The Clinical Communities Speaker Series (CCSS) events are designed to address the professional practice gaps of our learners to improve the care that our health care professionals deliver. This CE/CME event is conducted to achieve results that reflect a change in skills, competence, and performance of the health care team, and patient outcomes. Collaboration occurs with the DOD, several government agencies, and other civilian experts for recruitment of academic subject matter experts, clinicians, and researchers to present on current promising, evidence-based research and best practices, thus enhancing the overall educational experience. Participants are expected to apply what they learned in providing patient care individually and collaboratively as a team towards improved patient outcomes.
Currently, we have multiple main CCSS events that highlight the following themes yearly:
- Women’s Health
- Children and Youth
- Primary Care
- Health Care Innovations
- Military Specific Care
Live and home study opportunities are offered for each CCSS. To view the current (live and home study) events that are being offered, check the CMS catalog.
Please contact our team if you'd like to be a speaker or included on future outreach for these events.