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Army Clinical Social Work Internship

Program Type: Military Medical Center

Location: San Antonio, Texas

Accredited: No

Program Length: 26 months

Required Pre-Requisite Training: Intern must have a Master of Social Work Degree from a CSWE accredited University

Total Approved Complement: 10

  • Approved per Year: 5

Program Phone Number: 210-539-1269

Program Email:

Program Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Program Description

The Social Work Internship Program is a 26-month training program designed to give post graduate social work interns an introduction to military social work while gaining supervised experience towards state licensure requirements as a clinical social worker.

Mission, Vision & Aims


The SWIP is an educational bridge between the U.S. Army-University of Kentucky Master of Social Work program and independent social work practice. The SWIP allows for the advanced application of theory to practice in a supervised setting. It recognizes the skills of the master’s level social worker while fostering growth and development in pursuit of independent licensure. 


The SWIP is a formal training program designed to give social work interns an opportunity to build on their military social work skills. This training program is designed to enhance social work interns in becoming a Social Work Officer assigned to either a Brigade Behavioral Health Section, Area Medical Support Company or a Combat and Operational Stress Control Detachment. This training will expose the non- independently licensed active-duty social worker to key areas of practice within the military social work career field. It is a great opportunity for interns to refine, reinforce, and apply concepts and skills learned during their Master of Social Work (MSW) program. The intern benefits from an experience that teaches him/her about social work, the military culture, and provides preparation for independent clinical licensure.


This training experience gives interns:

  • An opportunity to train in a controlled environment in multiple practice areas.
  • Formal, structured, and monitored supervision to prepare for independent licensure.
  • Exposure to a standardized training curriculum.
  • Protection from assignment to the Professional Filler System (PROFIS), Report of Survey Officer, back-fill assignments, field exercises, on-call rosters, and other administrative duties.
  • Formal independent licensure exam preparation.
  • Specific training needed in preparation for deployment.
  • In-depth exposure to community agencies that support Soldiers and Families.
  • An educational platform for learning ethical decision making.
  • Exposure to the management and administrative skills required to lead and manage behavioral health clinics/service lines/departments.
  • An opportunity to develop an initial career plan.
  • Access to the training expertise and instructional resources of Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE).

Curriculum & Schedules

Interns will participate in weekly didactics facilitated by core faculty members and the program director. Topics of didactics align with military competencies ranging from basic Soldier tasks to scholarly journal reviews with the intent to create a well round behavioral health officer.

Each intern has a unique schedule outlined by the program director to ensure adequate supervision and resources. Rotation schedules typically begin the third week of SWIP. Length of rotation varies between three to six months dependent on the location in order to allow enough time to meet competencies.

Call Schedule

The intern may be required to work evenings or weekends or be on-call (under direct on-site social work supervision).

  • Soldier Recovery Unit
  • Addictions Medicine Intensive Outpatient Program
  • Residential Treatment Program 
  • Child and Family Behavioral Health Service 
  • Behavioral Health/Trauma Focused Intensive Outpatient Program 
  • Addictions Medicine 
  • Behavioral Health Officer Rotation: 90 days embedded with 1st Cavalry Division BHO at Fort Cavazos, Texas
  • Traumatic Event Management Course: One-week intensive training
  • Combat Operations Stress Control Course: One-week intensive training

For an intern to successfully complete the SWIP they must satisfactorily complete each of the four CORE Practice area rotations as identified below. Any exceptions must be granted by the SWIP Program Manager at Medical Center of Excellence. The four CORE Practice area rotations include:

  • Social Work Leadership and Management
  • Behavioral Health - (Behavioral Health Officer, Embedded Behavioral Health, Behavioral Health Clinic)
  • Family Advocacy Program
  • Addictions Medicine

Simulated training is available to provide realistic assessment of high-risk patients, command consultation and a variety of scenarios to test clinical skills in a controlled environment.

Social Work Leadership and Management is one of the CORE Practice area rotations which is assessed throughout the 26-month program. Interns will gain a broad understanding of management in behavioral health, be given the opportunity to lead a social work project and attend a middle managers course to gain valuable insight into informatic tools and resources to be successful as a clinic leader.

Scholarly and Professional Development Opportunities

There are no formal research requirements for the SWIP. Research opportunities may become available and must be coordinated through the SWIP Program Director and the Chief of Research and Program Development, Department of Behavioral Health.

Interns will be familiarized on quality improvement initiatives and provided opportunities to partake in department working groups to improve quality of care.

Interns will complete 14 modules of the Social Work Leadership Development Course through Distance Learning. They will be trained in at least one of the evidence-based training (i.e. Cognitive Processing Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing or Prolonged Exposure therapy) to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In addition, each intern will attend the Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care individual and group courses as well as the Family Advocacy Staff Training course.

Participating Sites

BAMC interns have a unique opportunity to participate in a 90-day temporary duty rotation at Fort Cavazos to work under the direct supervision of a 1st Calvary Division BHO. During this rotation, interns will learn the role of the BHO, how to effectively provide command consultation and work with their enlisted behavioral health technician counterparts.

Applicant Information & Interview Guidance

Application Process: Applicants must contact an AMEDD Health Care Recruiter to initiate the application process. Visit Army Recruiting and contact a recruiter by selecting “Get in Touch” in the upper right corner of the page, then selecting “Contact a Recruiter”, and selecting “Email Us” or by calling 1-888-550-ARMY.

No local interview conducted at this time. Subject to change based on Human Resources Command guidance.

SWIP graduates take the Association of Social Work Board’s Licensed Clinical Social Worker Exam. This exam is offered monthly. To become fully board certified, applicants are eligible to take LCSW certification exam dependent on state licensing board requirements.

Faculty and Mentorship

  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy
  • Written Exposure Therapy
  • Prolonged Exposure
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

BAMC SWIP provides multiple avenues for mentorships throughout the department of behavioral health whether in direct supervision, during department functions or ad hoc opportunities with key leaders. Interns are required to receive at least one hour of direct supervision per week with their rotational supervisors. They are provided direct supervision with the program director at least twice a month and encouraged to participate in quarterly “all-calls” meetings with the Social Work Consultant.


BAMC SWIP is a close-knit group which prioritizes family and mission. Interns participate in weekly physical fitness activities which fosters an Esprit de corps. Quarterly resilience days and routinely celebrate birthdays, holidays, and promotions as a team.

Contact Us

Social Work Internship Program


Brooke Army Medical Center
3551 Roger Brooke Dr.
JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-4504

Location: BAMC, 7E

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 210-539-1269

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