Established in 2009, the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Real Warriors Campaign (RWC) is a public health campaign designed to decrease stigma, increase psychological health literacy, and open doors to access to care by encouraging psychological health help seeking among active duty service members, veterans, and their families. The DOD expanded the RWC in 2023, through collaboration between Psychological Health Center of Excellence and Defense Suicide Prevention Office, to augment suicide prevention initiatives.
The RWC’s mission is to reduce the stigma associated with mental health, amplify suicide prevention efforts, and support military community psychological health and readiness. The campaign prioritizes early help seeking in the military community, encourages access to mental health care, destigmatizes mental health, and increases knowledge and understanding of mental health information.
RWC materials address a variety of mental health concerns. Mental health concerns may range from difficulties with the stress of military life or problems with relationships which may resolve with brief or supportive counseling, to symptoms of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, alcohol misuse, or posttraumatic stress disorder that are more likely to resolve with appropriate professional treatment.
The RWC provides service members, veterans, and their families with mental health knowledge and free resources, to include online articles, print materials, videos, podcasts, and links to military information and services. Reaching out for help is a sign of strength. Remember, mental health IS health.