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Pharmacy Operations Support Contract: MTF Corner

Military Treatment Facility Corner

View questions and answers from the Pharmacy Operations Support Contract for military pharmacies.


Where can I find the NCPDP number for 3rd party collections?


You can request NCPDP information from the DHA POD Analytics Support via email or by calling (210) 536-6650. In this request, include the military treatment facility (MTF) you are with, and any other outlying MTF sites that you need numbers for and the reason you need the NCPDP number. We will send information on how to get your NCPDP number for third party collections.


I need to add, close, or modify an MTF pharmacy. What steps do I follow?


Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Pharmacy Identifiers: National Council of Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) and National Provider Identifier (NPI)

The DHA Pharmacy Operations Support Contract (POSC) manages the process of applying for and updating NCPDP Provider ID numbers and NPI for all MTF outpatient dispensing pharmacies.

All pharmacy dispensing locations must have a valid and unique NCPDP and NPI provider number combination that identifies the pharmacy. A Request for New NCPDP/NPI Numbers form must be completed by the site point of contact (POC). If request is for an MTF ePharmacy, use the Request for New ePharmacy NCPDP/NPI Numbers form. Return to the POSC via email.

A dispensing location is defined as any outpatient dispensing pharmacy not physically co-located within another pharmacy. If pharmacies are physically separate, e.g. a Troop Medical Clinic located near the Post Exchange, the PASS recommends that the new pharmacy dispensing site have its own registered NCPDP/NPI numbers. If two pharmacies are co-located in the same physical location and workload will not be reported separately, e.g. a virtual pharmacy used for ScriptPro or RxMedic and the Main Outpatient Pharmacy, the pharmacies may share the same NCPDP/NPI number. Requests for ePharmacies will follow the same process; however, please note that ePharmacy requests require a fax number for fail over requirements.

New MTF Pharmacy

All new MTF pharmacy NCPDP/NPI requests should be submitted to the DHA POSC at least thirty (30) days prior to activation. The POSC will contact the site POC if there are any questions. Once the POSC receives and confirms all pharmacy information, the POSC will submit the NCPDP/NPI number applications online. Upon receipt of the new numbers from NCPDP, the POSC will notify the MTF Composite Health Care System (CHCS) Systems Administrator or the authorized pharmacy personnel who hold the required security key and are able to input NCPDP and NPI provider numbers.

Pharmacy Changes or Closures

An MTF Pharmacy must submit a change/closure request form to the POSC at least thirty (30) days in advance to close a dispensing location and to inactivate the location’s NCPDP/NPI provider numbers.

An MTF that is physically moving to a new dispensing location within the same military installation can use the same NCPDP/NPI numbers. The MTF must notify the POSC via a change/closure request form of the new mailing and physical addresses and new pharmacy fax and phone number, if applicable. These updates are necessary to maintain current and accurate pharmacy records at NCPDP.

Pharmacy transactions submitted without assigned, valid NCPDP/NPI numbers may reject due to NCPDP/NPI numbers not being loaded into the MTF pharmacy claims adjudication system for claims processing and pharmacy identification. This occurs when the pharmacy user selects an inactive pharmacy from a pick list in CHCS, which causes transactions to be placed in suspense at such pharmacies, resulting in prescription filling delays. This is also a potential patient safety issue as these claims do not pass through the PRODUR system which provides DUR warnings.

In sum, timely notification to the POSC that a pharmacy is opening, closing, or requires any demographic changes via the new or change/closure form(s) can avoid delays in outpatient prescription processing and transmission to PDTS as well.


Where do I look for the PDTS Rx number in CHCS?


Menu path OPM>PM>PPQ. Enter the Rx# without the leading zeros. No alpha character is required.


How do providers look at the new Online Patient Profile (or the combined CHCS/PDTS profile)?


The Online Patient Profile can be accessed through the ORE menu option. After entering the patient name and the requesting location, the user enters DPRX at the action prompt. Note: the DPRX option is offered as part of the "order Action" list if (??) is entered at the "Action" prompt. After choosing the PDTS profile, the user then defines the desired time frame based on the last fill/refill date. This is the number of days in the past the user wishes to look for both the PDTS and CHCS prescriptions. The user then has the option to send results to their CHCS mailbox, print the results, or view the results from the terminal. Results should include the CHCS profile (prescriptions filled at the requesting host MTF), and the PDTS profile (prescriptions filled at pharmacies outside of the requesting HOST's chain code, to include other MTF's, MCSC retail network pharmacies, as well as the TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery).


How do I find my NCPDP/NPI?


Menu: SFM>OMM>SIT "number is listed as PDTS Pharmacy ID". NOTE: User must have access to the supervisory menu.

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
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