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Advancing Research. Delivering Results. Improving Lives.
Since 2001, the Department of Defense has cared for over 63,000 beneficiaries with some level of limb loss, including over 1,700 service members with deployment-related amputations. Of that number, over 400 service members have returned to duty thanks to advancements in military research and a holistic approach to patient care.
In 2009, DOD and Department of Veterans Affairs established the Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence to mitigate, treat, and rehabilitate traumatic extremity injuries and amputations. Since then, EACE continues to facilitate the most advanced care for amputation in the United States. The establishment of three DOD Advanced Rehabilitation Centers – co-located with military hospitals in San Diego, California; San Antonio, Texas; and Bethesda, Maryland – allows for eligible DOD and VA beneficiaries to receive state-of-the-art treatment and care from teams of multidisciplinary providers dedicated to achieving a meaningful quality of life for their patients following amputation or limb dysfunction.
During April, health care providers are encouraged to learn about limb loss diagnosis and treatment protocols. Service members, veterans, and family members with limb loss are prompted to discover tools and resources available.
- DHA observes April as Limb Loss Awareness Month to recognize and honor the sacrifices made by service members who have an amputation related to the defense of our nation.
- Since 2001, DOD has cared for more than 1,700 service members with deployment related amputations.
- Since 2001, more than 400 service members with amputation have returned to duty thanks to DOD’s commitment to extremity trauma research and advanced treatment.
- DOD provides advanced, holistic care for patients with any level of limb loss.
- The Defense Health Agency’s Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence is DOD’s leading advocate for patients with limb loss or dysfunction.
- EACE translates the best scientific research and knowledge into functional information for providers working with patients who sustained limb loss or dysfunction.
- DOD’s three Advanced Rehabilitation Centers are state-of-the-art facilities focused on the full restoration of normal human function to those patients who have sustained severe extremity trauma or amputation. The Advanced Rehabilitation Centers are co-located with military hospitals in San Diego, California; San Antonio, Texas; and Bethesda, Maryland. ARCs are open to eligible DOD beneficiaries of all ages.
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Last Updated: April 03, 2024