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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Continuing Education Activity Development Guidance

The Defense Health Agency, J-7, Continuing Education Program Office is the accredited continuing education provider for health care professionals who support/care for U.S. active duty service members, reservists, military veterans, and their families. The guidance on this page and within the CE Activity Development Guidance Document is provided to assist with developing continuing education/continuing medical education and Certificate of Attendance educational activities.

DHA, J-7, CEPO assesses, reviews, and awards CE/CME credits for eligible educational activities.

The CE Activity Development Guidance Document can be downloaded here.

Note: CEPO is unable to provide CE/CME accreditation support for an activity that is simultaneously receiving CE/CME accreditation support with another CE/CME provider.

Fair Balance

The content or format of a CE/CME activity or its related materials must promote improvements of quality in health care and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest. A product or service must be presented in a fair and balanced manner with other similar products or services. Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options. Presenting Faculty should use scientific or generic names when referring to products in their educational materials. Should it be necessary to use a trade name, then the trade names of all similar products within a class should be used. Presentations that promote a brand, device, treatment, or trade name over others in a category cannot be accredited for CE/CME.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of Interests (COIs) are situations where personal or financial considerations compromise judgment, or where the situation may appear to provide the potential for professional judgment to be compromised. COIs may arise in CE/CME since the potential exists for professional judgment and practice to be biased by an economic interest in, or personal benefit from, professionally related commercial enterprises.

DHA Public Affairs Office Review and Approval

The Military Health System, U.S. government public affairs officer's review is focused on identifying and prohibiting the following: an implied U.S. government endorsement, branding, copyright violations, etc. When health-related topics are discussed, many times a review by MHS subject-matter experts are required to ensure the briefings align with MHS/DHA policy/procedures.

For Public Release means anything that is intended or may be released in the public domain (such as a publicly accessible website, a webinar, etc.).

508 Compliance

Electronic information should be created with people of all abilities and disabilities in mind. Presentations are required to be 508 compliant.

Note: A complete section detailing how to obtain 508 compliance training and requirements can be found in the CE Activity Development Guidance Document under the section entitled, "508 Compliance."


Last Updated: August 15, 2023
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