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Family Medicine

At A Glance

Program Type: Residency Program at a Military Medical Center

Location: Jacksonville, FL

Accredited: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)

Program Length: 3 years (a one-year preliminary internship is also offered)

Required Pre-Requisite Training: Graduation from Medical School

Categorical Year in Specialty Required: No

Total Approved Complement: 39

Approved per Year (if applicable): 13

Dedicated Research Year Offered: No

Medical Student Rotation Availability: MS3s (core clerkship site for USU medical students; HPSP and HSCP medical students on a space available basis) and MS4s

Additional Degree Concurrent with Training (e.g. MPH): No

Program Description

Accreditation Status

The Family Medicine residency program has been accredited by the ACGME since April 28, 1971.

Training Program

The Family Medicine Residency Program at Naval Medicine and Readiness Training Command Jacksonville is a premier residency program within the Department of Defense. The program provides all clinical and leadership opportunities and experiences required for success in Family Medicine around the globe. Graduates of the program are currently serving in every facet of Navy Medicine, to include executive medicine, academic medicine, and operational medicine.

Mission, Vision and Aims


Train Navy Family Medicine physicians ready to provide outstanding, full-spectrum care in any environment. 


To be the premiere Family Medicine training program recognized for patient care, leadership, and scholarship. 



  1. Prepare our graduates to be outstanding team members, leaders and educators within PCMH teams.
  2. Cultivate a spirit of robust process improvement.
  3. Develop resilience and sustained wellness.
  4. Ensure graduates are prepared for a military unique environment


  1. Maintain excellence in primary care through the clinic-first model.
  2. Incorporate advanced clinical technology.
  3. Develop partnerships to maximize educational opportunities.
  4. Prepare our graduates to identify and address healthcare disparities.


  1. Consistently improve our ability to advise and mentor residents.
  2. Develop residents as teachers.
  3. Develop physician leaders.


  1. Ensure all graduates pass their board examination on the first attempt.
  2. Ensure all faculty receive faculty appointment through the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences.
  3. Continue and increase our peer-reviewed submissions.
  4. Increase the amount of IRB and grant based research.
  5. Maintain clinical excellence in full-scope family medicine care.

Curriculum and Schedules

The program runs a daily morning report lecture in the main residency conference room. This conference schedule provides a wide range of topics including case presentations, subspecialty updates, high-yield board review, M&M, and other unique presentations on topics including DEI and social determinants of health. Thursday afternoons during the ambulatory week consist of a half-day of academics primarily focusing on ambulatory clinical medicine topics, quality/process improvement, and social determinants of health.

Our schedule is made up of 13, 4-week block rotations.

1st Year2nd Year3rd Year
  •  Inpatient Medicine - 2 blocks
  • Obstetrics - 2 blocks
  • General Surgery
  • Dermatology
  • Ultrasound/Radiology
  • Behavioral Health
  • Gynecology
  • General Pediatrics
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Military Medicine 
  • Inpatient Medicine 
  • Obstetrics
  • Practice Management
  • Family Medicine Clinic/Home Visits
  • Medical Specialty - Pulmonary/GI
  • Medical Specialty - Cardiology/Neurology
  • Geriatrics/Hospice
  • Surgical Specialty - Urology/ENT
  • Medical UCU 
  • Inpatient Pediatrics
  • Newborn Nursery
  • Electives - 2 blocks
  • Inpatient Medicine
  • Obstetrics 
  • Trauma - EM
  • Pediatric EM
  • Community Medicine
  • Procedures/Float
  • Pediatrics Clinic
  • Family Medicine Clinic/Home Visits
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Elective/SNF - 2 blocks
  • Elective - 2 blocks

This is a list of some potential elective rotation options. We are flexible and can accommodate almost any elective rotation if given enough notice for planning.

  • Acupuncture
  • Active-Duty Medicine
  • Allergy & Immunology
  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Diabetes Management
  • Endocrinology
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Flight Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Geriatrics
  • Gynecology
  • Hematology/Oncology
  • HIV Primary Care
  • Human Nutrition
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Inpatient Medicine
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Nephrology
  • Obstetrics
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Pediatrics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Podiatry
  • Procedures 
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Psychiatry
  • Public Health
  • Pulmonary Medicine
  • Radiology
  • Research
  • Rheumatology
  • Rural Primary Care
  • Sleep Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Urology
  • Wound Care
  • Most inpatient rotations are organized on day/night shifts of 12 hours or less in length, consisting of six days of duty and one scheduled day off per week.
  • Clinic weeks, elective, research, and most other rotations consist of five days of duty and two days off per week.
  • Residents may still participate in 24 hour calls during some of our rotations at partnering hospitals.
  • PGY1 – Residents have a dedicated Military Medicine block which includes opportunities to work with surface, sub, and flight medical communities.
  • PGY2/3 – Residents see patients in our Branch Medical Clinic (which exclusively cares for Active Duty personnel) on a longitudinal basis throughout their PGY2 and PGY3 years.

All residents are required to maintain BLS, ALS, PALS, and ALSO certification throughout residency. These courses are available at Naval Hospital Jacksonville. All residents complete the Combat Casualty Care Course or equivalent training prior to graduation. 

The Family Medicine Residency Program uses simulation as part of its didactic program throughout residency training. Command examples of the use of simulation include critical care, obstetrical care, trauma scenarios, and procedurals skills training.

