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Military Health System

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MHS GENESIS is the Military Health System's new electronic health record.




MHS GENESIS is the single, common electronic health record for the Military Health System. It’s an enterprise solution supporting a system of health care delivery with standardized clinical and business practices. It is also a patient-centric system focusing on quality, safety, security, and readiness – resulting in positive patient outcomes.


What happens when I PCS to/from an MHS GENESIS location?


Providers at all Department of Defense hospitals and clinics have access to electronic files, whether those records are stored in the new health record (MHS GENESIS), or existing military digital records, or in coordination with community providers.


Will the VA use the same system?


Yes. DOD, VA, the U. S. Coast Guard, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are standing up a single, common electronic health record that will stay with a service member from the time of their entry into the military through veteran status.


How do I access my electronic health record (EHR)?


Once a patient has a health record in MHS GENESIS (used by providers and available only to sites with the new EHR), they can access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal account using a CAC-enabled computer or through a DS Logon account.


What do I do when I can't get access to my patient portal?


For support relating to the Patient Portal issues, contact: the Global Support Center at (800) 600-9332.


Will I have access to previous messages with my provider?


A separate vendor runs TRICARE Online Patient Portal Secure Messaging (formerly RelayHealth) and the messages do not cross over to MHS GENESIS. It is important for beneficiaries to know that their old TRICARE Online Patient Portal Secure Messaging account is still active. They can log into the old system to see all their archived messages in that application’s "my chart" section. Messages generated in MHS GENESIS should be visible within the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.


What can I do within the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?


The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal securely connects a patient with their health care team and empowers them to become the driver of their own health care. With the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, a patient can:

  • Manage primary care medical and dental appointments (in most places)
  • Review clinical notes, lab, and test results
  • Request prescription renewals
    • Renewals occur when a prescription has no refills left or has expired, and the patient needs to continue taking the medication (in this case, health care staff evaluate and create a new prescription, if appropriate)
    • New prescription renewals are done only through MHS GENESIS
  • Exchange secure messages with their health care team
  • Monitor health information and view their portal profile
  • Complete a pre-visit dental health history questionnaire online
  • Look up high-quality, provider-approved health information related to health issues, lab results, and medications


I just got TOL and I am finally comfortable with it. Am I required to move over to the new patient portal if I enjoy using the old TOL?


Yes. Once your hospital or clinic deploys MHS GENESIS, you will still be able to access the TRICARE Online Patient Portal for a time until it ‘sunsets.’ However, your new information from MHS GENESIS will only be viewable via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.


What safeguards are in place to protect patient data?


We strive to maintain the most advanced cybersecurity capabilities in the world. DOD cybersecurity tools and personnel are embedded within the data center boundary to ensure the data MHS GENESIS exchanges are monitored, protected, and defended from cyberattacks. We established and maintain continuous cyber assessments. The DOD sets the standard for cybersecurity, and we invested significant time and resources to satisfy those requirements. 

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
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