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Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute


The Defense Health Agency, J-7 Education and Training Directorate, JMESI, supports leadership development and organizational effectiveness by providing high-quality education and training programs, products, and services applicable to all leaders within the Military Treatment Facilities. JMESI enhances performance by providing the most up-to-date curriculum, increasing leaders' ability to make the right decisions and plan the best way ahead.

Training Opportunities

All interested and attending leaders gain access to the Distance Learning Program, information for executive leadership and management training opportunities, Phase 1 distance learning sites, and Communities of Interest.

This course is a tri-service event designed for first time clinical supervisors. The course provides them with the administrative tools to successfully manage their clinical areas. Topics discussed include:

  • Civilian Personnel
  • Contracting
  • Budgeting
  • Quality Management
  • Tools available through the TRICARE Operations Center
  • Efficient Scheduling and Utilization Management
  • And more

One of the additional benefits to the attendees is our panel discussions. This allows the clinicians to ask direct questions and receive first-hand answers regarding management tools and practices that are or have the potential to impact the military health care management arena. This course is held three times per year. Selection for courses is made by each service. We recommend that you contact your Corps and/or Career Branch Manager for additional information.

Target Audience:

  • Officer, enlisted, and civilian MHS personnel serving as first-time clinical supervisors within a DHA military hospital or clinic.
  • Students will typically hold the following rank/grade: Officer: O 2-4; Enlisted: E 5-7; Civ: GS 9-11

Next Virtual Course Dates (Course opens for registration 60 days before start date):

  • Jan. 13-16, 2025
  • May 12-15, 2025
  • Sept. 15-18, 2025
  • Jan. 12-15, 2026
  • May 11-14, 2026
  • Sept. 14-17, 2026

This course is delivered virtually using MS Teams. All times are Central Time.

How to Register

In order to register for this course, individuals must enroll in and complete the prerequisite JMESI - Healthcare Management Course (Phase 1) - Distance Learning (10 hrs) located on Joint Knowledge Online. Once individuals have completed this curriculum, they will be able to register for course JMESI-US300. Registration for the HMC class will be closed when max capacity is reached, (200), or two weeks before course start date. Individuals who do not complete the prerequisite materials and register for the course before it closes will need to wait until the next iteration. Registration for each iteration is open 60 days prior to the course start date. Course registration is capped at 200 attendees.

Phase 1 - (10 DL courses, each of the 10 courses takes about one hour to complete.)

To register for those courses, sign into JKO (CAC-required):

Phase 2 - Once they have completed the 10 courses in Phase 1, they will be eligible to enroll in the JMESI HMC course by searching for course number US300, course name: JMESI - Healthcare Management Course (40 hrs). If they have not completed Phase 1, they will be redirected to the DL courses needed before they can enroll in US300.

After they enroll, they will be put into “Processing Request” status. We will switch them to "Enroll" status once we are ready to receive them.

Note: Registration for the HMC course opens approximately 60 days prior to course date. The maximum class size for HMC is 200. However, the course is held three times per year.

If you have any questions, please contact the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute staff at

The Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute Intermediate Executive Skills Course provides education and training on leadership and management skills. These skills are necessary to successfully serve in an intermediate-level leadership position within a DHA medical treatment facility. The course is designed to facilitate attainment of selected Joint Medical Executive Skills core competencies as identified by a Tri-Service review board of MHS senior leaders. The course consists of 10 web-based training modules available through the DHA Learning Management System (CAC-required) followed by a 4-day live, web-based video conference course hosted on MS Teams. 

Course Goal(s):

The course goal/mission is to facilitate achievement of joint medical executive skills competencies expected of intermediate-level leaders within a DHA Network or military hospital or clinic. Graduates will demonstrate:

  • Understanding of the DHA mission and strategic plan.
  • Skills consistent with professional expectations required to serve in an intermediate-level leadership position within a DHA Network or military hospital or clinic.
  • Ability to communicate effectively, lead change initiatives, and manage resources.

Target Audience:

This course is open to all officer, enlisted, and civilian personnel serving in an intermediate-level leadership position within DHA, Defense Health Network, or DHA military hospital, clinic, or dental treatment facility. Recommended grade for attendees is O 4-5, E 7-8, or GS 11-13. Minimum grade for attendees is O-3, E-6, or GS-9.

