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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

Rhiannon Mouser draws a picture while sitting at her dining room table at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., June 8. Rhiannon took second place from 329 entries in the 2022 Air Force Art Contest’s “Youth 6-8 years” category. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jerry Saslav)
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Brand Resources for Communicators

Welcome to the MHS branding hub. Here, you'll find everything you need to use and create products with the MHS and DHA brands. We're working on developing more training and templates for you, so check back for updates.

Official Seals

Image for MHS Seal

Official Military Health System seal

Image for DHA Seal

Official Defense Health Agency seal


Image for DHA Logo Full Color

Defense Health Agency logo (full color)

Image for DHA Logo Black

Defense Health Agency logo (black)

Image for DHA Logo white

Defense Health Agency logo (transparent)

Branding and Style Guides

MHS Brand StandardsThe Military Health System brand as an enterprise is new to some of our beneficiaries. It’s important that MHS launches as an enterprise brand in a consistent manner to ensure our highly transient population receives the same care and information no matter where they may be. Consistent application of these guidelines builds trust in our beneficiary audiences. This brand guide provides the details and specifics on how to use the MHS brand.
MHS Enterprise Style GuideWriters and editors should follow the most recent edition of the Associated Press Stylebook, except as noted in this Style Guide. Where there are questions about branding or trademarks, please see the individual brand’s branding guide. All writing should follow established plain language guidelines and practices in compliance with the Plain Writing Act of 2010.
DHA Brand StandardsThe DHA brand represents the trust our beneficiaries place in us to take care of their health needs. Using the brand in a positive and consistent manner is part of showing DHA is worthy of that trust. DHA’s work is of highest interest to Congress, military and veteran organizations, DOD leaders, federal agencies, and the healthcare industry worldwide. This guide provides the details and specifics on how to use the DHA brand.
TRICARE Trademark and Branding ProgramThe TRICARE Trademark and Branding Program exists to regulate the usage of the TRICARE marks worldwide. This page is the official online source of information for members of the public seeking information about TRICARE trademarks and contains valuable information regarding the internal and external use of TRICARE-owned trademarks.
Current U.S. Military UniformsUse this guide to select photos of service members in the current uniform. Uniforms for all of the uniformed services are included.

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Last Updated: September 13, 2024
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