-refer to the inTransition program?


Any time the service member/veteran is in need of assistance either establishing or transitioning psychological health care.


What is the benefit of calling the inTransition program?


InTransition coaches have the experience needed to make a solid connection with service members/veterans. For people transitioning their care, the coaches can help guide and empower them to a successful transition to their gaining provider. This hands-on guidance maintains the valuable care provided and supports health and readiness. InTransition gives the maximum opportunity for continuation of that progress. For people seeking to establish care, inTransition coaches share extensive knowledge of DOD, VA, and community health care resources. With the help of an inTransition coach, service members/veterans can avoid common barriers to care and quickly access needed services.


Can health care professionals refer service members/veterans to the inTransition program?


Yes. All providers working with service members/veterans can refer to the inTransition program. This includes but is not limited to DOD, VA and community providers. 


What services do the inTransition program coaching staff provide?


  • An intake process to confirm service members' interest in participating, demographics, and current and gaining provider information, if available
  • Telephonic coaching sessions using motivational interviewing techniques that empower service members to determine their own paths to continue in care and improve their well-being
  • Answers to service members' questions about mental health care, treatment methods and techniques, provider types, outcomes measurement, etc.
  • Information on the use of military support services, community resources and support groups
  • The inTransition program does not replace case management of medical conditions or referral services that are already being provided


What information should health care providers provide to the inTransition coaching staff at the time of referral?


  • Service member/veteran name
  • Service member/veteran contact information (home phone number, cell phone number, and e-mail address)
  • Service member/veteran destination or discharge status (e.g., permanent change of station destination, discharge from active duty, etc.)
  • Service member/veteran psychological health diagnosis


Do I need to obtain a written release of information to make a referral to the inTransition program?


No. The vendor executing the contract for the inTransition program is a recognized business associate of the Defense Health Agency, and must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regarding privacy and security of individually identifiable health information. Neither written consent by the patient, nor a signed authorization of disclosure form, is required to refer the service member/veteran to the inTransition program. Furthermore, the vendor executing the inTransition contract will ensure that applicable privacy and security requirements are strictly maintained in accessing, handling, reporting, documenting and storing patient-related information, whether paper or electronic. Applicable privacy and security requirements include those under the Privacy Act, HIPAA, the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Behavioral Health Reorganization Act (ADAMHRA), and implementing DOD guidance.


Does the service member/veteran need to be present when the provider makes the call to the inTransition program?


No. Providers can call the inTransition program with or without the service member/veteran being present, however, the call is most effective when providers and service members/veterans call together.


What qualifications do inTransition coaches have?


All inTransition coaches are licensed, masters-level psychological health clinicians with a minimum of three years of post-masters-level experience. They are trained in motivational interviewing, understand military culture, and are knowledgeable in mental health, substance abuse, and community and military resources. They are aware of the various eligibility statuses of service members in programs such as TRICARE Reserve Select, the Early Identification Program, the TRICARE Transition Assistance Management Program, and the active duty Military Health System. They are aware of veteran eligibility statuses for care through Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Medical Centers, Veterans Benefits Administration Vet Centers, and no-cost community resources.


Does the coach provide telephonic therapy or other health care services?


No. Our coaches are not intended to act as a substitute or replacement for mental health care, but they do facilitate access to and continued use of mental health services by service members/veterans.


Why are inTransition coaches required to be licensed mental health care providers if they are not providing mental health treatment?


As licensed professionals, our inTransition coaches have specialized skill sets necessary for the success of the program (e.g., the ability to establish and maintain rapport with clients, knowledge of mental health concepts, treatment models, and complex systems of care).


What specific coaching services are provided?


Our inTransition coaches employ interventions that are appropriate for the individual, including assistance with developing an action plan or setting goals; encouragement with the use of adapting strategies; responses to mental health questions related to diagnosis or life issues; self-management materials; decision support for treatment options; and encouragement to make healthy choices to support well-being.


What if the service member/veteran experiences a crisis during the transition period?


In a crisis, our inTransition coaches ensure a quick and warm hand-off to the Military Crisis Line as well as a referral to local resources to provide help. Our coaches will do all they can to ensure the safety of service members/veterans.


Does the inTransition coach identify and handle the transition to the gaining provider?


Our inTransition coaches encourage service members/veterans to establish their initial appointment with the gaining provider. If an appointment with a gaining provider has been established at referral, the coach and service member/veteran work together to prepare the service member/veteran for the first appointment and deal with any issues that may impact follow-through and engagement with the new provider. If the gaining provider has not been identified, the coaching staff researches and helps the service member/veteran understand the transition process of the gaining organization and, if appropriate, assists the service member/veteran in making an appointment at the gaining organization.


Does the inTransition coach serve as a case manager if the service member/veteran has complex needs?


No. Our inTransition coaches are not intended to replace or supplant the functions of case managers assigned to complex cases. The inTransition program is a coaching program that provides service members/veterans with education, expert information and support.


What are the hours of operation?


The inTransition program is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year via a toll-free phone number, email, or online chat:

  • 800-424-7877 (CONUS)
  • 800-748-81111 (OCONUS in Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and South Korea only)
  • Live Chat
  • Email


Is the inTransition program a "call center?"


No. While service members/veterans have telephone access to the inTransition program 24/7, the inTransition program differs from a call center in that service members/veterans are assigned a one-on-one coach who will maintain active contact with the service member/veteran until his or her follow-on care is established with the new provider. Coaches will routinely initiate calls to the service member/veteran on at least a weekly basis.


How do I contact the program and where can I go for additional information?


You can reach the inTransition program at the following phone numbers:

  • 800-424-7877 (CONUS)
  • 800-748-81111 (OCONUS in Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and South Korea only)
  • Live Chat
  • Email

Also, you can navigate to the inTransition homepage to find quick reference information and materials you can use for communication about the program within your facility and with your service members/veterans.

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Last Updated: February 10, 2025
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