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The Defense Health Agency developed this digital toolkit to help you communicate with active duty service members and eligible beneficiaries about Walk-in Contraceptive Services. The toolkit gives you the information and resources to conduct a local education campaign to educate service members and patients in your geographic area about the new Walk-In Contraceptive Service areas when it comes online.
Walk-in Contraceptive Services are a resource within a military hospital or clinic where patients can get comprehensive contraceptive care in a single visit. This is a place where you can discuss your reproductive questions, goals, and challenges, and your contraception needs with a medical provider. Together you can decide how to your reproductive needs. This service is designed as a convenient single visit to reduce referrals and multiple appointments.
The goal of Walk-in Contraceptive Services is to support the overall wellbeing of the force and optimize warrior readiness and pregnancy planning. Walk-in Contraceptive Services include the provision of full scope, contraception related care for all active duty service members and for eligible beneficiaries capable of becoming pregnant on a space-available basis.
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Walk-in Contraceptive Services
Suggested Social Media Message: Find location and hours for Walk-in Contraceptive Services by checking your military hospital or clinic website, or visit to find additional locations and hours.
Walk-in Contraceptive Services (Instagram Reel)
Suggested Social Media Message: Visit for more information on how to access Walk-in Contraceptive Services.
See below for key messages and talking points for communicators. Use these to develop and tailor local messaging for your community.
- DOD is committed to improving access to reproductive health services to enhance patient health and individual readiness.
- Improved access to reproductive contraceptive care supports the overall wellbeing of the force.
- Access to comprehensive contraceptive counseling is critical to help service members plan and build their family building, manage or suppress menstruation, prevent of pregnancy, practice safe sexual behaviors, treat menstrual related medical conditions, and more.
- Beneficiaries can obtain contraception counseling and access at a Walk-in Contraceptive Services location or by talking to their primary care or other health care provider.
- DOD provides comprehensive resources to ensure all beneficiaries have access to information about methods of contraception and access to care.
- DOD is committed to improving access to reproductive health services and improving uniform force readiness.
- Recent DHA guidance directs all military hospitals and clinics to expand Walk-in Contraceptive Services for active duty service members and eligible Military Health System beneficiaries on a space-available basis.
- Walk-in Contraceptive Services include the provision of same-day, no appointment/no consult/no referral required contraception related care.
- Walk-in Contraceptive Services will enhance the overall wellbeing of the force and optimize warrior readiness and pregnancy planning.
- Several military hospitals and clinics already offer Walk-in Contraceptive Services. Other are still standing up their Walk-in Contraceptive Services. The DHA directed all military hospitals and clinics to establish Walk-in Contraceptive Services by January 2023.
Check your military hospital or clinic website for the status of Walk-in Contraceptive Services at your location, and the days/hours of services.
Use these graphics and suggested social media messages on your various social media sites. Feel free to tailor messages as needed for your local audience.

Suggested Social Media Message: Walk-in Contraceptive Services. Visit TRICARE.milTRICARE webpage to find out how and where to access them.

Suggested Social Media Message: Visit TRICARE.milTRICARE webpage for more information on Walk-in Contraceptive Services.

Suggested Social Media Message: Find out what Walk-in Contraceptive Services are available to you. Visit TRICARE.milTRICARE webpage.
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This card can be printed and placed in lobbies and waiting rooms or handed to patients. The QR code links to the Contact Us page where beneficiaries can request assistance or submit questions related to accessing contraceptive care.
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Last Updated: January 31, 2025