Next Virtual Course Date:

  • Feb. 3-6, 2025
  • June 9-12, 2025
  • Oct. 20-23, 2025
  • Feb. 23-26, 2026
  • June 8-11, 2026
  • Oct. 19-22, 2026

How to Register:

In order to register for this course, individuals must enroll in and complete the prerequisite JMESI-IES Course Phase 1 curriculum located on Joint Knowledge Online. Once individuals have completed this curriculum, they will be able to register for course JMESI-US400. Registration for the IES class will be closed when max capacity is reached or two weeks before course start date. Individuals who do not complete the prerequisite materials and register for the course before it closes will need to wait until the next iteration. Registration for each iteration is opened 90 days prior to the course start date. Course registration is capped at 300 attendees.

Phase 1 - (10 DL courses, each of the 10 courses takes about 1 hour to complete.). Course curriculum covers wide variety of subjects to include health care leadership, problem solving, data driven decision making, strategic communication, change management, access to care, and more.

To register for those courses sign into JKO (CAC-required),

Phase 2 - Once they have completed the 10 courses in Phase 1, they will be eligible to enroll in JMESI IES course by searching for course number US400, Course Name: JMESI - DHA Intermediate Executive Skills Course. If they have not completed Phase 1 they will be redirected to the DL courses needed before they can enroll in US400. The maximum class size for IES is 300.  However, the course is held three times per year.  

If you have any questions, please contact the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute staff.

The EXCEL Capstone Course is a pinnacle educational event for senior leaders in the MHS. Speakers include, but are not limited to:

  • Service Surgeons General
  • Senior leaders and staff from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
  • Director, Defense Health Agency
  • U.S. Surgeon General

Each Surgeon General nominates senior grade officers, primarily in the grade of senior O6 and O7, to attend this course. Priority is given to new lead agents, commanders of larger facilities, command surgeons, and other key staff. Participation is limited to only those invitees.

They present the most current information on hot topic health issues, HRO, TRICARE, military transformation, policy, and legislation, just to mention a few. The course is held three times a year in the National Capital Region.

Upcoming Course Dates

  • March 17-20, 2025 (Virtual)
  • July 14-17, 2025 (Virtual)
  • Nov. 17-20, 2025 (Virtual)
  • March 23-26, 2026 (Virtual)
  • July 13-16, 2026 (Virtual)
  • Nov. 16-19, 2026 (Virtual)

The EXCEL Capstone Course for MHS Leaders is a nominative course. We recommend that you contact your Corps/Career Branch manager for service specific nomination process for attendance.

Capstone Course Objectives

The Capstone objectives include the words and phrases:

  • Networking
  • Sharing
  • Unique ways of dealing with human relations
  • Patient safety
  • Homeland Security
  • Understanding policymaking
  • Policies shaping the delivery of DOD health care, indicating importance and applicability to the MTF commander.

With the smaller class size, direct interaction with policy makers and military health care leaders, and its joint audience the Capstone Course has come to provide firsthand, real world, applicable knowledge/information for the attendees to incorporate into their day-to-day and future work in the MHS.

Upon completion of the course the participants will:

  • Have an enhanced understanding of MHS policymaking including how policies are disseminated and the legal basis for those policies.
  • Gain a deeper sense of TRICARE issues and policies that shape the delivery of DOD health care.
  • Become familiarized with information systems to support executive decision-making, as well as tools for evaluating quality assurance, customer satisfaction, and metrics.
  • Have the opportunity to discuss issues of retention and recruitment from the military and national perspectives as well as financial and business matters as they relate to the MHS.
  • Share networking opportunities to include, but not limited to the Surgeons General, members of other services serving in similar capacities, OSD leaders including Deputy Secretaries, the VA, civilian health program managers, and academia.
  • Become familiar with unique ways of dealing with human relations and gain a better appreciation for the way they are perceived by others.
  • Exchange ideas on current issues such as risk management, patient safety, Homeland Security, bioterrorism, war fighters (the line) and Reserve Forces.
  • Gain an enhanced appreciation for transformation and fiscal issues within the DOD.

This course isn't open for enrollment. Each participant must be selected by their military branch/service. Each service follows its unique internal procedure to choose participants. We coordinate with the designated POC from each service, who then gives us the list of selected attendees. For more details, reach out to your Corps and/or Career Branch Manager.

If you have any questions, please contact the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute staff at


View or download the following publications of the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute.

Memorandum: Education and Training Shared Services8/29/2014
JMESP Core Curriculum and Competency Model 11th Edition12/5/2022
Joint Course Competency List12/20/2024
Joint Medical Executive Skills Program Competencies12/20/2024
Last Updated: December 23, 2024
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