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Fellowship Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data

Program information last updated on August 26, 2024.

Program Disclosures

Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values? 

Yes or No: Yes

If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented:

The WRNMMC, NCC Forensic Psychology Post-Doctoral Fellowship is an Active-Duty Army/Navy Fellowship, so candidates must apply through a centralized application process and will serve on active duty during and after the Fellowship. Fellows will be active-duty Army/Navy officers and must therefore meet criteria for active duty in the Army/Navy, to include current physical strength/endurance and moral character requirements.

Active Duty Army Psychologists should access the MILPER (Military Personnel) message and read them carefully. A MILPER message is published annually, typically released between October-December each year. Interested applicants can check the HRC (Human Resource Command) website for the release of the recent LTHET MILPER instructions.

Navy application process, all fellowship opportunities are announced annually through a Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) notice. This notice describes all training opportunities for Naval Officers for Duty Under Instruction (DUINS) Degree and Non-Degree programs. Applicants must forward an application letter to the Commanding Officer, Navy Medicine Professional Development Center via the applicant’s commanding officer and specialty leader. Interested applicants can check the BUMED website for the release of the DUINS notice. 

Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program. This description must be consistent with the program’s policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements:

Applicants should carefully review the information on the WRNMMC NCC Forensic Psychology Post-Doctoral Fellowship Home Page. Of critical importance, all applicants must understand that they must be Active Duty Army/Navy Psychologists to be considered and selected for the fellowship.

Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at time of application? If yes, indicate how many:

  • Total Direct Contact Intervention Hours: Not applicable
  • Total Direct Contact Assessment Hours: Not applicable

Describe any other required minimum criteria used to screen applicants:


Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year

Note. Programs are not required by the Commission on Accreditation to provide all benefits listed in this table.


  • Annual stipend/salary for full-time interns: Starting at $90,050
  • Annual stipend/salary for half-time interns: Not applicable

Medical Insurance

  • Does the program provide access to medical insurance for the intern? Yes
  • Trainee contribution to cost required? No
  • Coverage of family member(s) available? Yes
  • Coverage of legally married partner available? Yes
  • Coverage of domestic partner available? No

Other Benefits

Variance in salary may occur dependent on a fellow’s Rank/grade and time in service. All pay and allowance tables can be found through the Department of Defense Military Compensation Calculator.  For housing allowance in Bethesda, Maryland please refer to the Department of Defense travel site.

Hours of Annual Paid Personal Time Off

30 calendar days.

Hours of Annual Paid Sick Leave

Not Applicable. As an active duty service member, students receive all necessary paid sick time. They are required to go through the proper medical channels to receive approval for sick time, surgical procedures, and any subsequent convalescent leave.

In the event of medical conditions and/or family needs that require extended leave, does the program allow reasonable unpaid leave to fellows in excess of personal time off and sick leave?


Other Benefits

  • Housing Allowance: All active-duty personnel receive a housing allowance based on local housing rates, rank and if they have dependents or not. Visit the Department of Defense travel site for housing rates. 
  • Basic allowance for sustenance: All active-duty personnel receive a monthly tax-free BAS stipend meant to offset the cost of food for the service member. You can find the rate through the Defense Finance & Accounting Service site.  
  • Compensation: All residents are active-duty military officers, who are paid according to their grade and time in service.
  • Liability insurance: Residents acting within the scope of their military duties are covered under the provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act (Title 28, U.S.C., Section 2679) which provides protection from individual tort liability.
  • Disability insurance, Medical & Dental care: Benefits for residents and their families shall be the same as those afforded by Public Law and DoD directives for active-duty military personnel.
  • Legal assistance: Benefits for residents shall be the same as those afforded by Public Law and DoD directives for all GS or active-duty military personnel.
  • Counseling services: counseling and psychological support through mental health professionals will be offered and made available to active-duty fellows at no charge.
  • Ombudsman: are available to advise and help fellows address unresolved questions/complaints/grievances in a confidential manner.
  • Permissive TDY (Professional Leave): Permissive TDY allows travel for approved professional reasons and is not counted against military leave.
  • Federal holidays: Active-duty personnel will receive federal holidays off while in the program.
  • Parental leave: Active-duty personnel receive 12 weeks of paid, non-chargeable parental leave to service members who have a child through birth, adoption, or a long-term foster care placement of at least 24 months. This is in addition to authorized convalescent leave for service members who give birth.

Initial Post-Internship Positions 2020-2023

  • Total # of interns who were in the three cohorts: 4
  • Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree: 0
Type of Position Post-doctoral Residency Position Employed Position
Academic teaching  1
Community mental health center    
University counseling center    
Hospital/Medical Center: Military Health Care Center  2  
Veterans Affairs Health Care System    
Psychiatric facility    
Correctional facility    
Health maintenance organization    
School district/system     
Independent practice setting    
Other   1

Each individual represented in this table is counted only one time. For former trainees working in more than one setting, the setting selected represents their primary position.

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