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U.S. Army Dept of Aerospace Medicine
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U.S. Army Department of Aviation Medicine

Location:  Fort Novosel, Alabama

Military Hospitals and Clinics:  Associated with Lyster Army Medical Clinic.

Number of Graduate Medical Education programs: 2

Number of Graduate Allied Health Education programs:  None.

Total number of Residents/Fellows:  15

Number of inpatient beds:  None

Major inpatient clinical services:  None

Number of Operating Rooms:  None

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About Us

The U.S. Army Department of Aviation Medicine is located on Fort Novosel, Alabama, the home of Army Aviation. The installation is the site of the initial flight training of all Army aviators and has five active flightlines, to include the busiest in the U.S. Army. DAM is the rally point of aviation and medicine, thus making it the ideal site to train future Army’s Aerospace Medicine specialists. In addition to providing the aeromedical training to all flight students, it provides aeromedical instruction to produce the Army’s flight surgeons, aeromedical physician assistants and nurse practitioners, critical care flight paramedics and aeromedical psychologists to meets its operational medicine demands. It also hosts courses in Joint Enroute Critical Care and MEDEVAC Doctrine. This mission profile allows us to develop our residents into the subject matter experts in all aspects of aviation medicine and patient movement in the battlefield.

DAM in collocated with Lyster Army Health Clinic which serves as its primary clinical site. There are several other local patient healthcare institutions that residents rotate within during their training, as well as other military installations, several military medicine courses, as well as aerospace industry sites such as Kennedy Space Center and Virgin Galactic.


Graduate physicians capable of providing primary and consultative health care while leading and conducting advanced, systems-based aerospace medicine programs for military and civilian personnel focused on integration, sustainment, and protection of the Warfighter in the full spectrum of operational and training environments.


To produce a professionally developed and modernized aeromedical force focused on serving as the foundation on which Army Aviation Medicine is built, sustained, and transformed to enable the Combatant Commander to compete and win in Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO).


We accomplish our mission by living the Army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor integrity and personal courage and incorporating them into the practice of patient care and military operational medicine.


To provide quality clinical and didactic training that incorporates the six ACGME competencies (professionalism, patient care and procedural skills, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, and systems-based practice) and Aerospace/Occupational Medicine milestones to ensure that the resident physicians can, upon graduation, administer quality care, ensure patient safety, provide medical leadership, and medically advise their command within military community to safeguard a healthy fighting force to win the Nation's wars.

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