The program provides a robust opportunity to develop leadership skills throughout residency training. These opportunities range from formal lectures to small group discussions to experiential learning. Opportunities start from the first day of training and increasing levels of responsibility are nurtured in a progressive nature over the 36 months of residency. Some examples include:

  • Opportunity to lead hospital teams on a regular basis.
  • Opportunity to lead residency committees.
  • Opportunity to participate in hospital committees.
  • Quality Improvement projects.
  • Scholarly projects.
  • Career Development Boards for all senior residents. 

Scholarly and Professional Development Opportunities

The Family Medicine Residency Program believes that it is a physician’s duty to advance our profession through scholarship of discovery, integration, application, engagement, and teaching.  To that end, the program strives to ensure that each graduate possesses basic knowledge, skills, and experiences in research and scholarly endeavors. Furthermore, the program aims to provide a rich array of opportunities and mentorship to participate in research projects across the full spectrum of medical specialties and in medical education and quality improvement.

We encourage resident participation in scholarly activity through support of residents presenting at the local, regional, national, and even international levels. Our residents have presented at the conferences for the following organizations:

  • Family Medicine Experience
  • American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
  • Society of Teachers in Family Medicine
  • Society of Hospital Medicine
  • Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians

Our residents have also had the opportunity to contribute as an author in peer-reviewed publications.

  • Modern health care institutions are complex adaptive systems. Our program strives to provide highly reliable, safe, and effective care for all our patients while providing high quality medical education for all learners that train in our institution. We practice a continuous quality improvement lifecycle to meet these goals and we aim to instill these habits in our trainees. We offer both program and institution level training opportunities to learn the knowledge and skills necessary to practice high quality continuous process improvement and effective patient safety practices.
  • Our program has a quality improvement and patient safety graduation requirement for all our trainees. All PGY-3 residents will complete an M&M review and departmental presentation.

Graduates of the Family Medicine Residency Program are universally sought out for assignments across the Department of Defense and are highly competitive for Family Medicine fellowships. The program supports dissemination of scholarly activities through publication and conference attendance. The program supports residents in their military officer development by providing military unique curriculum and professional development through military-specific training and career development.

Participating Sites

  • University of Florida Health – Jacksonville, Florida
  • Wolfson Children’s Hospital – Jacksonville, Florida
  • Mayo Clinic – Jacksonville, Florida
  • Malcom Randall Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center – Gainesville, Florida

Applicant Information, Rotation and Interview Opportunities

Our program offers rotations to fourth year medical students interested in applying to family medicine. Rotations are typically four weeks long and can be requested in a variety of clinical environments. Students interested in arranging a rotation should start by reviewing the “Medical Student Information” tab.  Rotation requests may be submitted within 6-12 months of the intended rotation month by emailing our GME department at

Third-year medical students may be able to be accommodated on a space-available basis.

  • Individuals interested in interviewing for our Family Medicine residency should email our GME office:
  • Our interview calendar for scheduling opens in May, to schedule for interviews in July – the first week of October.  
  • Our interview days are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we offer both in person and virtual interviews.  

Program graduates take the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) certification exam. This exam is offered bi-annually.  To become fully board certified, applicants are eligible to take board certification exam in the 3-6 months prior to graduation. To be eligible to take specialty board exams, graduates must complete all pre-requisites required by the ABFM.

Teaching Opportunities

Teaching is considered a core competency for trainees in our program. Trainees have opportunities to practice and hone their skills as educators from the outset of training in both formal and informal settings. Some examples of teaching opportunities available to all trainees in our program include:

  • Interns and residents teach third- and fourth-year medical students in both the inpatient and ambulatory setting.
  • Residents participate in teaching interns in both the inpatient and ambulatory setting throughout the academic year.
  • All residents are scheduled to develop and present an evidence-based medicine presentations (using the PICO format) during their intern year.
  • Residents design and deliver other educational sessions in lecture or small group format throughout the academic year.

Senior residents also can participate in the Faculty Development Elective through USUHS.

Faculty and Mentorship

Faculty supporting the Family Medicine Residency Program include Family Medicine physicians with fellowship training in the following areas:

  • Obstetrics
  • Sports Medicine
  • Faculty Development
  • We assign our residents a sponsor
  • Each resident has a faculty advisor.
  • Career Development Boards (CDB) are held for residents


Our program takes resident well-being and work-life balance seriously. Our schedule is structured to balance the provision of robust clinical training with reasonable time away from the workplace. Residents receive one day off in every seven days on inpatient rotations and typically receive two days off in seven on outpatient and elective rotations. PGY-1 trainees are authorized 21 days of days away from training while PGY-2 and PGY-3 trainees are authorized 28 days away from training per year. All trainees are authorized 12 weeks of parental leave in accordance with DOD policy should they wish to utilize it during training (birth parents get an additional six weeks of convalescent leave after delivery).

The program and institution have a rich array of resources available for trainees to help support their health and wellness including a peer support program, behavioral health resources, financial planning resources, chaplain services, and military and family life counseling. We also provide residents with access to LifeBridge, and physician wellness program through the Duval County Medical Society.

Contact Us

Family Medicine Residency Program

Location: Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Family Medicine Department , 2nd Floor of Outpatient building

Hours of Operation:

7 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET

Phone: 904-542-7606

Alternate: 904-542-7762

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