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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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I am separating/retiring from service. Can I still use my approved pre-authorization if it’s not expired?


No. Once you separate/retire, all pre-authorizations become invalid.


I am a Reservist. How does my unit representative submit my pre-authorization request?


If you are U.S. Navy Reserve, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, U.S. Air Force Reserve, or Air National Guard, your unit representative can send required documents to our specified organization email box: (Do not send bills)

**Army: If you are Army National Guard/U.S. Army Reserve, your unit representative must use eMMPs via MEDCHART to submit your pre-authorization request

Note: This box can only accept emails from .mil addresses.


How can I check the status of my authorization?


To check the status of your authorization, you must be registered with a beneficiary account on your region’s website.


What does my unit representative need to submit my pre-authorization request?


Your unit representative needs to submit the DHA-GL Worksheet-02, and clinical notes validating that the medical condition was incurred or aggravated while you were in a qualified duty status, and an approved Line of Duty Determination.


I need additional medical care. How do I extend or get another pre-authorization?


The Line of Duty Determination from your initial claim will be used to authorize appropriate medical treatment for your covered condition for no longer than one year from its diagnosis. If your condition persists longer than one year, and criteria are met, you may be identified for referral to the Disability Evaluation System.


Why do I need authorization before getting continued care?


To ensure you are eligible so your medical claims will be paid.


Can I add an injury to my Line of Duty after it’s been submitted?


No. Your unit representative can submit another Line of Duty Determination with the updated injury and diagnosis for review. 


How long does my pre-authorization last?


Pre-authorization is determined on a case-by-case basis, but typically should not exceed 365 days from the time of injury. Always be sure to check the expiration date of your authorization.

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
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