8 Easy New Year’s Resolution Ideas for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit
8 Easy New Year’s Resolution Ideas for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit
Are you trying to get motivated to stick to a New Year’s Resolution? New Year’s is a perfect opportunity to catch up on things that you have been putting off. Set simple achievable goals for success.
8 Easy New Year’s Resolution Ideas for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit
- Exercise while watching your favorite TV show
- Add a fruit or vegetable to every meal
- Use the reusable water bottle that’s been sitting in your cabinet
- Schedule that doctor appointment you’ve put off
- Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while
- Learn a new skill that interests you
- Clean out and donate your unused or gently used belongings
- Start a budget and stick to it
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Last Updated: July 11, 2023