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Residency Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data

Program information last updated on November 8, 2024.

Program Disclosures

Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values? 

Yes or No: Yes

If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented:

The Womack Clinical Psychology Residency Program (CPRP) is an active duty Army Psychology Postdoctoral Program. Applicants applying to Army Psychology Postdoctoral Programs must meet basic entrance qualification standards established by the Department of Defense and the Army to serve as Active Duty Commissioned Officers. Such standards are designed to ensure that applicants are able to successfully perform their military duties. For example, applicants must meet medical qualification standards, age and citizenship requirements, physical fitness standards, and security qualification standards, in order to be accepted for military service. Under certain conditions, applicants who do not meet the qualification standards can be considered for a waiver. Each military service makes independent decisions regarding waivers. It is possible to receive a waiver from one service, but not from another. Each military service conducts their own selection board and all waivers must be approved prior to the Service’s individual selection board.

Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program. This description must be consistent with the program’s policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements:

The Womack Army Medical Center Clinical Psychology Residency Program is a year-long, full-time American Psychological Association (APA)-accredited post-doctoral residency program. The philosophy of our program is based on the practitioner- scholar model. The CPRP provides advanced training in the professional skills of diagnosis, treatment, assessment, consultation, and supervision. Residents also receive training in Aeromedical psychology. The primary aim of the program is to develop autonomous general practitioner psychologists capable of managing common challenges in both military and civilian practice while forming a professional identity as a clinical psychologist and Army Officer. Training focuses on mastery of clinical skills in therapy, assessment, consultation, empirically based clinical decision making, cultural competency and humility. The CPRP builds upon skills established during the internship year, with a specific focus on application of knowledge to leadership within a military environment and with a military population. The CPRP is designed to prepare residents for their expected first operational assignment as a Behavioral Health Officer. Residents receive extensive training to advance their military knowledge, skills and confidence, with an emphasis on command consultation, unit integration and officership. 

Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at time of application? If yes, indicate how many:

  • Total Direct Contact Hours: Not applicable

Describe any other required minimum criteria used to screen applicants:

Active Duty Applicants

Interested active duty applicants should speak with their Internship Program Director as early in the internship training year as possible to notify them of the intent to apply to Womack's CPRP. All active duty applicants must submit the Post-Internship Assignment Preference Memorandum to the Psychology Consultant, Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG) no later than June 1 of that training year. Those requiring a Permanent Change of Station to attend CPRP at WAMC will need the approval of the OTSG Psychology Consultant prior to applying. Current active duty applicants must also provide the following:

  • Copy of current Soldier Talent Profile
  • Copies of all completed supervisor evaluation forms from internship
  • Copy of the most recent Army Combat Fitness Test score card

Civilian Applicants

Military Entry Eligibility

  • Civilian applicants must be able to meet the medical and administrative requirements to serve as an Active Duty Officer in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps.
  • Applicants are encouraged to contact an Army Health Care Recruiter as soon as possible during the application process via the Army Recruiting website or via phone 1-888-550-ARMY (2769).

Application Information

  • Civilian applicants interested in applying to the Womack Clinical Psychology Residency Program must have completed an APA-accredited Clinical Psychology Internship Program and have completed all doctoral degree requirements by December 1 of the year preceding the start of the CPRP. Particularly strong candidates demonstrate excellent academic records, excellent organizational skills, flexibility, and are quick to adapt and learn in order to be successful in demonstrating the program’s aims and competencies.
  • If accepted, interested applicants will become Active Duty Army psychologists and will incur a service obligation upon commissioning.

Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year

Note. Programs are not required by the Commission on Accreditation to provide all benefits listed in this table.


  • Annual stipend/salary for full-time interns: $83,904
  • Annual stipend/salary for half-time interns: N/A

Medical Insurance

  • Does the program provide access to medical insurance for the intern? Yes
  • Trainee contribution to cost required? No
  • Coverage of family member(s) available? Yes
  • Coverage of legally married partner available? Yes
  • Coverage of domestic partner available? No

Other Benefits

  • Stipend: The $83,904 stipend above that Residents receive includes $61,224 base salary pay plus additional $22, 680 annual compensation in the form of tax-free monthly stipend for housing (if residing off-post) and subsistence, calculated as an O-3 with 0-2 years of service without dependents living in Fayetteville, NC (zip code 28310). Please see military pay calculator site for more specifics on military pay. For information on housing, please see the basic allowance for housing site.
  • Pay increases: Periodic length-of-service pay increases and annual pay increases.
  • Vacation: 30 calendar days (240 hours) per year.
  • Leisure Travel: Eligible for travel on military aircraft.
  • Education: Opportunities for continuing professional education (to include specialty fellowships).
  • Medical: Full coverage medical and hospital benefits for you and your family, low cost $500,000 life insurance, noncontributory retirement and disability retirement pay.
  • Moving reimbursement: Payment of travel expenses and shipping charges for families and personal goods when moving to internship site and follow-on assignments.
  • On base facilities:
    • Store shopping privileges such as: Post Exchange (department store) and commissary (grocery store) with lower prices and tax savings.
    • Sports and recreation facilities, childcare, movie theaters, and no or low-cost recreational activities. 

Initial Post-Residency Positions 2021-2024

  • Total # of residents who were in the three cohorts: 13
  • Total # of residents who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree: 0
Type of Position Post-doctoral Residency Position Employed Position
Academic teaching  
Community mental health center    
University counseling center    
Hospital/Medical Center: Military Health Care Center    13
Veterans Affairs Health Care System    
Psychiatric facility    
Correctional facility    
Health maintenance organization    
School district/system     
Independent practice setting    

Each individual represented in this table is counted only one time. For former trainees working in more than one setting, the setting selected represents their primary position.

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